Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Padak Arciso

Name: Padak Arciso
Faction: Galactic Republic
Rank: Padawan
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Height: 2 meters
Weight: 97 kilograms
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown
Skin: Fair
Force Sensitive: Yes

​Lightsaber Dueling: Padak has trained heavily in Lightsaber combat, from duels to blocking blaster bolts.

​Confident: ​Padak is confident in his abilities, both with the Force and in combat.


​Blasters: ​Padak has had no training firing a blaster and is very likely to miss his target, becoming a possible danger to himself or others.

Confident: Sometimes, Padak's confidence in himself sometimes leads to poor choices i battle or outside of it.

Padak was born to a normal family, though he cannot remember them. He was brought to the Temple when he was a young boy, no older than 2 standard years. He trained in the ways of the Force and lightsaber combat like all younglings. He excelled in lightsaber combat and Force combat. He is adventurous, and wants to explore the galaxy in search of long forgotten secrets. He is fascinated with the history of the galaxy, particularly the Rakatan Infinite Empire. He dreams of finding artifacts from that long forgotten civilization. Other than that, he is loyal to the Republic and Jedi.

Ship: None

Kills: None

Bounties collected: None

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