Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Oz Zol

Oz Zol




NAME: Oz Zol

FACTION: Ashlan Crusade

RANK: Knight


AGE: 28

SEX: Male


WEIGHT: 90 kg

EYES: White

HAIR: None

SKIN: Brownish



STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :

Athletic: Through a mix of Jedi training and years of hard farm work. It could be argued that without augmentation Oz is in peak physical condition for a Kel'Dor.

Scientific Mind: Not only does Oz have brawns, but he also has brains. Teaching himself much about the scientific natural world he is able to utilize the environment to his advantage in all sorts of ways both combative and non-combatives

“I’ll try spinning, that’s a good trick”: Oz is a practitioner and specialist in Ataru. Utilizing his athletics and Kro Var air shaping to maximize his mobility.

Elementalist: Oz utilizes force abilities like the Kro Var Shapers and Alter Environment. Mostly in harnessing the powers of wind and electricity.

Moral Absolutist: Like many Kel'Dor when it comes to things like Justice, Oz has a very black and white view on things, and it pretty stubborn to think and act otherwise which has created conflict for himself.

Mask Dependent: A fairly obvious physical weakness for all kel dor. Oz could likely die or sustain serious injury if not for his breathing mask. Removal could prove highly detrimental to him.


Oz is a rather large and imposing Kel'Dorin male, wearing a facemask when not on his homeworld at all times. Like many other Force Sensitive Kel'Dor, behind his goggles his eyes were pale white. Though his nature as a Kel'Dor is often concealed under considerable knightly armor. Both to protect, and to present.


Like most of his kind Oz was born on Dorin, although not for very long as he was sent away to train with the Jedi as a youngling. Training at a more remote Dantooine Jedi temple in the outer rim. However, Oz was rather lackluster in his abilities in the Force. Not having a very high sensitivity to it. Despite his hard work and dedication he was reassigned under the service core.

Even though Oz himself had little to no relationship or attachment to his homeworld, he still possessed the stringent outlook on justice that many of his kind shared, and believed that the decision to have him reassigned into the agricultural corp was ultimately a justified decision, though one he wished he didn’t need to face. Although this act very likely saved the young Kel’Dor’s life. As the northern outerim was once again being annexed by the sith.

Despite the turbulence of the galaxy through wars and various Jedi organizations sprouting up into prominence, Oz never abandoned his duties as a farmer. Although many were dying in bloody battles, who knew of the countless billions that could be harmed through famine if not for the diligent and worldly work of folks like him. Oz traveled between many agricultural worlds to offer his aid. Through this literal hands-on experience and reflecting on his own Jedi teachings he didn’t manage to make his sensitivity to the Force more potent, but he could broaden it. Utilizing the Force in all things, big and small and the energies in the world around him at any given moment, supplementing his own abilities. As an extension of his duties Oz saw to better understand the world through an academic sense as well.

Oz taught himself much of physics, environmental sciences and climatology as well as practicing abilities in The Force that could alter the environment. Eventually able to summon rain when things were too dry and avert natural disasters. Harnessing the elements of the natural world for the betterment of his work.

However, it could not all be literal sunshine and rainbows. Chaos created opportunity, and thus opportunists. Banditry had begun to run rampant and unchecked on the remote planets he worked on. On one day a band of extortionist pirates came to raid the farming community Oz was in. Though he was not as skilled as other Jedi with a lightsaber he would make up for it with elemental powers. Calling fourth lightning and winds like a raging tempest. When it was over he had managed to defend the community. But for better or for wrong Oz had come to the idea that no longer could injustices continue to go on like this, that he had to take action, and fight the forces that could create such rampant violence and crime. Finally, Oz had traded in his pitch fork for a lightsaber and set out to bring Justice to vultures who feasted on the corpse of law and order in the galaxy.


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