Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Out of town for a while

I'll be away from today till Saturday on music business, so I'll have to resort to using my phone, and infrequently. This means lots of crappy posts are a-coming until I can get my hands on a computer again. This also means it'll be really tough to get said crappy posts in, so I thought I might as well post it here.

So, in the spirit of high school, this effects these people:

[member="Joza Perl"]- That one popular kid that you have to work on a project with
[member="Lady Kay"]- That one really nice kid that leads Student Council
[member="Darlyn Excron"]- That one kid that wants to be a police officer just so they can beat people up legally
[member="Hyori Tal"]- That one goth chic you know has a heart buried deep in there somewhere
[member="Ryss Ankarr"] and the Rancors- Your new friend group that's run by a person that was homeschooled for a while
@Jynx- That one kid you don't know too well, but helps you get over a wall in your life


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="Ghorua the Shark"]

Crappy posts on phones? :p I post from my phone most of the time. I get so little laptop time, that I have to use my phone.

Have fun! And remember to save your voice for our project too ;)

And yay! I lead the student council! :D
[member="Ghorua the Shark"]

That is surprisingly accurate to the character.

Probably not the best time to tell you then I am actually in the process of learning the stuff i need to become an officer in real life then huh? *chuckle*

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