[SIZE=11pt]“Outer-Heaven Security”.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]NPC Combat Unit Template 3.0.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Intent:[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] To create and give depth to the lore and personnel aboard the Outer-Heaven Space-Station, providing the environment/society with a Police Force to promote Law and Order, as well as ensuring the safety and well-being of those whom live upon the Station.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Image Credit:[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Click here[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt].[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Role:[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] Security/Police Force.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Unit Name:[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] Outer-Heaven Security.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Outer-Heaven Security are notable for their blue jumpsuits/uniforms and black armor overlay; in some cases requiring the use of riot gear when facing down a reportedly hostile force but otherwise seeking to look non-threatening during routine patrol duties.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]These officers of the law aboard the Outer-Heaven Space Station are necessarily armed for the safety of the station’s society and growing economy. After-all, where there are credits to be made, there is also criminal activity to be found.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Sanctioned and funded through the Government Sector of the Space-Station, the Security Force are equipped with a number of speeder types, also recognizable for their particularly unique paint jobs declaring their title/role, as well as their sirens and flashing lights (traditionally, blue and red).[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Outer-Heaven Security is a Private Sector Organization whose loyalty to the Space-Station has been paid for under contract of long-term employment. The types of personnel required for such a job are required to be persons of notable integrity, yet also not afraid to get their hands dirty when met with resistance. The size of the Force itself is quite considerable, given the needs of the Space-Station, and a large portion of Outer-Heaven’s financial economy is put into the continued safety, law and order for the people.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Unit Size:[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] Large.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Unit Availability:[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] Common.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Unit Experience:[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] Trained.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Combat Function:[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Outer-Heaven is an upper-class mobile Station designed to cater to, and sustain a mobile economy of citizens all whom are able to fulfill their daily needs (Whether that be careers, hobbies or living), aboard the roaming space-station heavily financed through private investors. The Station comes with it's own chain of command and security force managed by the Government Sector, to promote the safety of the community while too keeping their financial and social economics running smoothly.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]With the manufacture and launch of the “Outer-Heaven” Space Station, obvious risks to the continued health and safety of those on board became a high priority, and given the Station’s want to remain neutral where Galactic Politics are concerned, it was deemed safer to enlist in the Stations own private security sector in order to gain the appropriate number of personnel capable of keeping the peace, whilst also maintaining their image and reputation of non-bias where other greater political factions and organizations were concerned.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]With funding from Locke & Key Mechanics, as well as House Arenais (famous for their neutrality stance over the Commenor Systems Alliance), Outer-Heaven’s Security Force has been established upon high moral calbre of integrity and ideals, promoting a safe and law abiding society where community and cooperation are among the highest priority. In this, despite the security sector’s purpose, the people are encouraged to feel safer with the presence of law enforcement agents and for the most part, armed personnel are a sign of a structural hierarchy focused on keeping the people's interests and well-being at heart.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]NPC Combat Unit Template 3.0.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Intent:[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] To create and give depth to the lore and personnel aboard the Outer-Heaven Space-Station, providing the environment/society with a Police Force to promote Law and Order, as well as ensuring the safety and well-being of those whom live upon the Station.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Image Credit:[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Click here[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt].[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Role:[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] Security/Police Force.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Outer-Heaven Civilian Space Station[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt].[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Law Enforcement Agency[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt].[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Security Police[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt].[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Unit Name:[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] Outer-Heaven Security.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Outer-Heaven Civilian Space Station[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt].[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Outer-Heaven Government Sector.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]House Arenais[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] (Funding).[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Locke & Key Mechanics[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] (Funding).[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Stun Batons[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt].[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Stun Gun[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt].[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]DL-18 Blaster Pistol[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt].[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]E-5 Blaster Rifle[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt].[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Gas/Smoke Grenades[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt].[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Riot Armor[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt].[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Police Speeders[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt].[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Outer-Heaven Security are notable for their blue jumpsuits/uniforms and black armor overlay; in some cases requiring the use of riot gear when facing down a reportedly hostile force but otherwise seeking to look non-threatening during routine patrol duties.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]These officers of the law aboard the Outer-Heaven Space Station are necessarily armed for the safety of the station’s society and growing economy. After-all, where there are credits to be made, there is also criminal activity to be found.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Sanctioned and funded through the Government Sector of the Space-Station, the Security Force are equipped with a number of speeder types, also recognizable for their particularly unique paint jobs declaring their title/role, as well as their sirens and flashing lights (traditionally, blue and red).[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Outer-Heaven Security is a Private Sector Organization whose loyalty to the Space-Station has been paid for under contract of long-term employment. The types of personnel required for such a job are required to be persons of notable integrity, yet also not afraid to get their hands dirty when met with resistance. The size of the Force itself is quite considerable, given the needs of the Space-Station, and a large portion of Outer-Heaven’s financial economy is put into the continued safety, law and order for the people.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Unit Size:[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] Large.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Unit Availability:[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] Common.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Unit Experience:[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] Trained.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Combat Function:[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Armed Defenders Squadrons.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Police Patrols.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Hostage negotiation and rescue tactics.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Urban Warfare protocols and training.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Explosives training.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Firearms and close quarter combat training.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Evasive piloting/driving tactics and training.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Pursuit and incapacitation combat techniques.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Medical/First Aid Training.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Emergency Response.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Trained to meet the needs Outer-Heaven’s economy and citizenship, as well as equipped with Police Vehicles/Speeders in order to transition from sector to sector in timely fashion.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Peace Keepers of the Outer-Heaven Space Station, providing a sense of security to the people and their businesses aboard the space giant.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]This is a peacekeeping organization, not a military force and does not hold the assets or capacity to go to war with larger, more heavily equipped external forces.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Outer-Heaven Security are equipped with general standard gear due to financial requirements and thus susceptible to trained veteran/elite level of opposition.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Outer-Heaven is an upper-class mobile Station designed to cater to, and sustain a mobile economy of citizens all whom are able to fulfill their daily needs (Whether that be careers, hobbies or living), aboard the roaming space-station heavily financed through private investors. The Station comes with it's own chain of command and security force managed by the Government Sector, to promote the safety of the community while too keeping their financial and social economics running smoothly.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]With the manufacture and launch of the “Outer-Heaven” Space Station, obvious risks to the continued health and safety of those on board became a high priority, and given the Station’s want to remain neutral where Galactic Politics are concerned, it was deemed safer to enlist in the Stations own private security sector in order to gain the appropriate number of personnel capable of keeping the peace, whilst also maintaining their image and reputation of non-bias where other greater political factions and organizations were concerned.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]With funding from Locke & Key Mechanics, as well as House Arenais (famous for their neutrality stance over the Commenor Systems Alliance), Outer-Heaven’s Security Force has been established upon high moral calbre of integrity and ideals, promoting a safe and law abiding society where community and cooperation are among the highest priority. In this, despite the security sector’s purpose, the people are encouraged to feel safer with the presence of law enforcement agents and for the most part, armed personnel are a sign of a structural hierarchy focused on keeping the people's interests and well-being at heart.[/SIZE]