Zeradias Mant
Democracy Dies in Darkness
The Galactic Alliance had held dominion over countless planets of the galaxy. Following the sack of Coruscant, the Alliance saw a sharp decline in power, eventually leading to their withdrawal from Coruscant along with most of their territory. The mission of Coruscant First complete, the task before it lay far beyond simple reconstruction after the razing from the Sith Empire.
Independence at last, and Zeradias was the leader of the planet at when it was obtained. Though a fierce patriot and populist leader, he was not devoid of the importance of foreign relations, nor were many other planets which had been governed under the clutches of the Alliance. While larger, parent factions attracted enemies of their own which wrought destruction upon their subjects, as demonstrated on Coruscant, independent factions were not immune from hostilities or other encroaching powers seeking to engulf the planets for their own domain. They could resist, but the prospect of defeat at catastrophic cost was too real to stand alone. Others seemed to share this sentiment, as intelligence reports cited that foreign leaders had similar concerns Zeradias confided in his Cabinet.
Independence was had, and independence must be maintained. Collaboration with other planets was not just a necessity, but a fact of life. In an encrypted communique to select foreign leaders, Zeradias would invite those leaders to meet on neutral ground to engage in deliberations in which their respective worlds would collaborate for safe and secure future in which they may protect their independence and way of life.
No more would these planets suffered in one way or another at the hands of a foreign power.
No more would these planets submit themselves to foreign mandates which might dictate their loyalties.
Their heads were bloodied, but they were far, far from broken.
In a shared endeavor for the preservation of their way of life, should they answer the call, would work collectively to ensure they wouldn't be subject to the same fate as their predecessors before them.