Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Padawans Unite!


Jedi with a dark past
So, I've been doing some looking around, and I've noticed quite a few players with Characters who fall under the 'Jedi Padawan' title. Given this is the case, I was thinking of hosting some threads (along with one or two others who might want to pitch in) and do some padawan-only threads. The goal here is to first and foremost, get your characters interacting with the characters of others who fall into the same faction as you, but on a closer note....are in the same state as you - padawan. Other goals here would be to promote teamwork amongst characters/players, get some experience under your belt in any number of designed circumstances, have fun, and maybe form some padawan bonds between characters.

If anyone is interested in helping out (like I said, one to two others w/ padawan characters to help with this) you can send me a PM.

Anyone interested in joining this, just reply here with your Padawan's name, and I'll get back to you as soon as this gets rolling.
I had talked to a few of our fellow Padawans regarding something along these lines. We're starting off a training session on Tython, of which all Padawan are welcome to join. I love the concept of having a few Padawan-only threads and I'm certainly down with this idea. :D


Disney's Princess
Denko and I were planning on going to Tython. We've been talking about it for a few days now. Would you like to join us Solis? :D
I have two ideas at the moment for additional Padawan-only topics:​
"The Gathering" - Based off of the canon voyage taken by Master Yoda and a group of initiates, A Master of the Jedi Order (@[member="Ben Watts"] if you'd like to join us on this adventure?) will lead an expedition to Ilum in which we Padawan will construct lightsabers. We will brave the dangers of the crystal caves and each walk out with a brand-new, thread-born lightsaber. :)
"United We Stand" - A training topic that emphasizes teamwork and strategy. A group of Padawan will venture to the military training facility on Carida in order to face....A RANCOR! We'll team up and take the beast down, relying upon each Padawan's strengths and covering each Padawan's weaknesses to proceed.​
I also think that we should run missions into the unaffiliated space in order to begin swaying them to join the Republic. The Sith are attempting to frame and slander the Republic's good name, associating the Order and the military with crimes the Sith have committed. We'll counter these heinous actions with the truth of the Light, we'll show them how great the Jedi Order and the Republic are through us and build faith in the Republic!​

Ava Solborne

I think, that "The Gathering" should happen at some time. By the way, how many padawans are here, who already have their own lightsaber?


Disney's Princess
Well. Since Ben has picked up 3 students or more? I shall take my leave. We'll just have to do the Padawan thing another time. :D :p
I was actually only supposed to be in the thread for a few posts to help out Jor'si, but everyone kind of followed, so I guess I should probably define it better next time I join.

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