Budo'Kaikara Based Powers:
Force Needle (Apex):
A power in which, during a physical strike, the user uses the force to form a needle shaped sliver of energy to puncture skin and attack internal targets with precision. This power is good for damaging muscles and organs but lacks the ability to cut and slice.
Whispering Palms (Apex):
A power in which the user creates a shockwave of force energy through their hands. This shockwave can cause severe damage, even with glancing blows. However, the bulk of the power lies within direct hits where the user can disrupt vital functions by sending shockwaves of kinetic energy throughout the opponents body. This shockwave can crush and shift but lacks the precision of Force Needle.
Force Disruption (In Development):
A power in the process of development by Ozuma. Ozuma hopes that by further developing the Budo'kaikara style and merging it with midi-chlorian manipulation that he will be able to develop a series of attacks that will temporarily disrupt an individuals force sensitivity.
Basic Force Powers
Moving Meditation (Apex)
Shatterpoint Recognition (Master)
Force Sight (Adept)
Force Punch (Adept)
Telekinesis (Adept)