Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Pain Continues

Sith Academy
5 weeks ago..

Nulgath had just returned from The Trial of Pain survival and went on a mission to kill a Dragon, The battle caused him much harm and damage to his legs. A crippled weakling he thought of himself. For weeks he hovered around the temple in a Hoer chair, others gave him looks and stares. But no more.

Sith Academy
​Present Day

A large armored figure walked through the temple to his Training room, The walk of the Figure was strong and intimidating, his facial mask had the visage of a Demon and his breathing could be heard from afar. each step was a sound thump. Cybernetics echoed and moved as he walked. Apon reaching the room the Figure waited for his partner and retracted his mask showing his face.. Nulgath.

There in the Training room he waited for his Master [member="Darth Praelior"] and his partner [member="Kezeroth Barcu"]

Balaya didn't appear for them, she sent Elara for the two with a message as the eight year old with sith tattoo's on her head and her cloak down delivered it.

"I am sending the two of you to Klantooine, go there, and bring as much of the Winthrium from the fountain of the ancients as you can. Anything that gets in your way... kill it."
Kezeroth slowly made his way into the training room. He heard that Nulgath was serious injured in his last assault but Kezeroth never saw him since then. Intill now, Kezeroth looked at the Armored figure and walked around him to see his face, It was Nulgath. Kezeroth nodded at Elara fore he heard her from the enterance of the room. Kezeroth looked at his own armor then at Nulgaths. Eyeing him to and pushed him slightly saying " You copy cat..." Kezeroth then started backpeddaling out waveing to Nulgath to follow him. They had some stuff to catch up on.

[member="Nulgath Zardai"]
2 Days later

Nulgath had set off on the mission with Kezeroth to gather Winthrium, and as much as they can too. On the way and in their travels Nulgath explained how he designed his suit and what happen on the missions that critically injured him. It was not much of a story to tell bu Nulgath enjoyed telling how to jumped on a Dragon and how it took his leg. His story came to a end as they arrived to the Planets spaceport where Nulgath realized that it was controlled by Hutts. Pulling out his Data pad he had previously mapped out where the fountain was and started toward it
Nulgath Boarded a ship and headed toward the Fountain of the Ancients with Kezeroth close behind. The pilot was being held hostage by the Sith and was force to directly go to the Fountain. Nulgath knew him and Kezeroth could handle the locals with their advanced weapons. Nulgath was great enhanced by his armor and greatly relished to use it against someone.
[member="Kezeroth Barcu"]
Kezeroth smiled looking at the Pilot, One Simple move and Kezeroth could rip him to shreds. As they came closer Kezeroth looked up from the ship seeing the sight. The Pilot refused to go any further. " Then your Services are dead!" Kezeroth swiftly snapped the pilots Neck and leaped off the ship landing hard in the sandy area below. The Fountain was in Sight now.

[member="Nulgath Zardai"]
Nulgath sighed and stepped off the Quickly followed [member="Kezeroth the Hateful"] lead and jumped off aswell but ended up ahead of his partner and took lead to the Fountain. There were guards with primitive weapons all around it and they yelled at our direction to turn back. Summoning my Lightsaber to my hand Nulgath Ignited the blue blade and started his charge leaving [member="Kezeroth the Hateful"] in the dust to watch. Nulgath sprung into action and began his works of Shii-Cho action takeing large sweeps at the primitive combatants. They stood no chance.
Kezeroth Using Force Dash to Catch up to his Zabrak friend frowned at the Dead bodies. " You left me with scraps!" Kezeroth Barked, spit flying from his mouth. Looking around Kezeroth groaned and and ignited the Blade on his Light-Pike. " Where out here for nothing, This "Master" we serve will teach us nothing... Makes us Weak." Kezeroth admitted a growl and stomped toward the fountain. It was a sight to see for any other species but to Kezeroth it was Garbage. The Gen'Dai could sense their time was limited, More would come their way. Looting a Large bag off one of the Bodies, Kezeroth Dropped it nearby and stood guard. " You Work... I kill!" He muttered waiting for Trouble that would come.
The Grey Zabrak eyed Kezeroth for a moment and shook his head. Walking over to the Fountain with the bag Nulgath began to Cut the Crystal substance Winthrium. It was hard Very hard.. As Nulgath Cut into the Pieces He mulled over Kezeroths Words about Their Master. Kezeroth had a Hate for the Sith this was no hidden fact but he was also bound to them. Nulgath would not Betray his Master after only 3 trials. The Anger from thinking caused Nulgath to Cut a Chunk faster, If only it was Thin like Ice he thought as he Cut. Taking a Softball size Chunk Nulgath Threw it in the Bag and Started all over.
Kezeroth Roared at the sight of heavier and more advanced vehicles come. Shouting at Nulgath " CUT FASTER! CUT LARGER!" with that said the Gen'Dai rushed into battle. They brought a Tank and dozen speeders. Militia now? Kezeroth Grinned as they gave the command " Open Fire!" one of the Leaders said. Blaster bolts reflected back, Exlposions from grenades & the Tank still there just waiting. Good thing too a Tank could be a Problem. Kezeroth started his Djem So Stance and held his own, Though alot of Blaser bolts went through and some Grenades hit near the Gen'Dai. Kezeroth still Endured he was tough and moved forward till the Troopers were forced to use melee combat, This was their end. Large Sweeps and Force Pulls occured taking out the Ground units. Turning his attention to the Tank, the top portion turned and the Heavy Laser Cannon aimed at Kezeroths Chest, Using Force Speed the Gen'Dai launched himself forward with a roar. *BANG*

The Gen'Dais body Fell over in the Dirt, The Damage was too much for him to handle and put him in a Hibernation like State. He was Vulnerable for attack again as he Healed Quickly. The Bond and pain that sounded echod through the Force..
Nulgath was almost Done with his Cut when he heard explosions in the background and th4e Roar of the Gen'Dai. He smiled and started grunting at the Crystal chunk in front of him, Nulgath was sweating from the Heating of his own blade Blue. Finally after Few minutes the Chuck fell over and Nulgath caught it, Another Softball sized piece.

A Ripple Sounded through the Force and the Zabrak look over in a quickl movement only to see Kezeroth fall over. Nulgath could feel some of the Gen'Dais pain, It was .. Excessive but soothing and he did not know why. Noticing Kezeroth healing the wound Nulgath Looked at the Tank and shouted " Fool! " Nulgaths eyes turned of the Darkside and Gave a Jump imbued Leap to the Tank, Starting his Sweeping strikes slowly moving around it disabling its movement.

Deactivating his lightsaber and Letting his rage Ignite from the pain in their bond Nulgath grabbed the Large Barrel of the tank and started moving it away from Kezeroth, Much of this was done by the Zabraks Suit which enhanced his strength greatly. The Barrel Fired multipule time only to hit the ground away from the Gen'Dai. Nulgath had saved his life...

A Operater opened the hatch pointing a Blaster at the Zabrak, He shouted something in a Alien Language but Nulgath did not stop moving the Barrel. Opening fire on the Zabrak, Nulgath used his Armor to protect himself while trying to Reach for his Lightsaber.
Kezeroth Opened his eyes seeing the dirt first. Then Looking around to see Nulgath Handling the Tank and taking Fire, Rising to his Feet Kezeroth Rushed in at the tank. Lifting it with One hand and the Other lunging the Light-Pike Under into it. The Tipping of the Tank Caused the operater to slide out, A Debt paid off now. Nulgath would be able to Deal with the Operator and the Gen'Dai would be able to Grab the Bag and they would leave. Kezeroth pushed the Tank over having it now be upside down and Dashed over to the fountain, It was his time to cut a Piece over that was big..

Plunging his Blading to the Crystal slowly Kezeroth aimed to move his blade in a Big motion, using his other hand He started Banging his arm against it to break it off but so far nothing.
Nulgath dashed back watching the Tank Roller over and Pin the Operator under it. He was now screaming and speaking in basic! Wonderful..
The Zabrak looked at him and smiled " I will spare you if you Call off any More Troops, Tell them we are dead!" Nulgath Ignited his Saber and stepped on the Aliens hand with his Cybernetic suit. The Alien Groaned and shouted " They Would Kill me, I Cant!"

Nulgath Looked at him confused and pointed to Kezeroth " You see that guy there? Hes a Demonic Sithspawn, he is Immortal he cannot die and he will destroy you if you dont do what I tell you!" Nulgath was Bluffing out his Butt now, But with the Events going how they were Kezeroth could pass as anything. " Do it!" the Zabrak shouted. The Alien took out a commlink in his Chest pocket and spoke into it speaking the Alien language again, Looking up at Nulgath the Alien said " They are delaying troops, You will have time.. NOW PLEASE Help me!" The ALien scurmed around and the rank on his chest could be seen. Initiate.. Thank the Force he was a noobie. He was Sweating Fear..

Nulgath Smiled and bent down acting like he was gonna lift up the tank, but with a swift movement he Nulgath beheaded him with his lightsaber and smiled. Turning his attention to Kezeroth he ran over to him a sweat and aided him in the large cut, Two Blades were better then one.

" How do you ya feel you big Brute!? " He said looking at the Gen'Dais Chest area, It was like new. SOmething Nulgath wish he could do, Heal like that..
Kezeroth spit to the side and shouted " More Cutting Less Talk! " The Gen'Dai was ready to leave. With both Blades Helping the Process wet little faster and smoother. Kezeroth mind drifted as he Cut and he Sensed no one nearby for now. The Doing of Nulgath no doubt, he was good in those area's. Kezeroths Blade met with Nulgaths first Cut sliding the Mando Helm Sized Chunk, Letting it fall into a bag Kezeroth sighed and picked the bag up saying " Lets Go!" Kezeroth stopped and looked at the Crashed gunship he did and groaned in anger, Was not thinking there.

Looking at Nulgath he said " We need a Ship... NOW!"
Nulgath looked at the Bag with a smile and gave Kezeroth a Straight face at his commands. " So demanding..." But Nulgath was in agreed it was time to go, Their window was closing fast. Taking a Datapad out from his Armor storage he checked a map noticing a Pirate outpost a mile away. Nulgath nodded at Kezeroth and picked up one of the ground units Speeders. " Follow me we are leaving.." And sped off.
Kezeroth knotted the Bag shut and swung it over his shoulder, picking up a speed he mounted it looking slightly awkward. He was abit Big for it in all truth. Following Nulgath they Set off Max Speed toward the Camp. By the Time they Reached the Ship they were taking he the Window would be gone and the militia would be at the Fountain looking for them.
Speeding over the Terrain of Klantooine they both Arrived in no time to the Pirate Camp. Careful not to steer the Speeder into the ship Nulgath jumped off having it hit some Cargo, In an Explosion Most of the Pirates Ran to go see what happen While Nulgath boarded the Pirates Ship, Which was a BlackSun Gunship modified for Heavy Transport of goods. Interesting. Killing the Crew inside with the exception of 2 droids. The Zabrak waited for Kezeroth to come so they could leave. " Where is he?!"
Kezeroth come see what his partner was doing, a Quick get-a-away. Kezeroth mimiced the actions of Nulgath and steered his speeder into the group of pirates, Killing them in an explosion and those who survived ran away. Jumping to the ship Kezeroth walked Aboard with a smile and the Bag over his Shoulder safe. Sealing the Back hatch and walking to the pilot seat he commanded a droid to assist him as they lifted off to space. Leaning back in the chair resting the bag on the floor Kezeroth said " I am feeling fine.... Nulgath" He stated finally answering his question for earlier.

Looking at the Droid he said " Jump to Hyper-Space, Coruscant.... NOW!" The Droids Obeyed and they were off.
Nulgath stood by Kezeroth with a smile. " Your wrong about Darth Praelior, She will teach us much. Dont let that Hate of yours eat you alive, I wont let it Bring down my Our Purpose.." Looking out the Dash watching the stars go by made Nulgath feel comforted. So many Worlds... Walking back Nulgath checked the Navigation systems and started contacting One Sith Military to give them the all clear so they dont get shot down coming into the planet, they where in a modified GUn ship after all.

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