Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Protocol. Assistant. Combat. Unit.


[Credit to the Artist of this image.]

NAME: PACU (Protocol. Assistance. Combat. Unit.)

FACTION: None as of yet.

RANK: Functions as Protocol Unit/ Bodyguard

MODEL: Multipurpose Protocol/Battle Droid

AGE: Has been functioning for twenty years

HEIGHT: 1.5 m

WEIGHT: 140 kg




  • Protocol Programming- PACU is primarily a protocol unit with combat capabilities, so with that said PACU is up to date with all the most recent etiquette downloads and has over a thousand different languages stored in it's database. A perfect addition to any team, whether exploratory or political.

  • Armaments- PACU is also equipped with the hottest and most popular weaponry on the galactic market. Unbeknownst to the protocol side of the droid, this model can suddenly turn into an effective killing machine, with numerous hidden pockets and compartments, filled to the brim with different weaponry, from blasters to missiles. This also allows this protocol unit to assist by acting as a bodyguard to it's owner as well, making it twice as effective, doubling as a protocol and battle droid all in one.

  • Fluent in multiple languages- Due to it's protocol programming, PACU also has access to thousands of different alien languages stored within its database. This makes it an important asset in many political situations, assisting it's owner when a language barrier is faced.


  • Multiple Personalities- PACU is completely unaware of it's two different settings; protocol and combat, therefore has no control over when it switches from each setting. This leaves the droid in very dangerous situations, for example if it were in combat, it could suddenly switch back to it's protocol setting, leaving it completely vulnerable as it is unaware of it's weaponry and would have no idea how to use it. This would also work the other way as well, with the combat setting activating during a heated political situation and the droid sparks a fuse which ruins the entire operation.

  • Chassis/Body- Due to it's production as a protocol unit, PACU has been given the chassis of a protocol droid, including its slow moving, stiff joints and plating. This doesn't exactly suit the combat setting that PACU also has installed however slight adjustments have been made to make combat slightly more efficient for the droid. It's chassis still remains a slight problem to the droid, being one of it's primary weaknesses.


PACU like many other protocol models is designed in a humanoid form, designed primarily off blueprints off protocol units during Emperor Palpatine's reign. It's chassis allow it to perform tasks that many living beings can also achieve, using it's elbow and knee joints to bend and move at a faster speed than normal models. Gold plating has been added to the droids exterior, covering the wires and weaponry hidden beneath. PACU however is slightly different to other protocols, with several compartments and slots which contain weaponry for when it switches to it's combat mode. It has a slot on each wrist joint, one which holds a miniature missile launcher, and the other holding a portable flame-thrower. Also along it's thigh plating there are two compartments which hold twin fuel jets, which allow the droid to hover and even fly for short amounts of time. It's right photo-receptor is able to form a targeting emitter, increasing it's sniping efficiency, the receptor also doubles as a thermal imaging device, allowing it to pick up alien heat patterns. Overall PACU appears to be an ordinary protocol droid, however one with many secrets hidden underneath it's golden exterior.


The thought of a multipurpose protocol droid is an odd thought to have, and funnily enough, PACU started off as just a common protocol droid. Brought into creation by Cybot Galactica after the reformation of the Republic, PACU served as a personal assistant to the first Chancellor of the newly reformed democracy, becoming a member of it's vast droid staff. PACU accompanied it's master to many systems, insisting the planets inhabitants join the Republic, building up it's numbers and Senate member total. The protocol droid enjoyed this job immensely even though it was the only thing it had known since it's creation. Although having really no true set of emotions, PACU seemed to actually get a buzz out of the political game, helping the Chancellor in their duties and organising Senatorial events. PACU's employment to the Senate lasted a full six years before he was given off as a gift to the Senator of Kuat.

PACU didn't feel any resentment towards the Chancellor for giving him up, in fact his memory had been wiped so that he forgot the past six years since his creation. The Republic didn't want a protocol droid running around the galaxy full of information that could potentially put their leader at risk, so for that reason PACU lost all recollection of his past owner, focusing solely on pleasing the Senator. For the next seven years, PACU spent his time as the personal translator and adviser to the Senator of Kuat, travelling with her to multiple worlds within the Kuat system and learning a thing or two about business. Spending a lot of time on the shipyards orbiting the planet, PACU gained substantial knowledge on space craft and it's internal mechanisms. Although not as skilled as engineer droids, PACU was later installed with a crafting chip, allowing him to better understand the inner-workings of many trademark Kuat interstellar transports. Life was a lot more relaxed for the droid as it grew accustomed to the life of dinner parties and senatorial meetings. Nothing could have prepared him for that one fateful day to Nar Shaddaa. The Senator had decided to take a few days off and go and enjoy some gambling on the smugglers moon. Everything was turning out swimmingly as the Senator seemed to be having a lucky streak. However things suddenly took a downward spiral, as they often do on Nar Shaddaa, and before PACU or the Senator could do anything, they were bundled up by some Hutt gang and taken to the darker sections of the neon lit moon.

When PACU was activated once again, he had lost all recollection of his past, once again having had his memory wiped clean. A full year had passed, with the Senator being sold for ransom and being executed after no one came to his aid. PACU had been transported to the world of Ord Mantell, where unbeknownst to him, he had been implanted with an abundance of black market weaponry and a combat patch, which regularly interrupted his protocol system. This provided PACU with a completely different personality. One being the cheerful, naive protocol droid, and the other being an emotionless, merciless killing machine. However while under the control of the Mantellian gang, the combat patch was often in control instead of the protocol program. PACU wreaked havoc on Ord Mantell, completely unable to stop himself from desecrating villages and assassinating important VIP's. It wasn't until the gang was finally wiped out by the Mantellian government that PACU was able to gain some leverage over his new personality. As a last act however, the gang wiped PACU's memory a third time, erasing all knowledge of the combat chip and his alternate personality. The droid is completely oblivious to the roommate he shares his body with, he is just a ticking time bomb, never knowing when the merciless droid will suddenly awaken from hibernation and once again bring chaos to the galaxy.


Owns no ship at this present time.


Has killed no members at this present time.


No Bounties have been collected at this present time.





Protocol. Assistant. Combat. Unit.
All bow down to your new mast......Oh dear, ummmm excuse me but where am I? Would anyone have the decency to explain where I am?


Protocol. Assistant. Combat. Unit.
Why I am PACU my dear lady. Protocol Assistance Combat Unit. However I'm not exactly sure why I have combat in my designation code madam. But it is a pleasure to meet you..... Um Miss Mune.

@[member="Torinia Mune"]


Protocol. Assistant. Combat. Unit.

Is the One Sith looking for a droid????????
it's only taking in force sensitives at the moment since it's still in it's beginning stages.

but you can be my personal droid.

AKA: King Overlord Paramount Protector of the Droid Kingdoms.

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