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Outer Rim Military Engineering

Rick Kaloo

Outer Rim Military Engineering
Throughout the millennia, constant warfare has taken its toll on the galaxy. The knowledge of ancient civilizations has been almost completely lost, and the only field of technology that does not stagnate is that of warfare. With the next great war on the horizon, it is only a matter of time before we all turn to dust.
But there is still hope. As Ne-Cal Military Engineering grew, I began to realize my company's true potential. With enough products put in the right places, war could be prevented where negotiations fail. When military technology is employed for the good of the people, there can sometimes be a greater benefit. Now, as Outer Rim Military Engineering, we all know our purpose. Through our countless innovations, we will make the galaxy a safer place.
Translated speech, by ORME CEO Rick Kaloo, Company Assembly circa 835 ABY
Outer Rim Military Engineering (Stock Initials: ORME) is a large, general-purpose military company with hundreds of major production facilities in, as the name implies, the Outer Rim. Officially led by Rick Kaloo, but with de facto power going to a council of executives, the company has existed and expanded for nearly twenty continuous years. It has seen times of great prosperity, and there have been times where galactic warfare comes smashing into Outer Rim's central assets. But the company still thrives, stronger than ever.

Its products range from small handguns to supercarriers four and a half kilometers long. Anything that is trending in the military industry, ORME adapts.

Outer Rim's headquarters was formerly The Blade, but after its destruction in the invasion of Mon Calamari, ORME established its central administration on the planet of Oraim Mei.
Important Note: Outer Rim Military Engineering works hard to maintain its reputation as a benevolent company, as selling to shady sources may one day lead to war and consequent technological stagnation. Outer Rim is not a selfish, greedy company, and does not support the use of its products for genocide or unjust torture. Consequently, ORME does NOT sell to:

  • The First Order
  • The Sith Empire
  • Convicted criminals or terrorists
It is worth the loss of profit from these three sources to prevent mass destruction. Aside from these three sources, any other individual or group can freely buy Outer Rim products.

Products (A-Z, subdivided largest to smallest, descending order)
OR-SAP: A multi-tier system of capital ship armor, with each tier being thicker than the previous. Strong against sustained turbolaser fire, but weak against ion weapons.

Capital Ships - Corvettes
Essex-II class starfighter killer: A modernization of the original Essex, ORME's most popular product. It is an excellent escort vessel with great anti-starfighter capabilities.
Lekai-class scoutship: A light and nimble corvette without much guns or armor to slow it down, excellent for recon.
Kalla-class missile corvette: A small but lethal missile platform.
Capital Ships - Frigates

Pelta-II class frigate: A devoted medical frigate.
Peacekeeper-class escort frigate: A light, balanced frigate with more than enough speed to keep up with larger ships.
Capital Ships - Cruisers

Twinkie-class light cruiser: A balanced cruiser with strong defenses.
Harpy-class artillery cruiser: A heavy cruiser with an extremely powerful armament.
Capital Ships - Star Destroyers
Capital Ships - Battlecruisers
Valiant-class supercarrier: A great command ship with solid defenses and a massive starfighter capacity. [Shipments of 1 ONLY]

Ground Vehicles
Mechanized Infantry
Lightbeam droid tank: Large, six-legged, heavily armored droid wielding a powerful EF-G Eye Laser Cannon.
Melee Weapons
Windcleaver Axeblade: A large and powerful sword-axe hybrid, but unable to parry lightsabers.

Ranged Weapons - Infantry
MPH-RGL: A hybrid between an RPG and grenade launcher.
Bull Minigun: A very large, very powerful minigun, yet able to be carried by infantry units.
Rapier laser rifle: A unique assault rifle that fires a steady laser beam instead of individual projectiles.

Ranged Weapons - Anti-Capital
Flyswatter light AA gun: A small but effective anti-aircraft gun.
EF-G Eye Laser Cannon: A unique weapon that fires a highly focused beam of light from an "eye". Can be mounted on tanks or forts.

Special/Superheavy Weapons
Cerrus-class Demolisher: A very, very large gun with a very, very high damage output, that can ONLY BE PLACED ON SHIPS 1800M OR LARGER IN ANY DIMENSION.


Rick Kaloo

  • [member="Lao Tzu"] is attempting a purchase.
  • Background Check: Confirmed clear.
  • Transferring credits from Recipient to ORME.
  • Shipping products to Recipient from nearest ORME factory.
  • The products will be arriving within your system within approximately three standard days, as long as hyperlanes remain unblocked. Thank you for your purchase, please call us if our products are not up to standards.

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