Nicair Claden
The Iron Heart
Once upon a time this was a place of rehabilitation, or, it liked to pretend it was. The things that took place in the bowels of Kerebar Station for the Criminally Insane were far from the benefit of the "patients" within. Such atrocities took place the likes of which would make the dark gods of the universe turn their heads in disgust and shame. None deserved to be sequestered here, no sin deserves this hell. But I'm getting ahead of myself aren't I? The two of you haven't even had time to see the sights, all the facades put up could be quite enjoyable, pretty little lies. But soon enough you'll both see that inside everything pretty is a dark, ugly, piss stained core that will leave you running and no amount of your Mandalorian strength nor your blending into the shadows stealth can save you for long. Enter your crucible gentlemen, and be forged into something stronger, darker, and more wicked than before.
The man had never really heard of this Kerebar Station before it became the drop off point for a rather troublesome and disturbed cargo that sat next to him. What bothered him even more was that the transports he had tried to hire had either never heard of the place, or that was the story they told, or blatantly refused to go there even when offered a cut of the bounty. He assumed there would be a bounty, to be completely honest the once-human sitting next to him was so body strickenly terrified of going back to the station it seemed a very spiteful thing to simply take him there. The murdered family would like that, probably.
"We're going to do this nice and fast alright? In and out, I got more runs to do." The voice came from the pilot of the small craft the three were on, he was a young man but yet, aged before his time. Nicair could at least appreciate experience.
He could feel from the movement of the ship that it was turning around in the docking bay of the facility, they had arrived in the approximate location based on what were confirmed to be outdated coordinates in the sector. Something about the whole thing made him uneasy, maybe it was the odd smell that had already seemed to creep its way into the ship. It was a mixture of decay and a strong cleanser that just couldn't get rid of it. Like a morgue.
The ship shook as the landing gear touched the cold metal of the dock. The smell had by now permeated all through the small confines of the ship. The cargo-person became increasingly agitated as the steam hissed and the cargo door began to open.
"Please, if there is any mercy, sympathy, or love in your heart you will leave this place. You know what? Not even love, if you ever want to stick it to whatever it is you please again you will get the kark out of here."
Nicair responded by grabbing the man by the arm, there wasn't much muscle but what mass there was was about as strong as durasteel. Luckily Nicair's grip was about as iron as the beskar that covered his body and he wrenched the man's body up against the thrashing. He led the man to the edge of the now lowered hatch onto the floor of the dock. The smell grew even worse here and by the content of the space the man wasn't surprised. It was a mess. Damaged ships and scraps of loose metal and equipment littered the floor, a blackened substance dripped from the ceiling into a small puddle of sludge a distance to the mandalorian's right. It didn't take him long before warning bells began to sound in his head. But then again, they might not have been warning bells, it could've been the shock of the concussion blast that had just erupted on the back of his helmet. He'd need to wake up before he could tell the difference.
Once upon a time this was a place of rehabilitation, or, it liked to pretend it was. The things that took place in the bowels of Kerebar Station for the Criminally Insane were far from the benefit of the "patients" within. Such atrocities took place the likes of which would make the dark gods of the universe turn their heads in disgust and shame. None deserved to be sequestered here, no sin deserves this hell. But I'm getting ahead of myself aren't I? The two of you haven't even had time to see the sights, all the facades put up could be quite enjoyable, pretty little lies. But soon enough you'll both see that inside everything pretty is a dark, ugly, piss stained core that will leave you running and no amount of your Mandalorian strength nor your blending into the shadows stealth can save you for long. Enter your crucible gentlemen, and be forged into something stronger, darker, and more wicked than before.
The man had never really heard of this Kerebar Station before it became the drop off point for a rather troublesome and disturbed cargo that sat next to him. What bothered him even more was that the transports he had tried to hire had either never heard of the place, or that was the story they told, or blatantly refused to go there even when offered a cut of the bounty. He assumed there would be a bounty, to be completely honest the once-human sitting next to him was so body strickenly terrified of going back to the station it seemed a very spiteful thing to simply take him there. The murdered family would like that, probably.
"We're going to do this nice and fast alright? In and out, I got more runs to do." The voice came from the pilot of the small craft the three were on, he was a young man but yet, aged before his time. Nicair could at least appreciate experience.
He could feel from the movement of the ship that it was turning around in the docking bay of the facility, they had arrived in the approximate location based on what were confirmed to be outdated coordinates in the sector. Something about the whole thing made him uneasy, maybe it was the odd smell that had already seemed to creep its way into the ship. It was a mixture of decay and a strong cleanser that just couldn't get rid of it. Like a morgue.
The ship shook as the landing gear touched the cold metal of the dock. The smell had by now permeated all through the small confines of the ship. The cargo-person became increasingly agitated as the steam hissed and the cargo door began to open.
"Please, if there is any mercy, sympathy, or love in your heart you will leave this place. You know what? Not even love, if you ever want to stick it to whatever it is you please again you will get the kark out of here."
Nicair responded by grabbing the man by the arm, there wasn't much muscle but what mass there was was about as strong as durasteel. Luckily Nicair's grip was about as iron as the beskar that covered his body and he wrenched the man's body up against the thrashing. He led the man to the edge of the now lowered hatch onto the floor of the dock. The smell grew even worse here and by the content of the space the man wasn't surprised. It was a mess. Damaged ships and scraps of loose metal and equipment littered the floor, a blackened substance dripped from the ceiling into a small puddle of sludge a distance to the mandalorian's right. It didn't take him long before warning bells began to sound in his head. But then again, they might not have been warning bells, it could've been the shock of the concussion blast that had just erupted on the back of his helmet. He'd need to wake up before he could tell the difference.