Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Oya Skirata


Oya Skirata

Species: Human
Gender: Male
Height: 1.98m
Weight: 97kg
Force Sensitive: No


Tan light brown skin full head of hair hanging down past his shoulder, often wears leathers or furs or other hunting skings when on mission.

When in civillian life he wears outfits that make him look like a holorock star.


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When he's with his brothers he's full of life Oya live up to his name. He likes to live life to the fullest, as best he can always looking for the next adventure. Always with a ready smile. There is a dark side too him though one in which a festering rage and snarl is on his face. It comes out rarely but when it does he has no mercy. Usually when eh's like this only his brothers can reach him.


Extreme Environments- Hunter, Tracker, Scout, Reconnaisance these are where Oya excels, despite his jovial personality he prefers the wilds to cities finding himself clostraphobic when in city centre's for too long. Oya can survive in Snow of Hoth, Deserts of Tattooine, Forests of Dxun and Lava of Mustafar.

Combat- Like all Mandalorians Oya grew up a warrior and is comfortable in combat as he is in the wilderness.


Independent- Despite his personable nature. Oya prefers his independence, doesn't like saying sir or following rules or structures or authority. This can become a problem when in any military environment.

Non Force User- Outside of a long range shot with his sniper blaster Oya is a non force sensitive and would require a 4 to 1 advantage to take one on.


Their father was a Skirata, bounty hunter as was Mandalorian tradition who'd come across a lead about an old Kaminoan stash of Clone DNA. The cells weren't enough for a direct clone but there was enough to be spliced with female embryos. So the brothers came into being. Separate mothers but the same father.

Oya was the youngest, came out last. The brothers used to joke his mother was a Dathomirian. Oya kinda wished that was truth. Not so much the Force, but riding a Rancor appealed to him. Growing up Oya enjoyed the outdoors the most and excelled in the woods, then the snow, then the desert. His specialty was scout, tracker, reconnaissance. Something that came in handy on Bounty hunter jobs.

Despite his love of the wild Oya was also the most personable of the group he enjoyed meeting new people and partying hard, his other brothers saw this as irresponsible and immature, but Oya usually just laughed that off.

Still that was natural with brothers. They fought as much as they loved each other trained together, fought together by the time they were teenagers they were quite the Elite Squad. Truthfully he tried his best did his best to be a good son a good brother, but came off as immature and unseriousness.

Which played it's own part in the brothers split. When they were in their late teens. None of them can quite remember the actual cause of the argument, only that it caused a family fight and fauling out. Each picking at each others flaws. They went there separate ways. By Mandalroain standards they were adults. There father reluctantly let them go to find their own paths in life.

Oya became a hunter, hunting down monsters for pay if they attacked, selling furs and skins and tooth and rare supplies. Made quite a name for himself. Occasionally a bounty hunt for the right price. Some Hutt's even tried to get him to capture animals for their arena's. Oya refused. Hunting was one thing but enslaving animals never appealed to him.

The brothers didn't reunite until one day they got word. Their father went on a hunting trp and hadn't been home in a few days. It turned into a mission. The mission reunited the brothers. Now they're back together again.

Oya just wants to be with his family for awhile. The Mandalorians seem to be on the rise again. They have dreams of reuniting Clan Skirata into a powerful Clan. Oya is willing to give that a try be among his people again. Maybe go on a hunt every now and then.

Secretly Oya wants to start his own club, maybe on a safari or yacht somewhere. Mando's and others can come and drink and be merry and go on a hunt. A refuge. A Vheh'yaim.
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