Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Andanian found new opportunities for work within the faction of scum and rebels, as he once thought, called the Galactic Alliance. He still felt shakey supporting the same group of scoundrels he once signed up to fight against in the Imperial Academy, but after his big mistake on Anaxes that left him with a small balance of credits to add value to his name, work was going to be difficult to find. He didn't have a lot of choice, either, since his only way off of the derelict planetoid he wrecked his only starship on was through them, well, the rest of the story speaks for itself.

After his visit to Sullust, Andanian started new work immediately. For the time being, he would work small jobs smuggling goods, trading legitimate cargo, and maybe the occasional bounty hunt. Small ones, though, like 'Beat up the local drunk because I don't like him for a hundred bucks' small. Andanian wasn't ready to go into big game hunting, like those million-credit bounties on Sith and Rogue Jedi.

The Alliance was surprisingly welcoming to Andanian. He got some strange looks thanks to his imperial accent that would forever stain his image to them, but when they heard he was just another outlaw of the Empire, they'd welcome him with open arms. When Andanian even expressed his desire to work in smuggling and trading for a little while until his name got buried in the holonets, a friendly starship merchant decided to lend him a starship in exchange for some favors. It was a rather old junker of a starship, but it would be like Andanian's new home. With plenty of room in the cargo hold, Andanian filled it with the cargo his new employer wished for him to take, containing mostly weapons and armor for Galactic Alliance supporters on Fondor, a world far out of Sith space that young Andanian had never been to. The idea he would be smuggling like this was actually quite exciting for him.

As long as the Empire stayed out of the way, that was. Andanian's bounty wasn't that high, so he figured it wouldn't be much to worry about.

Upon reaching Fondor, Andanian was surprised at how purple it was and how industrial it's surface was. He never would have expected worlds with such big populations to support the Galactic Alliance. It was no wonder to him now how the Alliance had gotten away with their meddling with the Empire so often. They had so much support!

After docking his freighter with the men he was asked to smuggle the goods to, Andanian decided to take himself to a nearby cantina for a bit of rest and relaxation. This far from Sith Space, no way would any bounty hunters find him here. He sat down at a table with some stranger and ordered a Corellian, "Greetings! What's the word 'round Fondor?"


[member="Kiber Thaxton"] / [member="Malik"]


Bounty Hunter Extraordinaire

Location: Cantina, Fondor.

Kiber arrived at the cantina after he followed a trail of information in relation to one Imperial deserter, thanks to good old persusasion and also some arm twisting to make sure. Making his way inside the cantina, he was greeted by stares, and words behind his back - it seemed as if no one out here had seen a Mandalorian bounty hunter in the flesh before. Taking a seat up at the bar, he ordered an ice cold drink and looked at his new surroundings; it was a rough looking place that was filled to the brim with even rougher looking characters.

Glancing over at the back of the room, he saw a strange fellow wearing a red hood and cape and a white mask. He seemed out of place here, so Kiber deduced that he was either a traveller passing through or he was a bounty hunter looking for someone. After receiving his drink, the Mandalorian wandered slowly over to the stranger's table and looked him over. He was pretty unusual alright.

"Are you just passing through stranger or are you here looking for someone?" he asked, sitting down opposite him.


[member="Kiber Thaxton"] [member="Andanian Ategann"]

Malik lifted his mask slightly and took a shot of whiskey. Out of the corner of his eye he saw a Mandolorian approach him which just cause him to chuckle as he set his mask back down. As the Mandolorian asked him why he was here Malik just chuckled more. "Me saying yes states that I haven't found who I was looking for. So no, because I already have. Now let me turn the tables on you. It is strange to see a Mandolorian so far away from the Mandolorian territory so one would assume you are looking for someone as well. Perhaps a bounty?" Malik gave a wide grin under his mask, he had met enough bounty hunters to spot one out of a crowd.


Bounty Hunter Extraordinaire

Kiber nodded and grinned. "I am, fellow hunter. It seems there is a certain Imperial deserter who stole a starfighter and I was told to find him and bring him back for questioning," he scanned the bar once again, on the lookout for any unusual behaviour by the patrons, and he listened to their conversations - hopefully he might be able to pick up something from them. "And yes, this is the furtherest I've ever been away from the territories in a while, but I have travelled all over the galaxy hunting bounties,"
The three patrons, somewhat generic citizens of the mid-rim, whom Andanian decided to join for a drink or two while his starship was being cleared of it's Galactic Alliance-exclusive cargo all gave the only man in the entire cantina with an imperial accent a glare. As usual, he thought, Can't go anywhere with this scarlet letter.

"'ey...what's a damn imp doin' this far out of Sith space?" the older one with a missing eye asked. Andanian took a long drink from his bottle of Corellian, " see, i'm not an imperial. Well- I am by birth. Not choice.

"Banthapoodoo" said the bith, who also looked a bit old and rugged, "You a fethin' spy I bet. Butcha know what? Ah dun care. Tell us about Sith space, ya imperial basterd"

Andanian raised a finger to interject, but sighed, figuring this was about as good as he was going to get with these guys. "Uh...well, Anaxes is rather nice this time of year."

The old man with one eye grinned, "Anaxes, huh? No fethin' way. You're Ategann. The one wanted by the Sith for stealin' a starship."

Andanian furrowed a brow, "Actually, no. See, i'm hunting him, too. I'm his brother...Tormax. Working undercover. I'm hoping to find him and bring him in before some other scummy mandalorian brings him in instead and breaks an arm or two 'by accident'."

Unfortunately, the third guy, a rodian who hadn't said anything yet, pointed a small holdout blaster at Andanian, causing a few stray eyes to wander to the table. The blue-skinned rodian sneered and spoke in huttese. "You're wanted alive, so why don't you just come with me to my ship willingly?"

Andanian's eyes widened a bit with surprise. Here? Was his bounty really worth the trouble? He raised his hands to his sides anyway, "Wha-? N-no, I told you, i'm not-"

"Don't play dumb. Your face is all over that bounty post of yours. Come. We have business."

[member="Malik"] / [member="Kiber Thaxton"]


Malik smiled when his new 'friend' spoke of an imperial deserter. "Well my dear Mandolorian, it just so happens that I am after that bounty as well. But it seems neither of us will get it if we don't act soon." Malik gestured to the little scene that was going on behind them. He sighed and got up from his seat, slowly walking towards the three 'gentlemen' from behind. When he got close enough he unsheathed his vibrodagger and unholstered his DL-44, putting the vibrodagger to the Rodian's throat and the DL-44 to the Bith's head. "Now now gentlemen. There is an easy way to settle this. Just leave the poor imperial alone before I have to kill all three of you." Malik spoke in a soft tone. He wasn't kidding in the slightest, he didn't want to kill them but he would if they kept interfering.

[member="Andanian Ategann"] [member="Kiber Thaxton"]


Bounty Hunter Extraordinaire

Kiber unholstered his two disruptor pistols and pointed them point-blank at the Rodian and Bith. "If my friend here doesn't kill you, I will," growled the Mando, as his trigger fingers became itchy with excitement. "So, what will it be gentlemen? You can quietly leave us be with this Imperial, or we can blow your brains all over the bar..." he grinned behind his black and silver helmet and gave a psuedo-evil laugh. Everyone else in the cantina had stopped what they were doing and all eyes were now drawn to the two hunters, the deserter and the three gentlemen.
Andanian scooted his chair back a bit, his hazel eyes darting between everyone pointing blasters at one another. "...Oh! Uh...well..."

The Rodian, the Bith, and the one-eyed veteran all scowled at their new competition. The rodian, who had a vibroknife stuck against his neck, was the first to speak. "Haaa...well...his bounty is...rather small, anyway. I could go find a better one for...much more credits..." he said nervously, holstering his blaster.

The Bith shot a nasty glare at [member="Malik"], but said nothing.

The veteran glared at both, "Y'know...I don't particularly like it when people point guns at my drinking pardners' heads...the rodian has put his away, so why don't you do that now?"

Andanian looked the most nervous of them all. On one hand, these strangers were saving him from these bounty hunters, but what if they were also bounty hunters? "Uh...yeah! Hey, mandalorian and...masked guy with the big knife. Thanks for this. Why don't I buy you two a drink and i'll on my way." he said, waving at the bartender, who nodded quickly, hoping to dissolve the situation and prevent a fight.

[member="Kiber Thaxton"] / [member="Bluebird"]
Now being on a hunt for his first target he decides to head the cantina on Fondor. Being in his armor for this hunt he had to capture the target alived, entering the cantina he stops at the entrance to see if anything is going on. All he got was a name not a picture, he didn't mind yet something was quite odd. He notices two men in front of one. Both look like bounties hunters.

He knew this can't be good, he had to draw those two away so he could try to capture his target, so he walks towards them as he stops beside Malik."what a nice little group we have here. I'm new to this planet, anything interesting here?"

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