Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Overcome the infirmities of old age...


Corvus sat in the Meditation Pavilion.Not the typical place you'd expect to learn a Force Ability like Force Valor - but then that was to not understand the true nature of what was required.

For only through deep meditation would [member="Mantic Dorn"] be able to begin to understand and therefore use the Ability.

So she sat here, waiting, and reminding herself of the process she first went through to learn.What she remembered most was that it was a long process.Very long.

And she glanced around at the rising sun. Many young Jedi were beginning lessons but for Corvus she’d been up for a number of hours. She survived on a small amount of sleep, using Meditation to augment her rest when necessary. She’d been up since 4am, going for her morning run, Soresu practice, breakfast and then some paperwork before arriving her for her fist lesson of the day.

Mantic was a Jedi of the old school and Corvus thoroughly approved. But it was his work ethic that most impressed her most and thoroughly deserved the Master title sooner or later. But first he needed to learn all about an Ability that first would help him and finally help others.
Passing his fellow jedi in the hallways made him feel old. Mantic was in his fourties but there were so few older then him in the temple these days. Many veteran jedi had succumbed to the war, but equally many had abandoned the principles that held the order together. This was what Mantic felt was the true enemy if ever balance and order was to be restored to the galaxy.

Yet, he knew that he had to learn how to cope with these thought in a better way. Besides, there were bright sides even in these times. The order had atrracted several new padawans and rumor told that more then one dark jedi had asked the order to help redeem themselves.

If that was true or not was beyond him but the notion of the idea infused the temple with new and inspiring life. Now he was on his way to the grand master. He knew she was under allot of preassure of late, and he sympathized with it. But it was her role to keep it all together and for that she deserved quick and hasty response. He hoped he could help her somehow but was unsure what exactly this was about. It mattered little, when she called a jedi answered.

As he finally arrived at the meditation center he stopped outside and smoothed over his robes and corrected his hair and stance before he stepped close enough for the door to fly open.
The entered and bowed deep.

"Grand Master Raaf." he greeted.

"You requested my presence?"

[member="Corvus Raaf"]
Corvus sensed his arrival before she saw him, so was ready with a smile and a bow. “Yes I did. You see I made a grave mistake when I became a Knight. I neglected my development. I spent all my time training others and it was some time before I realised the error of my ways. Not that I’m suggesting you have done the same – but it is the reason I asked to meet.”

Before he could respond, she launched into a short speech.“Of all the Abilities you will learn as a Jedi, apart from Healing, this is the most Light-sided power I know of. And we’ll discount Force Light for the moment. What do I mean? What I’m referring to is learning to tap into the Force, into the true Light of the Force to increase your resolve, accuracy and speed. When you become a Master, you’ll be able to share these benefits with allies too.”

OK, ‘short’ may have been inaccurate. “You see, when I wish to use this ability, I can call on it quite quickly now. But initially it took a while to truly connect to the level I needed. The first time well…” She paused for breath for the first time. “Let’s just say it’s easier to show you…I presume you’re willing?”

[member="Mantic Dorn"]
Standing still at the door way Mantic was prepared to answer her first remakr but did not habve time to answer before she continued and he fell silent to listen intently.

He had not thought about the possibility to become a master. Many knights were never promoted and closing in on his mid years Mantic had thought himself where he should be. Regardless, the grand masters speech made him ponder it again.
As she moved on to describe the power he shook those thoughts away and tried to picture what she was talking about.

"Of course grand Master." was his reply. He stepped down into the meditation circle not really sure what to do but he positioned himself in front of [member="Corvus Raaf"] ready to sit down or remain standing depending on her instructions.
Sometimes Corvus took things for granted – and this was one of those times. Fortunately Mantic was on-board with her idea.

“Now, I need you to Meditate, go as deep as you’ve ever gone before. I shall join you and then you will take my lead. Trust me on this one, it will make sense when it makes sense.” Which of course made no sense other than to Corvus.

“Stand, sit, whatever works for you.” Corvus herself sat in a cross-legged position and closed her eyes. She entered into a light meditative state initially and waited for Mantic to join her.

[member="Mantic Dorn"]
MAntic nodded, at first he felt a bit bewildred. what was this, how would he know what to do in order to take her lead?
She knew what she was talking about of course but maybe she had overestimated him, maybe she she hoped for more then he was capable to do.

But he knew how to meditate. He positioned himself leggs crossed on the floor and corrected his robes around him. then he layed his palms toward his knees and took a deep breath, followed by a slow exhale.

There is no emotion, there is peace...

He closed his eyes and felt the familiar sensation begin. To Mantic Meditation was the foundation of his role as a jedi. He was a warrior, a fighter who had killed and seen suffering. It would turn most people mad. It turned force sensitive to the dark side. The way to resist was contemplation through meditation. At least for Mantic.

Cold yet warm,
Hollow yet complete,
Feel the flow...
Relaxed yet focused,
There is only the force...
Heavy yet light..

Mantic feel deeper and deepr into focused meditation. His mind was turned inward, yet aware of the surroundings. the crack in the wall, the air that had found reason to rush through it and toss the dust on the floor around. the golden circle that imbued younglings with a sense of tranquility.

With each soft breath his inner light grew warmer and brighter. He was ready for the grand master to begin her lesson.

[member="Corvus Raaf"]
Corvus sensed his state of readiness.He was Meditating. It was as it was with most Knights – especially Guardians. But to achieve what he wanted to achieve, he had to go deeper, much deeper.

So she matched his meditative state and gently joined his mind.‘We are in the Meditation Chamber’ In their mind’s eye they were able to view themselves, as if watching from a short distance away. ‘Now follow me.’

In his mind, Mantic would see a ghostly apparition of Corvus stand and take a similarly spectral version of himself by his hand and guide him as they walked away from their corporeal selves.

Then he would find his Meditative state deepen and images flashed though their joined minds – for they were sharing the experience.They saw a Jedi temple.The one on the former Republic planet of Coruscant. Now they could see a tall building made of glass. In comparison to the temple it was a very tall building - maybe seven stories high.

Wooden doors opened in their minds and they walked through winding paths hemmed by plants of all descriptions. They walked over bridges that traversed gentle streams and from time to time there were benches with people clearly meditating on them.

There was a sound of running water. A stream? No, not a stream. A fountain? Yes. No. It was a waterfall. They could both see it now.

And Corvus spoke to Mantic in this garden. "Sit and Meditate." Her virtual self was asking his virtual self to connect to the Force in much the same way as their real selves were. Eventually it would make sense. It always did.

[member="Mantic Dorn"]
the sensation was in many aspects overwhelming. He had read about this. He even recalled vague flash backs from something similar that happened to him back on Rhommamool, it had been the grand master that had guided him at that time as well.

But this was not a chaotic and dark milieu, no this was something else. While the very idea grew in his mind he was still fighting thoughts on how this could be. Force projection? A dream?
While indeed a master with the saber Mantic came to short in this spiritual setting. He tried to breath only to realize it was only mimic bodily needs. His body was not here. Only something else, some part of him.

without [member="Corvus Raaf"] to lerad him he would easily have broken off or turned confused, even mad in the long run. But that was not the case. she was there, all the time.
Almost as if floating he lowered himself unto the shimmering grass - and there he was, in the same position as his physical body.

He searched inwards again. This time, the light in his chest grew qith ease and without need for containment. He sensed his surroundings, he sensed those he loved, his padawans, Varius - training , Iillyana nightshade quick as the wind - his former master Maya lightbringer - calm as the storm - [member="Corvus Raaf"] steady as the rock.
Patterns and webs connected them all and the state in which he found himself. At first it was chaotic, hard to follow, but, as if fiddling with his needle and thread he found ways to stitch them together, fold and unfold them and follow their course

Unaware of it a smile started to spread across his face. There was true peace here.
Corvus shared the sensation of depth.Their minds were emptying of all thoughts and emotions, they were becoming closer to the Force now than she suspected Mantic had ever been.

But they needed to go deeper.

So in the meditation that was happening within their meditation, Corvus connected with Mantic. 'Feel the Force flow through you. Allow it to enter your mind, your body. Let it fill every nerve-ending, your bloodstream, connect with your midi-chlorians. Empty your mind. Go to a place that is special to you and lead me there. Take me somewhere where we can meditate, as I have just done.'

[member="Mantic Dorn"]
Mantic heard the grand masters voice as if spoken through water. It was muffled yet clear.

Their ghostly apparitions stood and Mantic nodded in response to her request. He began to walk through the park. In their state the surroundings started to fade out, trees and stones, even the benches warped inwards leaving a blackness about them for a short while. Mantic was searching for this place.

His mind was preoccupied with settling this decision and he needed to map out and reflect upon where he truly would find peace meant for himself.

Distant whispers and images, memories, imagined or real from Mantic flashed by as they walked down the memory lane.

At first there was the recent struggles that surfaced, images of lightsabers, sith lightning and an exhausted jedi who refused to stop, a sith lord laughing at his failures - the hidden fear of had not been for the love and friends of the jedi order would have fallen a long time ago.
Again, the faces of his apprentices, his former master came up quickly. A meeting with a republic soldier that Mantic admired, suppressed feelings for a woman he had not seen in a very long time, a heartbeat. A baby crying, that heart beat again - muffled and contained within a womb.

All life is sacred....

Then the darkness was pressed aside and the images dissipated.
they stood in a surrounding resembling their former milieu.
The jedi academy on Sheedu Maad.
The lush beautiful garden was well kept. Perhaps even more so in Mantics version of it.

Here Mantic strode forth to the central pillar standing as a memory of the peace that once ruled the galaxy. there he sat down gently nudging [member="Corvus Raaf"] s mind to join him.

"This..." he spoke. "....Is my childhood. This is were I go to find peace."
Corvus followed and observed. When she performed this exercise, she'd gone to her home planet - to Corellia, before it was torn asunder. To a grassy field next to one of the lakes and the underwater crystal caves.

It was special to her and this in turn must be special to Mantic. It felt oddly voyeuristic to observe and wondered how Adele must have thought when she'd accompanied Corvus.

Meditation takes many forms and being so connected to a place and time and emotional state was important. Mantic would remember this experience.

She took him back, out of the Meditation and to the gardens on Coruscant. Once centred, she did the same again and they were Meditating back on Ossus. Finally she guided him out of the Meditation and opened her eyes.

She felt at once exhausted and refreshed. Such a deep form of Meditation had cleared her mind and body and as she felt the tell-tale signs of what was about to happen next, she touched Mantic gently with her mind.

'Feel the Force as you have never felt it before. Your connection should be stronger than it has ever been, allow it to fill you, tell me what you feel.'

[member="Mantic Dorn"]
There was joy and warmth in being on this place. The sensation was something that he really did not want to let go of. But [member="Corvus Raaf"] started to push him away, and he found himself understanding that this was a mental picture of something that he revered. It was not where he needed to be at this time. But he would return...

The tunnels closed in and with the grand master guiding him they passed back to Coruscant and continued to their bodies still awaiting their return.

Mantic took a deep breath, for a moment his mind twirled. The feeling was overwhelming and he wagged forth and back for a few moments before regaining balance and control over his physical body.

'Feel the Force as you have never felt it before. Your connection should be stronger than it has ever been, allow it to fill you, tell me what you feel.' She asked. Mantic closed his eyes and swalloed. He felt strong, powerful even, but foremost at peace.


"I have peace at mind grand master." he started. "I feel as if the galaxy is inside me yet, I am inside it too. I feel as if it speaks to me, as if it want to tell me the secrets of the worlds, but I do not need to hear it all." he furrowed a brow.

"I also feel afraid of some of the secrets... the darkness is vast in the galaxy and it is all connected."

He opened his eyes and looked at [member="Corvus Raaf"].

"Foremost I feel whole and healed."
Corvus nodded approvingly at Mantic, opening her own eyes now. "So begins the first steps towards Force Valor. You need to know what that deep connection feels like. You won't need to replicate it every time - but that depth of connection to the Force is required to be able to call on it for what you will need. With practice the state of connection can be instantaneous. Yoda had 900 years to perfect it - our life-spans won't be so accommodating."

"Now focus on your own body Mantic, from within. Push the Force and map it and its frailties within your mind. Let it consume you so as you can feel it down to the tip of your fingers."

"From there you have your foundation. Here you can enhance muscles to endure more, to push faster and with more accuracy. Focusing on how ones body works and how to manipulate the Force from within is the key aspect of Force Valor. The power of the Force is limitless, but it is the wielder that will guide it."

"Remember, you do not tell the Force what to do, you guide it, you let it know what you need and trust in it to perform. Now explore your body and attempt to enhance it with the Force. It might not work straight away - simply focus, trust and believe. Belief is key. If you suspect you will fail, then you will fail. Such is the way of the Force. Belief in success is fundamental."

[member="Mantic Dorn"]
Mantic had always thought this would come much more natural to him. Since he was able to walk he had been molded into a weapon, a jedi warrior perfecting his skills and body to great lengths.
But he could not help but feel loss as all those years of hard training, pressing his body and mentality to the limit, was nothing in comparisson to those who more easily had found ways to manipulate the force.
Guided by wise masters of the past he had however accepted that it would all come slower to him. It had taken longer for him to become what he was today, but now it was like a window had suddenly opened and the force, just like a wind, blew in to hold him and reward him for all that patience.

This was however the first time in a while that someone had presented a challenge.
He focused on his inner light, trying to find the strength [member="Corvus Raaf"] spoke off but to his surprise all ge would muster was a short fizzling, a tingle without further results.
He swallowed without opening his eyes, partly he felt ashamed and did not want to meet the grand masters eyes.

Instead - He retried.

He painted the picture of the academy on Sheedu Maad, the pond, the sound of birds, the trees, the smell, the moist grass on a brisk morning. The harmony.
For a moment he thought he sensed a presence of those he loved and cared for in the academy, his first master. But that was impossible, he had died several years ago.
Perhaps it was the grand masters presence, and he merely confused the two.

He took a deep breath and refocused. He tried to think on [member="Corvus Raaf"] s instructions.
Guide it...
Returning to the pond on Sheedu maad he saw for his inner self how the water within splashed toward its edges, it was trapped. He cupped his hand and bent down and the water danced into his open hands. It splashed and played there for a while as he gently raised his arms allowing the water to drip down on his fore head. It immideately started to find its way across Mantics body, offering energy to his limbs. Meanwhile he bent down and recieved yet another handfull of water and the procedure continued as each passing water drop kept enhancing Mantics body to higher standards then he ever could have hoped for.

Still sitting opposite to the grand master his body was now filling up with power, he felt as if he was glowing and opened his eyes unable to hide a generous smile at [member="Corvus Raaf"]
And Corvus smiled back. "We are Jedi. The reason for the relaxation and the Meditation is to better understand how we generate all that extra power and focus. It comes from a place of serenity, not aggression as many expect - or worse believe."

Corvus observed the subtle changes in Mantic. It was not unexpected to see physical manifestations as a student learned to allow the Force to enhance their body’s reactions, their strength and even their accuracy with a saber.

And it was initially a slow process to reach that state. And - as she was sure Mantic was expecting to hear - it took a lot of practice.

“You have completed the most difficult aspect of the ability - allowing the Force to quite literally flow through your body and allow it to enhance its capabilities. In time the change will be effected so quickly, the lag diminish to the point where an untrained observer would not be aware anything was happening.”

“But we should not underestimate the second aspect - using this new found ability. Perform a few practice swings with your saber, try jumping. Once you have a basic control, we can work on some specific moves. Many Padawans think the acrobatics used in duelling come from Force Jump or Force Speed.” Corvus shook her head, sagely. "This is where they originate. This is how Master Yoda fought. You are about to be in excellent company."

[member="Mantic Dorn"]
Mantic felt alive, nay more then that. He felt as if the universe was rushing through his system and he could not resist the urge to jump directly from his kneeling position to standing and with eagerness not often found in a 40-year old his saber lit and he darted off, a fast and high leap, up into the air.
A bit uncontrolled he slammed into the left wall of the room. Shaken, embarassed and with a light dizzines he turned to [member="Corvus Raaf"] with a rather redish face.

"Pardon my manners... grand master." he stuttered.

Then he took a few slow steps toward the center of the room chamber again.
Here he raised his saber in his prefered Ataru form and performed s flourish of swings with the saber. At first slow but as he felt the control, the fact that his was not loosing speed he made them faster, and faster.... it went faster tgen the eye could manage and for a second he forgot what he was doing, drunk on the empowwerement and suddenly the saber slipped away from his han, unlit it flew away from him. But within a second he had managed to save the situation and pulled back the hilt to his hand. He was fast enough, despite thst for the moment he experienced some trouble in remaining focused...
Corvus laughed. "Yes, it takes some getting used to. Try starting with some simple somersaults and back-flips. Then add drawing your saber or a few swings as you jump. Build it up slowly. Patience, remember?"

Corvus closed her eyes and pulled the Force to her. Opening them again she jumped and twisted in mid air. As she approached her landing she drew her saber and landed next to Mantic in the classic Soresu opening stance. "I didn't achieve it overnight. It takes time and...yes you guessed it...practice. Off you go again, your turn."

[member="Mantic Dorn"]
Mantic nodded. Of course, it was a while since anyone had instructed him and it felt good for a change.

He placed both his hand together and focused on his inner light. then he bent his knees and let them catapult him into a back flip his hand unfolding just in time to give it further push to land on his feet again. He redid the maneuver a couple of times. Then he prepared a higher leap, twisting his own body in mid air and lighting his saber spiraling downward as if to pierce someone from above. Upon landing he instead crouched and rolled with it, saber unlit. He rose and turned again, in Ataru form to perform several very fast paced slashes at the same time as he danced across the floor. It was moves and steps he had done many many times before, but now, they were double the length and height.

He kept repeating the same thing four to five times before moving onto next. this time he used the walls to jump in from an imagined enemies side. and so he went on, seemingly tireless.

[member="Corvus Raaf"]
Corvus saw him using the ability. Like any Jedi able to wield it, it enhanced his speed and agility. But it came at a price as, especially to begin with, it used a lot of his Force energy to maintain - which he would find out sooner or later.

“And when you are a Master, I can show you how much more powerful this technique can become.” She closed her eyes and pulled the Force to her. Entering Force Valor, she took it one stage further and allowed the benefits of her enhancement to boost Mantic too. He would have felt the effects increase significantly. Not as marked a difference as someone not using the ability, but a noticeable difference none the less.

“Plus we haven’t finished here yet. But that is all for today. Come back tomorrow as we’re going to take it up a notch.”


Corvus set the room up as best she remembered from her time on the Jedi Praxeum. It was a sort of obstacle course, that could be relatively easily navigated by using Force Valor.

The training droids pointing stun blasters at the apparatus on the other hand were a whole different ball-game. She did a couple of trial runs, making this challenge easier and this one more difficult.

Finally happy this would be a worthy test for someone starting out, she reflected on the number of bruises she'd suffered practising. An entire week she'd spent alone on the Praxeum - and once woke up in a pool of her own vomit as a maintenance droid tried to clean it up!

She smiled at the bitter-sweet memory and awaited her student.

[member="Mantic Dorn"]
As the days had passed Mantic had spent time trying to maintain his connection to the deep force, just like how [member="Corvus Raaf"] had showed him those days prior to this. It had not been as easy without her but he refused to give it up. That sensation, that insight on what it meant to have such a deep connection was something he knew he had to strive for at all times from here on.

Curkious about her next lesson Mantic entered the room and looked around.

"oh my..." he gasped. Then collected himself and strode up to Corvus offering a bow.

"Grand Master, I have come as requested." he bit his lips trying to figure out what she was expecting from him this time.

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