After Joshua explained, Dusaro made a 'oh' expression and nodded. "Fair enough" He nodded, understanding the jist of it. He hadn't been trained like that when he was being trained to be a mercenary, but most people didn't quite have that kind of training. Accidents were assumed to be part of the experince and dealing with them was par for the course. Dusaro was of course not planning to let any mistakes happen in this circumstance, after all Doug didn't have the knowledge to handle any accidents with what they were dealing with, that was the point of this training.
"I have already been working on that, though that isn't something i can just share unfortunately. Not because i don't want to, just how i am." Dusaro said with a little nod in agreement to him. He couldn't exactly share how he fought, it wasn't something that could just be taught through words or just a few sparrs. The way he had been trained was to take in anything and everything, test it, apply it and optimize it through experince with it. In reality, it was more accurate to say Dusaro was taking in the knowledge of 'Jedi' and adding it to the foundation he already had. The sheer amount of possibilities the knowledge of 'Jedi' added was more then a bit staggering however. It would require lots of experince, many spars, fights, brushes with death to get a handle on how to truely utilize it all.
Which lead to something that both his Master and fellow Padawan's would know at this point, Dusaro learned by having something done to him and then doing it. If he wanted to try and apply the force more in combat, he would start sparring anyone he could find who would use it in sparring. He would experince being on the receiving end first hand by multiple people, before then trying it out himself. No offense to his master, but no one had all the ideas. Subtleties alone were diffrent from person to person, even if it was only personal 'flare' people added to their actions. Perhaps it was just part of him being raised by his Echani mother, but he was very keen on those diffrences and how the small things made a massive diffrence between two pepole who had trained under the same master. Experincing those diffrenecs was important to him in training.
Dusaro quickly went over the basics of range safety. First, the gun's muzzle always points downrange. Second, your finger never rests on the trigger unless you are going to shoot. Similarly the safety always stays on untill the range is hot. After Dusaro quickly hammerd those into Dougs head, he showed him proper shooting stance. Left foot forward, back foot planted, butt of the rifle firmly resting into the knoock of your shoulder. Important to keep in mind was to only use the tip of your finger when pulling the trigger. While it did feel a bit uncomfortable, the diffrence it made in how much the muzzle would move could not be denied. He warned [member="Douglas Starwind"] that it was going to kick rather good, but nothing to bad. It was fairly highpowerd, but the kick was nothing he couldn't handle, though he might enjoy a bit of bruising. As long as he followed the instructions he would more then likely land a solid hit on the target.
"Nearly done with the legal weapons. Next is some fun ones. Pulse Wave Blaster. You more then likely will -not- see this, but you might. And if you do, oh boy, it will kark you up in close range. They act very similarly to disruptors. They are the grandfathers of modern blasters, phased out because they are not as effective. You might ask, 'well why bother showing it then?' and you would have a valid point. They are crap at long range, doing a small enough damage that your average human could shrug it off and keep on going. But at close range." Dusaro said, aiming at a nearby large, green fruit, around ten feet away, and fired. when the beam hit the fruit, it seemed to 'warp', as though something happend to the space around it as the thing started to disentgrate where it was hit. "The thing causes literal spacial distortions, thus altering atomic makeup and making things 'fall apart'. At long range its effect is minimul enough to not amount to much, but at close, well." He said, looking with a pointed look at the rather nastily disentigrated watermelon. "Yeah, think that makes my point. Now, here is the thing. You will probably never see one of these things outside of a museum. But you might. But if you do and get hit by it, well, its about the same as getting hit by a disruptor. Not quite as nasty, but damn well close enough. As for dealing with them, well, they have a fairly short effective range for their lethality. Other then that, deal with them as you would any other blaster."
Next was a paddle beamer. Dusaro made a wry look at the thing, shuddering a little. "I have been hit by one of these before. This is a Ssi-ruuvi ion paddle beamer. You may think it is innocent enough, it is just an ion weapon after all. I thought that too, untill i got hit by one of them and nearly got knocked out. I couldn't move for a good four minutes. If they hit the head, they are capable of just shorting out your brain completly and killing you. But these are not the only intresting qualities they have." Dusaro stepped onto the range,resting his lightsaber onto a target and turning it on. After that he backed up, firing the weapon at the lightsabers blade. But the blade did not catch the bolt, deflect it, or anything. No, the bolt warped around the lightsaber and continued right on its originally tragected path. "If i was holding that, i woulda been hit and stunned. You can't block them, not to my knowledge anyway. There might be some way to pull it off that i do not know of, but i don't know it. These would actually come in real handy dealing with a Sith but, well, i don't think i need to explain that." He said, stepping back onto the firing range and retriving his training saber quickly. "As for dealing with them, well, it is simpler then you might thing. They are, at the end of the day, very dangerous stun guns that might kill you. Using something to block it like, say, a peice of wood. Could be anything from a table, to a chair, large rock. Anything that does not conduct electricity like metal. Simple enough, as long as you are prepared and know it exsists."
Next was the charric rifle. It was similar to the particle rifle in that it dealt kinetic damage, but it also dealt thermal as well. They were also more accurate then blasters, though with a shorter range. Along with this, they would shock anyone with metal armor on. The impact the bolts had were known to wear down anyone blocking with with lightsabers, to the point of making them become disarmed. Being wary of them would be strongly advised, though they would not be quite as bad as a particle rifle for getting disarmed.
"And finally.. The shatter beam." The fact that Dusaro was using it minigun style at his side with a sling was on its own telling, considering what they knew of his physical strength. "This is not something to be taken lightly. Why i have not seen more of these, i do not know. Shatter beams are just as nasty as they sound. They make a stream of coherent, physical energy. The energy pack is capable of going on for several minutes, and the impact of the discharge, well... Ya know what, experincing this is better." Dusaro said, turning to face the dusrasteel door. It was not just the door itself that was durasteel, but it's entire frame. It was put into the ground with duracrete, along with anchoring rods. Dusaro pulled the trigger and the weapon spun up for a moment, before releasing a pale green beam. It almost looked like a composite beam laser, though on a much smaller scale. Then it hit the durasteel door. And ripped the thing out of its hinges, sending it flying back, along with twisting the frame. The impact was a nasty, ear grating shriek that was almost headache enducing and Dusaro quickly turned the weapon off. "If you ever see one of these do not, do -not- get in its line of fire. Do not try and block it. Do not try and hide behind a tree or anyhting really, it will hit you through it sooner or later. Use telekenisis, try and knock the gun off in a direction and close in fast. Normally i would say kill the person, not the weapon. But with this thing? Kill the weapon. You can survive a blaster graze. Get lucky and it isn't charged up, you might survive a disruptor round. Shattergun, same thing. But this? It catches your side and suddenly your guts are falling out from a half missing torso." This was the only weapon Dusaro would not let Doug try out. All the others he would let him freely shoot, much as he wanted. But this went right back up.
Next was a verpin shatter gun. It was a very odd looking weapon, with a very small barrel, tiny compared to the shatter beam. "This is a cute weapon. Bullet is nice and tiny. Goes, fairly fast. Hits reasonably well. Its my favorite really." He said with a little grin, showing Doug one of the almost pellet sized bullets, around the size of a 22 bullet. "Figured i would show it since it is, well, rather dangerous, cute as it may look." He aimed back at the range, aiming at the butcherd animal carcas which had an armored plate strapped to it. Taking steady aim, he pulled the trigger on the carbine sized weapon. The first key they had to its abiltites was the following keen of metal being ripped and 'shattered'. Reaching over to a range finder, Dusaro scoped it in and let Doug look downrange. There was a hole. A perfectly sized hole in the middle of the armor plate, going straight through the plate and on through the carcas, dealing a large amount of damage. He could even see little bits of meat scatterd out the back through the scope. "So yeah, verpine shatterguns. They put a insane amount of force behind a very tiny bullet. Most armor's are not actaully resistant to these. Because of how much pressure they put on a very small point, they are hard to completly stop. The size makes them even harder to try and block with a lightsaber, though i wouldn't sugget trying in the first place. Once again, throw off their aim. Try and damage the weapon. Utilize cover and the force to throw wrenches into their gears. Gotta force an opening and take it." Dusaro said, finishing off the 'mostly legal weapons' section of the lesson.
[member="Josh DragonsFlame"]