Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Paddie Whacked

Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Siather Det'aan"] [member="Coci Sinopi"] [member="Jeela Tillian "] [member="Eric Koor"] [member="Saori Kutunome"] [member="Dagos Terrek"] [member="Chi'Yara"]

Well you are doing well and


While Saki has for her part



Came in like a wrecking maul
[member="Aika Kawakami"] I'll whack your paddie....

Oh dear god you are right that sounds so dirty. Good thing it wasn't Ventasia she'd make me eat those words.

Oh gods I can't stop dirty dirty mouth


Came in like a wrecking maul
[member="Aika Kawakami"] *smiles* One day Aika one day we shall find what she likes. Also your padawan Jeela is in there having some fun so good times.


Came in like a wrecking maul
[member="Aika Kawakami"] Alright alright I'll come to you if I want to whack things. Jeela has been doing good and been a great padawan in threads. Good luck with her.

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