Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
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Name: Pa-Tir-Ah
Homeworld: Asobi System, Mimban
Development Thread: If required
Average Measurements:
Length: Vines stretch out for 5m's from the flower trap
Height: 2m
Width: 1.75m
Weight: 100kg
Cultivation Requirements: A dark, damp area usually in a jungle or forest with a ample food source it can lure in.
Alluring: Releases a chemical to attract in prey
Paralytic: The sticky sap like substance within the mouth of the plant hold prey and makes their bodies numb so they can slowly be digested. When used by hunters on small weapons it can subdue some of the larger creatures
Requires organic foods
Thick vines that produce small bulbs of processed and digested food
Chemical scent that attracts in prey to the large flower
Sticky paralytic sap
Average Growth Cycle: 20 years
Average Life: 40 years
Nutritional Value: N/A
History: Discovered in the jungles of Mimban by the ancient humans who met with the underground Coway and recorded as a dangerous beauty of a plant. The main flower is usually is somewhere surrounded on nearly all sides so prey can't escape. The chemical it releases into the air a soothing scent that was described as something alluring to you more personally. Explorers were warned against it as while it is very large and hard to miss it is also easy to walk into. The long vines that produce fruit like bulbs of processed food it has eaten and the scent all go towards the flowers large maw. As some samples were taken for botanical research and zoos across the galaxy more details such as where the creatures it eats end up. Feeding it the essentials but also ending up in the fruit like bulbs that are able to be used for seasoning if you are really brave or want to give it to a hutt. They would likely eat anything. The rest of the flowers major attributes. Rumors of larger ones in the deeper unexplored jungles of worlds are always around but most are medium size.
Intent: To create a semi dangerous and beautiful plant on the worlds that can add to the danger's of exploring. an oversized venus fly like trap plant that lures unwary explorers in.