The Upright Man
Section Zero - Classified
| This is a work in progress |
"Death is my meat; terror my wine."
"Death is my meat; terror my wine."
| Social Information |
- Name: Ozuvyn Sar-Sargoth
- Alias: The Indomitable
- Titles: High King
- Homeworld: Gulamendis
- Living Situation: Royal Palace of Sar-Sargoth
- Sexuality: Bisexual
- Marital Status: Married
- Force Sensitive: Yes
- Force Rank: Witch Initiate
- Force Alignment: Darkside
- Voice Sample: Illidan Stormrage
- Species: Sephi
- Gender: Male
- Age: One-hundred and twenty
- Height: 6'7"
- Weight: 92.9 Kilograms
- Eye Color: White Black
[*]Hair Color: Black
| Affiliations |
| Relationships |
- Spouse: Aglaranna Sar-Sargoth
- Parents: Azrash Sar-Sargoth†, Etireugram Selah†
- Sibling:
- Uncle:
- Aunts:
- Cousins:
- Ancestor:
- Children:
- Grandchildren:
- Master:
- Mentor:
- Apprentices:
- Allies:
- Acquaintances:
- Enemies:
| Possessions |
| Confirmed Kills |
| Biography |