Ghrom the Molten
of Stone and FURY...
- Intent: Resub the a frigate used by TSE for use by the WWS
- Image Source: Click - AdamKop@DeviantArt
- Canon Link: N/A
- Permissions: Darth Carnifex
- Primary Source: HERE
- Manufacturer: Sith-Imperial Corps of Engineers, heavily modified by We Who Survive
- Affiliation: WWS
- Model: Velox-class Fast Frigate
- Production: Unique
- Material:
- Classification: Raider / Support Frigate
- Length: 400m
- Width: 245m
- Height: 117m
- Armament: Low
- Quad Laser Cannon Turrets [Fast-Track Mountings and Fire-Linked]
- Automated Rapid-Fire Point Defense Cannons [Fast-Track Mountings and Fire-Linked]
- Automated Anti-missile Octets [Fast-Track Mountings and Fire-Linked]
- Defenses: High
- Improved [Frigate-Class, Military-Grade] Deflector Shields
- Aftermarket Cap Drains
- Improved [Frigate-Class, Military-Grade] Armour and Hull Plating
- Standard [Frigate-Class, Military-Grade] Internal Autoblasters (Retractable Plating)
- Standard [Frigate-Class, Military-Grade] Internal, Retractable Bulkheads, Bunkers, and Shields (Interior Defence)
- Standard [Frigate-Class, Military-Grade] EWAR, Electronic Countermeasures, Chaff, and Flare Launchers
- Hangar Space: Average
- 1 Squadron
- Hangar Allocations:
- Starfighter Squadrons: 0 Starfighter Squadrons
- Support Craft Squadrons: 1 Support Craft Squadron
- Engine Units: Frigate-Class Ion Engines - Four Medium Drive Units
- Primary Power Plant: Frigate-Class Hypermatter Annihilation Reactor
- Secondary Power Plant: Solar Ionization Conversion Modules with Retractable Agrinium Collection Arrays
- Passengers: 200 Soldiers, 300-600 Refugees
- Crew Complement (Optimal): 1,400 Personnel
- Crew Complement (Skeletal): 100 Personnel
- Escape Craft: 400 Mandalorian hypercapable escape pods
- Cargo Capacity: 5,000 Metric Tonnes
- Consumables: Five Months
- Maneuverability Rating: Very High
- Speed Rating: Very High
- Hyperdrive Class: Average
- 2.0 Class Hyperdrive
- Standard [Frigate-Class, Military-Grade] Damage Control and Hazard Systems
- Modified [Frigate-Class, Military-Grade] Life Support Systems
- Standard [Frigate-Class, Military-Grade] Navigational and Avionics Systems
- Standard [Frigate-Class, Military-Grade] Sensors and Targeting Systems
- Standard [Frigate-Class, Military-Grade] Communications Systems, Holonet Transceiver and Encryption/Decryption Networks with Military-Grade Keys
- Standard [Frigate-Class, Military-Grade] Environmental Control Systems
- Standard [Frigate-Class, Military-Grade] Tractor and Pressor Beams
- Standard [Frigate-Class, Military-Grade] Emergency Maneuvering Thrusters
- Standard [Frigate-Class, Military-Grade] Anti-Ion Emission Tracer (Anti-Hyperspace Tracking)
- Standard [Frigate-Class, Military-Grade] Relativistic and Shift Shielding
- Internal Shield Generators
- Internal Reactor Bulbs
- Retracted Bridge Tower
- Anti-Ordnance EM Probes (Long-Range)
- Missile Deactivation Transmitter (Short-Range)
- Fast Frigate: Relying more on speed than power, the Velox was designed with energy-efficient ion engines that could generate considerable forward momentum. Lateral thrusters enable the frigate to move nimbly through the vacuum of the void, outpacing and outmaneuvering most other vessels. Note that this particular ship is significantly faster and nimbler than a normal Velox-class.
- Tougher than She Looks: This ship's defenses have been overhauled and augmented, particularly its armour and its resilience against system strain (e.g. ion cannons, EMP).
- Low Armament: All of the Velox's weapon systems are light cannons, anti-fighter cannons, and anti-missile cannons, which are perfectly capable of taking on starfighters and other small crafts, but are incapable of going toe-to-toe with dedicated capital weapons.
- No Dedicated Fighter Escort: This particular ship traded its starfighter squadron for a compliment of dropships.
The philosophy of the Sith Empire revolved around the idea of martial strength, which led to the initial creation of large warships and battlecruisers. The idea of smaller more maneuverable ships was almost an afterthought, but it was eventually conceded that such ships were an integral part of any fleet composition. Thus the Engineering Corps quickly began conceptualization and construction of a new design of warship to act as the mucilage between the already existing larger starships.
That brand was the Velox-class Fast Frigate, a four-hundred-meter long vessel capable of achieving fast speeds relatively quickly and making tight maneuvers on the fly. However, the ship was lightly armored and lightly armed but was allowed the accompaniment of a single starfighter squadron in its small ventral hangar bay.
Besides acting as a support ship for larger Imperial fleets, the Velox has also been known to serve as a patrol ship for territories both newly conquered and long since integrated.
We Who Survive captured this Velox-class frigate, then called the Admonitor, during the Sith Empire's refugee-enslavement action along the Pabol Hutta. They renamed it and brought it to friendly technicians for repair and refit. Compared to a stock Velox, this vessel has the following modifications:
- Improved engines.
- Improved maneuvering thrusters.
- Removed diatium capacitance array.
- Replaced starfighter squadron with dropships that can serve as evacuation transports.
- Replaced overlaid multi-type shield generator with improved generic deflector shields.
- Significantly augmented armour plating.
- Removed automation from quad laser turrets.
- Added cap drains for better ion/EMP protection.
- Overhauled and replaced computer systems for protection from Imperial technical exploits.
- Enhanced passenger capacity for a lesser or greater number of refugees, depending on how long they will need to be aboard. (Consumables capacity stayed the same, but now rated for five months instead of eight.)
- Multi-species amenities and life support tailoring.
- Replaced durasteel ablative armour with a fit-for-purpose ablative composite.
- Replaced all saviour pods and lifeboats with hypercapable escape pods.