Loreena Arenais-Valhoun
Owner of Dar'manda Industries
Placeholder 0132
The Jaster's Sparrow sat at a space port outside of Altiria. Most of her time had been spent with Eclipse Rebellion missions, however lately she was dealing with family matters too that were on the other side of the Galaxy. Which brought her here.
Her co-pilot Arla was aiding a mechanic in setting up some ship upgrades. With near constant run-ins with the Eternal Empire fleets, she needed to escape their tractor beams and blockades. A cloaking device was also in her future, but not yet.
Lori took the spare time to do a bit of shopping. She was dressed like a normal spacer today, leaving her armour in her ship. But she was looking for a proper helm or two to add to it. With no sign of the Eternal Empire in this sector of space she was more relaxed, unaware that her ship had been tailed.
The Jaster's Sparrow sat at a space port outside of Altiria. Most of her time had been spent with Eclipse Rebellion missions, however lately she was dealing with family matters too that were on the other side of the Galaxy. Which brought her here.
Her co-pilot Arla was aiding a mechanic in setting up some ship upgrades. With near constant run-ins with the Eternal Empire fleets, she needed to escape their tractor beams and blockades. A cloaking device was also in her future, but not yet.
Lori took the spare time to do a bit of shopping. She was dressed like a normal spacer today, leaving her armour in her ship. But she was looking for a proper helm or two to add to it. With no sign of the Eternal Empire in this sector of space she was more relaxed, unaware that her ship had been tailed.