Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Our Mandate [Silver Jedi Council]

[SIZE=9pt][member="Rasu Gan"] | [member="Vexander Graves"] | [member="Sochi Ru"] | [member="Leori Sheltrak"] | [member="Josiah Denko"][/SIZE]​
There has been much occupying Iella's mind of later, and so too all the members of the Silver Jedi, Masters, Knights and Padawans alike. With the rumours of impending war within the galaxy, the Order of the Silver Jedi Council needed to convene to discuss their stance of the situation. With the growing threat of the New Order and the Horde to the east and south of the galaxy respectively, it is time. The New Order is position to far from them .. in reach if they are to venture toward Voss. The Horde moving rapidly toward CIS space and well within range of their boards. There is no doubt in Iella's mind that sooner rather then later threat would come.

Iella had sent a message to the Silver Jedi Council members to sit in council. She needed their views of the coming situation and to form a clear mandate if they are to go to aid those threatened by a mutual foe. There is much to talk about and not a pleasant topic but it is a necessity. She entered the newly built Council Chambers and took her seat, her hand rested on the large round table centered in the middle of the room and waited for her fellows to join her.
War. Something Rasu despised and had vowed to cleanse from the galaxy. War had been the reason she had left the Republic, finding their hunger for it disgusting, when their efforts should be put into eliminating the risk of another conflict instead of pushing for one. The galaxy had seen enough violence, in Rasu's opinion, however she knew that it would not just go away, and if the Silver Jedi could help bring the conflict to swifter finish, then she would be willing to take part.

Already fresh from the chaos of battle, Rasu had only just returned from Chaeronea. having led her own Oxford Company into the fight alongside others of the Silver Order's army. Rasu had laid witness to atrocities that she had never even thought possible, and she had taken part in many an invasion alongside the Republic. This was a new era, with factions gearing up for what would be one of the most gruesome war's in galactic history, the Shi'ido was sure of it, and it terrified her. There would be no hiding, either one joined the fight or was consumed by the galactic powers involved.

Rasu was sure the Order would make the right choice, and whether the Council voted against fighting or staying to the side, Rasu would support the decision, even though her own vote was clear. The Shi'ido entered the Council chambers, taking her own seat opposite Iella. Offering a polite nod, she smiled at her fellow Master and friend. Already she could feel the tension of the meeting weigh down on her, even before it had begun. War was indeed approaching, Rasu just hoped the Order was ready for it.

[member="Iella E'ron"] | [member="Vexander Graves"] | [member="Sochi Ru"] | [member="Leori Sheltrak"] | [member="Josiah Denko"]
There had been a message sent to her, calling for a council meeting. In the back of her head she knew what it would be about, and it wasn't going to be long before they had to have this conversation. She swiftly made her way to the Council Chambers, entering to see two of her friends awaiting the arrival of the others; and she assumed she was early. She made her way to her seat which would be between them both. She nodded to them both as she sat down.

It would be obvious that this meeting would be concerning war. These were the reasons she withdrew from The Republic, it was her visions that prompted her to remove herself. Knowing that the future is susceptible to change, she wanted to find a smarter way to deal with these conflicts; though these situations were inevitable. She sat back, and folded her hands within her lap.

[member="Rasu Gan"] | [member="Iella E'ron"] | [member="Leori Sheltrak"] | [member="Vexander Graves"] | [member="Josiah Denko"]
Upon making a return from his time away from the Jedi Order, Josiah was immediately thrust into the fires of war. The Battle of O'reen, a senseless conflict that should never have occurred, caused the young master to grow sick with the very concept of war. He was a Jedi! It was his duty to defend the innocent and cut through the darkness; not stamp upon the front lawns of other worlds. For this reason, it was an elementary task to follow his former apprentice to the new order known as Silver...and for once, Josiah felt like he was home. Yet, despite the comfort of being amongst like-minded individuals, dedicated to causes of Good and Light; the Galaxy moved ever forward. As the nations grew and new governments formed, the drums of war were threatening to beat. At the very edge of the space occupied by the late Sith Empire was a new entity: the aptly-named New Order...and to the South was a malicious entity known as the Horde.

Both sought blood. Heaps of it. And the southernmost entity was situated right beneath Josiah's former home: the Confederacy. Having made a life within that nation...having stood alongside its men and women of honor...and having sired a child with the love of his life there; there was indeed a concern that formed in the pit of the young Master's stomach. Although he recited the Code over and over in his mind, he could not stave off the horde of butterflies which assailed his stomach when he thought of the predicament. What if something happened to his wife? What if something happened to his child? There is no Emotion...There is Peace. Inhaling a deep breath, the Jedi settled himself as he sat beside his former apprentice, giving her a small nod. She had convened a meeting of the Council to discuss a topic that was fresh on their minds...War.

"Well, let's hope it doesn't take the threat of Galactic War to get us all in the same room next time." he said in an attempt to break the ice, "For its been far too long since I have seen the lot of you."

[member="Sochi Ru"] | [member="Rasu Gan"] | @Iella E`ron | [member="Leori Sheltrak"] | [member="Vexander Graves"]​
Leori answered her summons to the Council Chambers, and found that many of the Jedi Masters had already convened and were seated. And she entered just as a male Jedi Master was speaking. She offered a nod to her comrades before taking her seat.

She had gone on a leave of absence after leaving the Republic to meditate on her path. The Jedi Master had accompanied Iella and a few others on a relief mission recently, but thus far she'd had her hands full with her duties as a healer, and in training others.

For the moment, she was going to listen.
[SIZE=9pt]A respectful nod was all Iella did as each member of the Council entered and took their seats. The subject matter weight heavy on her mind but she could not help but form a smile at Josiah's comment. At this moment, the doors slid open and a service droid carrying a tray full of assorted hot Cafs and Teas and a rather large tray of puff cakes, the aroma of which filled the entire chambers.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Iella stood and thanked the droid, as the droid placed the tray on the edge of the council table. She began to pour the hot liquids in cups for those that wished to partake and moved the plate of puff cakes more onto the table but close by her old Master. She did not look at him but the look on her face would tell him of her meaning.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]"These have been a long time in coming Josiah, I had promised you these puff cakes ages ago. They are from Corellia, with a touch of Vanillia in them. The best in the Galaxy", she gave him a wink.[/SIZE] It was a jest yes, but one more for her own benefit to ease the tension somewhat.

"Now I have asked you all here today, to take about our position if and when the War in the Galaxy begins... and unfortunately it will. As we have on affiliations with any Government and we shall keep it that way, but we must discuss what we will do. If we are to go and aid our friends or not. My position on this matter is that we do, however not to fight their wars for them, but in a supportive capacity". She said as she continued to pour the teas and offer them out.

Iella moved with cup in hand back to her seat and sat waiting for all their opinions.
Sochi's head turned to view her dear friend Iella speaking on the subject of todays discussion. She listened intentively, really trying to draw in everything she was saying. It would seem this concerned their positions regarding the upcoming wars, they were inevitable; from any perspective.

She thought back to her visions, the horrors of the impending and upcoming dangers. She brought her hand on and allowed her index finger to rest upon her chin as she contemplated. She sat up in her seat and began to interject a few of her own soft words on the matter.

"Its our duty to combat the corruption head on, and to aid our fellows and those that need it. I've no quarrel with aiding our brothers and sisters, as long as we're aware of the fact that this will put us on the radar of the enemy." she said softly.

[member="Iella E'ron"] | [member="Rasu Gan"] | [member="Vexander Graves"] | [member="Josiah Denko"] | [member="Leori Sheltrak"]
The combination of humor and the aroma of fresh caf typically did wonders for breaking the ice; and the young Master was grateful to his former apprentice for her foresight. Before them laid a long discussion about what the Order's stance on the Galactic War would there was nothing like a laugh and an influx of caffeine to take the edge off. As the service droid wheeled in the tray, which was burdened by the aforementioned beverage and...a mountain of the most succulent treats in all the Galaxy...the smile plastered upon Josiah's face only grew. Studying under him years ago drove a single fact into Master E'ron's head: Josiah and puffcakes had a rather intimate relationship bordering on addiction! As such, when the tray's voyage concluded, the Jedi eagerly rubbed his hands together and reached out for the peak of the puffcake mountain. "The best in the Galaxy you say?" he said, returning his former apprentice's wink before taking a bite out of the succulent pastry. OH she was right...these were oh so good. The hint of vanilla complimented the overall flavor beautifully and the flakiness was out of this world...

...However, the best puffcakes still were from Nar Shaddaa, but Corellia's officially beat Coruscant by a landslide in his opinion...

Swallowing, Josiah then exhaled rather contently and reached for a cup of kaf. He indulged in a hearty sip whilst [member="Iella E'ron"] introduced the matter at hand. The rich, robust flavor cascaded down his throat like a mighty tide, awakening his senses with ease. Suffice it to say, Iella knew Josiah like the back of her hand; a fact that amused him to no end. However, there would be time for reveling in such things after the discussion. So, prior to devolving into complete seriousness, he said: "The puffcakes are delicious, but Nar Shaddaa still has them beat. Remind me to make good on my promise to take you to the bakery I frequented as a lad later on." There was a pause, punctuated by another sip of kaf before he set the cup down upon the tray. His arms then folded across his chest and his lighthearted expression was replaced with one of utmost gravity. When [member="Sochi Ru"] voiced her opinion, Josiah hearkened to every word before mulling the matter over in his own mind. Quite the conundrum it was, of this there was no doubt. Upon formulating what he believed to be a proper response, the Master then spoke.

"When I made my return to the Jedi Order, the first directive given to me was the Battle of O'reen. Willingly, I followed the request of Grandmaster Halcyon and stood alongside the Republic and my brethren as we marched upon an innocent world. The fall of the Sith Empire by our hands was something to be proud of...but this? This was something that I now see that declining was the only right choice."
he began, electing to introduce his point through a story all of them could easily relate to. "The simple fact of the matter is, the Galactic Republic is not the only one whose hands are guilty of the acts which made it a target by its neighboring nations. No, there were many wardens of the Light, our brethren Jedi who still reside in the Republic, who willingly made these choices as well. They freely chose to fight, just as we freely chose to begin anew."

There was yet another pause. This one was not punctuated by a sip of kaf, but a sigh; one filled to the brim with remorse. "It is for that reason that my thought on the matter is simple. Those who have stayed within the Jedi Order, who are above the age of credibility, willingly contribute to that which has made the Galactic Republic a target. As such, in the event of war, it is my opinion that our focus should be upon those who have not willingly stained their hands. It is my opinion that the Younglings should be liberated from the fire that is to consume the Republic. For the rest, it is simply not worth painting a target upon our backs. We are small and safe. Although unaffiliated, our goal and message is enough that, if need be, friends could be made throughout the Galaxy that could thereby add to our security. Risking life and limb for the Galactic Republic will bring about our ultimate matter how much it pains me to say it."

[member="Iella E'ron"] | [member="Rasu Gan"] | [member="Sochi Ru"] | [member="Leori Sheltrak"] | [member="Vexander Graves"]​
[member="Iella E'ron"] | [member="Sochi Ru"] | [member="Josiah Denko"] | [member="Leori Sheltrak"] | [member="Vexander Graves"]

Rasu smiled as each member took there own seats, offering a nod of acknowledgement as each Jedi entered. It was a warm sight indeed to see so many of them again, with many of their other duties keeping the Council members separated elsewhere. She was glad however to rest her eyes on the familiar faces again, despite the circumstances of their gathering.

Taking a delicate cup from the service droids trolley, she leaned back in her chair, the caf nestled among her green hands. The liquid's heat seeped from the exterior providing a pleasurable warmth upon the Shi'ido's fingertips. Bringing the drink up to her lips, Rasu took a careful sip, testing the temperature of the caf, before taking a larger swig, finding the liquid at a reasonable heat. Shuffling slightly in the great chair, Rasu got herself comfortable as she listened to the present members speak.

War. There is was, now out in the open. It could no longer stay hidden from the Order, and Rasu was slightly relieved to hear that the Master's shared her own thoughts on the matter, a small smile appearing after the words of both Josiah and Sochi. Both spoke sense, knowing that the Order's neutrality would come to an end in the coming conflict. All that remained would be to decide who they fought with, or if the Jedi would even fight alone.

The Jedi Master still felt slightly hostile towards her brethren in the Republic, knowing the rising conflict was partially of their doing, but Rasu wasn't of the kind to abandon any being to the harsh treatment of the Sith. Easing her thoughts, Rasu took another sip of her caf, bring her left hand up to rub her temple as she continued to listen in on Master Denko's words. The Jedi found herself nodding at the human's words, finding much sense in the idea sprung up by the man. It appeared she wasn't the only one with ill feelings towards those of the Republic.

"I must admit, I am conflicted when it comes to aiding the Republic." Rasu said, adding her own voice to the discussion behind her cup of caf. "It was the Jedi of the Republic, not the Republic itself, that made me want to leave the Order. And I agree with Master Denko, aiding the Republic could most surely bring about our own doom, but it just doesn't sit right with me. I'm not one to abandon any helpless being, even if they are ones that betrayed you, and I sense you all feel the same." Pausing she looked into the cup, watching the ripples form in the liquid as she picked up again.

"Our main priority is the preservation of our own Order. Second of which should be aimed to that of our allies, the Levantine Sanctum and the Confederacy who have offered us sanctuary on various occasions before finding Voss. We owe the Republic nothing, yet I can't sit here and allow my old home to perish." she said, looking up from her cup now, into the eyes of the Council members. "We should assist them, but only with sparing forces. A representative unit perhaps? I wouldn't feel comfortable sending all of our forces to aid a Republic that's goals we don't agree with."
[member="Rasu Gan"] [member="Josiah Denko"] [member="Sochi Ru"] [member="Iella E'ron"]

Leori didn't take anything from the offered trays. She tried not to eat that sort of thing, considering that she did not eat frequently enough. The Jedi Master had to stick to food that would keep her body going for longer than it took the burn the sugar off. But anyway, that wasn't important. What was important, was for Leori to be attentive and listening to the other masters, and not thinking about food.

This particular Jedi Master had her own feelings on the subject, but she was more interested in how others felt. Particularly since they'd all left due to shared feelings only recently. It would be interesting to see what state of mind her colleagues had now that they were on their own. Iella was opting for a supporting role. As did Sochi. But when Josiah spoke, she sat up straighter. He was hesitant. So was Leori. She had to hear more.

Rasu spoke next. She still seemed conflicted as well, as they were when all of this began. It was difficult not to be confused and conflicted. Like the Force, it's not all light or dark. Leori took her turn then.

"While I do not wish to see harm come to our comrades, I do not believe that we should go charging to the aid of those that remained behind. They had the same choice that we did. They came to a different decision. I can respect that. We will see casualties of war until the day that we become one with the Force. I see them every day. And I do my best each and every day to undo the damage and save lives. I do this because I have the power to, and I swore an oath to. But I do not stand on the front lines and wait for the fall out. I think the best way we can aid our comrades is to have somewhere for them to go when they grow tired of the fighting. To have somewhere to go when they wish to reflect upon their actions and meditate on their next course of action. If we go charging after them, then I believe we haven't really made our stand, and we might as well rejoin them."

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