Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Bounty Paint it, Neon

ᴛʜᴇ ɢɪʀʟ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴛʜᴇ ɢᴏʟᴅᴇɴ ɢᴜɴ


Tag: Iris Arani Iris Arani
Equipment: In bio

A few days ago...

Tayl had spent some time following the random graffiti around the sector,
Frustrated at the random nature of each tag. The patterns and familiarity she had been hoping for were nowhere to be seen. By the Manda, She shouldn't even be here. She should have been hunting her mother's captors on Coruscant, another grim underworld of steel and neon lights, masking the rust and souls being crushed underneath. But that hunt required resources. And Resources required credits.

It was tough luck, but something the young Mandalorian-Twi'lek had learned to put up with the hard way.

Luck however, would still find it's way to her in the end.
Through an impulsive scan of a tag, She discovered that this "Tagger" she was hunting, An associate of the
"Nexus Three", had been leaving a breadcrumb trial in the paint after all. Symbols that only appeared under a Black Light, leading back to an abandoned building...

Karking genius! Whoever this was clearly knew what they were doing. That became all the more evident when she actually reached the hideout; Situated in the ruins of some abandoned building, tucked away where no one would find it without these tags. There were notes here detailing the spice trades and something called "Giggledust" throughout the area, looking like something out of a conspiracy theorist's fever dreams, or perhaps, a very determined hunter. Not a bounty hunter though, not with all this paint.

They were used to living under the radar though, whoever they were. The leftover food was obviously part of a physical regimen, and the water supply had been crafted by hand. No comm system she could find that could have been traced, It all made her wonder; What else have they been up to? And how serious?

Tayl had set up in a similarly abandoned building across from the hideout, using her jetpack to reach up high where no one else could access her own makeshift hideout, complete with a chair could sit on while staring out the empty window frame, a sleeping bag and enough rations to keep her steady for the week. A Twi'lek could go awhile without food though, and could eat almost anything...

A motion sensor, linked to the HUD software in her visor, had been placed on the ceiling inside the target's hideout, just above the doorframe. It was a tiny little thing, hard to see in the dark, but was powerful enough to feed her signal across the street.

And so, she waited like this for a day or two. Bored out of her mind. Sometimes listening to her favorite music on low volume so she could still hear the wireless alarm if need be.

But then it happened;

✱Beep✱ ✱beep✱

...✱beep✱ ✱beep✱

She suddenly perked up at the sound. Something had tripped the motion sensor at the door after all this time!
Quickly turning her alarm off, She shoved her helmet on, slithering her sleeved Lekku into place. Next came her weapons, the majority of which were ready to go.
Her Smart-repeater was on her hip as always, stuffed into a leather holster on her gun belt not far from the Peacekeeper on her appendix. From there, It was just a matter of strapping on her Kal and Butterfly knife, And clipping on a pair of Flash Grenades. The client wanted this one Alive, so best avoid thermal detonators or anything else crazy. She still wanted to be prepared though.

Lastly, Her lever-action Slugthrower
was magnetized to her back, just beside her Jetpack. She was a walking Armory, But in a world where one's people are being hunted to extinction by sorcerers and witches? One had to adapt.
Or at least, this is what she'd been taught. She hadn't been around her fellow mandalorians in many years now, and been far removed from the great war raging outside. She'd never fought one of the witches before. Never even seen one, not since Solus'alor.

With everything all set, She takes one last peek out the window, at the hideout below, Mentally preparing herself to jetpack down there and fight whatever hunter dwelled in this den. For mother...

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At least the place hadn't gotten any worse.

Iris let out a chuckle as she stepped back into her make shift hideout again. First time in a month, now. Not long, yet it felt like forever. Her gaze shifted over the various notes she'd left behind. Information, tracking, all manner of her scattered thoughts on display. It was good to be back. And now, actually legally. There were rules of course, rules she hadn't listened to before. But Valery Noble Valery Noble had been pretty clear.

She was a Jedi first, and always. No more paint. No more masks. Everything else she was doing? She still could. Fight in the light of day to try and push change. If she could help Denon stand on it's own feet, maybe Corin and the others wouldn't have to keep fighting behind their own masks.

Oh, and having an actual apartment was going to be better than living here where there wasn't even normal running water. She cleared her throat as she glanced to her makeshift shower, then got to packing up. All the papers put away in a couple boxes. Holopads and such where a thing, but it was easier for her to physically see all the information. Helped her scattered mind focus. And-


The Padawan paused as she glanced to one of those such screens. A datapad on the table, with a red light flashing near the top. Right. Zoar Zoar 's system. Did that mean..? She raised a hand, calling over the electronic as she started to scan through the footage the cameras around recorded.

".. Oh. Oh no."

Tae'l Vizsla Tae'l Vizsla
ᴛʜᴇ ɢɪʀʟ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴛʜᴇ ɢᴏʟᴅᴇɴ ɢᴜɴ


Tag: Iris Arani Iris Arani
Her jetpack roared to life in a sudden burst, flinging her out that empty window only to cut off abruptly. The gravity belt slowed her descent just enough to be manageable from this height, but the impact on her feet was still felt.

Regardless, She drew her Peacekeeper, Setting it to stun as entered the hideout for the second, and hopefully last time.
Her pistol was raised just a little, with her offhand folded over her chest in case she needed to activate her personal shield if the target chose to resist, Which they always do, Or proved a sufficient threat.

She'll play fair though. She'll give them a chance to surrender and come quietly. Maybe even chat for a moment, try to understand her... Victim. Such an odd thought.

The feint ✱jingle✱ of Star-spurs rang through the corridor as the Mandalorian-Twi'lek turned Bounty Hunter revealed herself, Stepping into the light and pointing her blaster at the newly arrived figure.

"Don't move" She said calmly, In that same, almost monotone voice of hers. She sound no older than her early twenties even behind the electric distortion of a helm's annunciator. Hell, she only had the kid by three inches even.

Hold on, kid?

"Turn around. I wanna see your face..."



"Heyyy. Uh. You're the uh- Oh boy this wasn't what I expected at all."

So they'd found her. At least by the colors around her there was no immediate danger. No lethal intent. Confusion? It seemed like confusion. Maybe. Didn't matter. Iris kept her hands in front of her, on the datapad she was looking at. Glancing through the live feed. Alone. Hopefully alone. Iris turned just enough to peek over her shoulder. The burned skin on display, her oddly colored eye just staring.

".. Mandalorian? I- Oh, forgive me."

Then the sprinkler system went off. Except not water. And not a gentle rain. Instead, a gush of bright neon paint to flood the room. Iris already closed her eyes before dashing away. Blind, sure, but she didn't need eyes to see. And hey, paint wasn't a smoke screen thermals could see through, right? That's why she was banking on it.

Tae'l Vizsla Tae'l Vizsla
ᴛʜᴇ ɢɪʀʟ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴛʜᴇ ɢᴏʟᴅᴇɴ ɢᴜɴ

The bounty hunter visibly recoils, Taking a step back and dropping her shoulders just a little.
"But you're just a kid? Where's Tagger...?"

She shouldn't have to live the childhood I have. I didn't sign up to shoot kids.

"Aghh~" The sudden sprinklers caught her off guard, staining her visor pink. She tried wiping it off with her sleeve, but it only slid the paint around more, thinned it a bit.

Giving up, she takes one of the flash grenades from her belt, now stained pink, and throws it in the direction she last saw Tagger.
Hopefully it might stun them long enough for her to clean, if they were even still in the room.

It's not karking COMING OFF!

She'd have to think fast to catch up with her target now. Luckily she could already feel her Bio-inhibitor chip injecting chemicals into her head, regulating dopamine and adrenaline to keep her calm and collected.

With a sudden thought, reluctantly pulls her mother's scarf from her neck and wipes off the stubby antenna on her helm, just enough to thin the paint and open room for the sensor a bit.
Using her neural-link implant to operate her armor without hands, Her Scan-pulse comes to life, Briefly scanning for lifeforms within a 10 meter radius and highlighting them on her HUD as golden holographic figures.

With any luck, It might show her the target long enough to know their direction, At which point she'd briskly march after them despite her current blind state, Feeling around with her off hand as not to walk straight into a wall, perhaps find a doorway, and maybe not trip over anything. Maybe.

(Changed the thread name ;) )​


A ting of a pin, or a prime of a button?

Oh shit wait grenade!

Iris yelped in surprise as she was caught by the blast. The numbness of her ears, the blinding of her eyes. Well, her eyes were already closed and covered by paint, but the deafening ringing in her ears had her stumbling. She slipped on some of the paint in that stumble, barely catching herself on the windowsill close by. Took a second to breath. Headache. Yeah, she was going to get a headache. She called out, probably way too loudly.

"Again, sorry! Water will clean it off though!"

With a flick of her wrist she at least sent some of the paint covering her face to the side so she could open her eyes. The room was still blurred from the earlier flash. But she could see the Mandalorian at least. Who was walking towards her. She laughed way too loudly and nervously before backing up out the window to just.. Drop. It was a couple floors up, but the Jedi landed with practiced ease.

Kinda. The spinning and numbness from the flash was wearing off, but not enough for her to land like a cat. She stumbled. Nothing broken, nothing bruised or sprained, but it cost her seconds before she could get into a sprint to run away. And seconds were everything in a chase.

Tae'l Vizsla Tae'l Vizsla
ᴛʜᴇ ɢɪʀʟ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴛʜᴇ ɢᴏʟᴅᴇɴ ɢᴜɴ

"It's nothing personal, I get it" She sighs, still approaching the Tagger, and bumping into all kinds of things along the way.
"You did what you had to..."
"And... thanks for the tip"

Her scanner showed the kid back up against what Tayl assumed to be a wall, laughing nervously, getting a little jittery. She wasn't sure why, but it was clear they were about to something stupid.

"Hey, I'm not gonna-"


All she could see the glowing golden signature amidst the sea of pink, hitting the ground several floors below...
"Dank Ferric, no!"

For all she knew, She'd just killed that kid. She didn't care that Tagger was wanted alive. She didn't sign up for this!

She put her fist to the wall, just enough force to make an audible
✱slap✱ on her gloves and to prop herself up while she leaned, touching her forehead to the wall.

It would take a deep, pained breath, but she collected herself and removed her helmet, mag-clamping it to her thigh plate and walking towards the window.

Maybe this wouldn't have been so difficult if she found a way for the scan-pulse to highlight objects as well, and maybe stay up longer? But that chit was expensive, and she sure as hell wouldn't have enough credits now. Part of her didn't even want them anymore. Not unless she could send it whoever might be caring for that kid back home...

She had to give it her, that kid was clever. Maybe a little too clever, but it didn't save her life in the end. Who jumps out of a kriffing window?!

But... upon reaching the window, she found no one in the desolate street.
She almost sighed in relief. But the mindset of a hunter was quick to takeover.

Her jetpack roared to life again, melting and evaporating some of the paint on it as she descended from the window, landing not far from the paint. A quick look around didn't tell her much, having no scanners to use this time.

But there was the paint...

Almost as soon as she had viewed the street over her shoulders and Lekku, she looks for paint stains and tracks. The only trail she might have left.



It was a mad dash away for all of five seconds, for Iris. The need to escape the hunter was first and foremost. Caught by surprise in her own base, this had always been her plan. Run, follow a different set of marks to various safe rooms she could hide in while she gathered her bearings. For the vigilante, anyway. But she wasn't that anymore. No, now she was a Jedi. And, now her face was known.

She took one last paint covered step as she came to a halt, turning her gaze back to where her original safe house had been, To where the hunter was surely getting ready to continue their hunt. Then grumbled. She turned, running back. Hopping up the fire escapes, catching ledges. Throwing herself up to the roof tops just as she saw the Mandalorian jet out. Right, jetpacks.

With a staggeringly large leap Iris threw herself up that much further, and spun. Aiming a Force fueled kick right for the jetpack of the Mandalorian. She needed information. How did they find her, how much did they know about her. No half measures.


Tae'l Vizsla Tae'l Vizsla
ᴛʜᴇ ɢɪʀʟ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴛʜᴇ ɢᴏʟᴅᴇɴ ɢᴜɴ

The sudden wave of kinetic energy sent the young Mandalorian careening off course, Slamming into a durasteel wall across the street from the hideout. Thankfully the Lekku sleeves lined with VT-Kinetic Impact gel saved her Lekku from most of the impact, but that left the gel compromised in several locations. o' cruel fate, to be born with such a weakness.

Tayl hit the ground with a loud ✱C L A N K✱ against the ground, face first and bleeding from the back of the head somewhat, As only her Lekku could be armored outside of her helmet.

And she was still covered in pink...

"Fffffuck-" She groaned slowly, rolling onto her side and slowly trying to push herself up, wiping some stray blood away that had dripped just a little too close to her near-black lips.

All the while, she couldn't help thinking;
What the hell was that? And who the hell was this girl?



Oh she hit harder than Iris expected.

The healer took over as Iris fell to the ground shortly after, catching herself on the side of the building to lessen her fall. But she was quick, darting right to get beside the Mandalorian with an oddly calm but serious gaze. Concussion? Pain radiated in the colors, from her head? .. Mandalorians didn't like their helmets off, right? "Hey, hey. Don't move too much. Hard hit on the head's real bad. Does it hurt? Room spinning? You feel nauseous at all?"

Iris crouched beside her, the oddly colored eyes of the younger Keshain just looking her over. Not her exactly, the colors coming off of her. "And uh, hey. If ya don't mind me asking, uh. How'd you find me exactly?"

Tae'l Vizsla Tae'l Vizsla
ᴛʜᴇ ɢɪʀʟ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴛʜᴇ ɢᴏʟᴅᴇɴ ɢᴜɴ

Tayl was beginning to sit herself upright when the Tagger came back, drawing a daze squint out of the young Mandalorian, looking her over out the corners of her Radioactive-Green eyes, flanked by Ereboan eyeliner, or maybe tattoos.
Even despite them being just some girl, or at least, some girl with strange powers, She still drew her Butterfly knife and pointed it at her, keeping it between her and that witch, scooting backwards until she could lean back against the wall.

Strangely though, Her expression never seemed to really change. Still that neutral, calculating expression she wore beneath the helmet. Well, until Tagger covered it in paint, anyway.

"Hey, hey. Don't move too much. Hard hit on the head's real bad. Does it hurt? Room spinning? You feel nauseous at all?"

"Why should you care...?" She blinks a few times, Trying to regain focus and maybe narrow down the Taggers from to back to one. Damned eyes were seeing double, but only a little. Just around the edges.
"And uh, hey. If ya don't mind me asking, uh. How'd you find me exactly?"

"It's gonna take a lot more then that to loosen my- " ✱wince✱ "My tongue"

The young Twi'lek leaned her head back just a little, Gritting her teeth in pain, Which exposed the sharp fangs in each corner of her mouth.

"You could be running. You could be getting far from here and off this bleak world, So why are you still here?"
Strangely, Even through the pain and concussion, her tone remained the same. Calm, Collected, but with just the feintest edge to it, just like before.

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"I'm a Jedi."

Why wouldn't she care? She wanted to ask some questions and maybe not get shot in the process, but she didn't actually want to hurt the Mandalorian. She paused as the knife was pointed her way, her brow knitting together. Hands up, waiting. Watching. She wasn't going to push forward and force her help on the other girl. "I'm not- No, no. I'm not trying to force your tongue or torture you. This place was supposed to be a safe haven for people. If you found it, maybe it wasn't as safe as I wanted it to be."

"You could be running. You could be getting far from here and off this bleak world, So why are you still here?"

And, Iris blinked. Surprise, really.

"Like I said, I'm a Jedi. War has a lot of people's attention, but people, no matter where they live, deserve to live in peace. They.. I know the people here. They don't think they're worth the trouble. I want to show them they are. That they're worth something. So.. How did you find me? And do you have more information on the bounty?"

Tae'l Vizsla Tae'l Vizsla
ᴛʜᴇ ɢɪʀʟ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴛʜᴇ ɢᴏʟᴅᴇɴ ɢᴜɴ

Tayl slowly relented, hesitantly lowering her knife, finally releasing with a deep ✱sigh✱ as her hand dropped limply to the duracrete beside her, the knife sitting in fingers reach but unattended. Save maybe a flick or two to get the paint of her hands.

"Maybe some Jedi care after all..."
She'd only ever heard stories, never seeing the "guardians of peace and justice" in her travels to these forgotten little worlds.
"Never fought one of your kind before. Explains why my jetpack suddenly failed"

She still looked confused, dazed even, Looking up at the young woman who was almost... friendly, in a weird way. Someone who should rightfully be her enemy after what Tayl had done, but cared. Maybe.

Finally, with a grunt of pain while grabbing at the back of her own head, she gave in.

"Some slicers put a bounty on your capture. Alive, 10k. Called you "Tagger", offered no further information. I mean you were really under the radar" She almost chuckles. almost.

"Something about a place called 'Nexus'. Real tight lipped bastards. Anyway I had a hunch paint would be involved. So I started looking for tags in the area, but there were any patterns. no similarities to target buildings, pissed me off, to be honest"

"But then I got impulsive. Started scanning with everything I had..."

She frowns, tapping her helmet a couple times and then looking back up at Iris. All two of her.

"I have to admit, You're a clever little fox. Directions that only appear on an infrared frequency. I couldn't believe it... But then I got to your little safehouse, Saw all those notes? Meticulous too. Thought you were some kind of operative and that I'd gotten myself into something much bigger than a random tagging spree"

"You've pissed off a lot more people, haven't you?"

Finally she smiled, just a thin, crooked little smirk that exposed one slender little fang.



Once the blade was down, Iris let out a sigh of relief. No getting stabbed today. Well, at least at the moment. The more Tayl told her, the more likely she felt she was going to end up getting stabbed. A nervous laugh was all the Jedi could offer before she motioned with her hands towards the Mandalorian's head. "Here, uh. Let me heal you? I can- that's my thing. I can heal."

She wasn't avoiding that question at all. Though her smile did soften after a second.

".. I'm sure I'm going to piss off a lot more people soon enough, honestly."

Tae'l Vizsla Tae'l Vizsla
ᴛʜᴇ ɢɪʀʟ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴛʜᴇ ɢᴏʟᴅᴇɴ ɢᴜɴ

Tayl squinted at Iris once she offered, Unsure what to make of all this right now. But her head did hurt though. Thanks to these damned Jedi. All one and a half of them. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad if she just... Let them do their thing, just for a moment?
"Hmh..." She glanced off to the side for a moment, sighing to herself before she turned to the Jedi, frowning in defeat.

"Okay... But if you try to poke me with anything, or feed me anything weird, The blaster comes back up. Alright?"

She seemed to have a stern look in her eye, But maybe, just maybe, the force might tell of the risk she was taking. The anxiety building with the knowledge that she had lost control of the situation, and that her tough façade could be broken at any moment nown.



"No poking or feeding. Brief touching, though." Iris brought her hands back up just a bit to emphasize what she meant, then would set her hands on top of the Twi'lek's head. Nothing seemed to happen, but in Iris's eyes she pulled the painful colors right from Tayl. And sure enough, the pain would lessen and eventually just fade completely. And, y'know. Iris let out an exhausted sounding sigh as she leaned back.

"There. .. Better?"

Tae'l Vizsla Tae'l Vizsla
ᴛʜᴇ ɢɪʀʟ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴛʜᴇ ɢᴏʟᴅᴇɴ ɢᴜɴ

She bit at the inside of her lip, still anxious over what the young Jedi might actually do, or maybe just over the confusion that clouded her mind in that moment. Nothing made sense and it was a battle for control between her bio-inhibitor chip and and the base animal, the instinctual desire to fight or flee, somewhere in the back of her mind.

"Mrrmh..." The hand on her spinning head, no matter how gentle, still made her groan and wince, averting her eyes. It wasn't just the pain either. Even in her confused state, her pride as a Mandalorian, no, As Solus'Alor's student and as a Vizsla, was almost hurt more. Defeated by a Padawan, at their mercy, but even worse; Accepting that mercy.
Aaaand covered in paint.

Would she ever live it down? She'd certainly never speak of it.

Oh, but she'd learn from it...

To her surprise though, The pain slowly dissipated. As did the fog. Thoughts became more clear, more structured even. The soreness faded, as did the Jedi's vigor, it seemed.

"There. .. Better?"

"I think...?" She placed her hand to the base of her Lekku, rubbing gently with the only leather glove that wasn't stained yet. "Yeah. yeah??"
Her eyes finally made contact again, looking up in... gratitude, perhaps, at the Jedi.

It was just an awkward stare, lasting mere seconds. But in that rejuvenated, quickening mind of hers, augmented by cybernetics and bio-enhancements, it felt like a lifetime.
So many thoughts all running through her head, all at once;

She's my target. I need the money. bad.

She looks exhausted now.

My knife is only inches away.

My blaster has a stunner.
I'm quick on the draw.
but am I faster than her?

My smart-rope could tie her up quick.

She just healed me though. How could I?

Mother said not to trust Witches.

Witches hunted Mandalorians,
Almost to extinction.

But she wasn't there. Was she?
She's no sith.

Stop! The crusade is over!

What about mother...?
That money could help.

But what would she think...?

In the end, she just took a deep breath, and closed her eyes.
"Thank you." And did exactly nothing.



Iris blinked, looking more surprised than anything at the thanks. The colors around Tayl showed it's own story on just what was going on in her head. Uncertainty, determination. Conflict. She smiled after a moment, shaking her head.

"It's no problem. Jedi. It's what we do." She gave a thumbs up before pushing her way to her feet. "So.. I know you got the job and all and I totally get if you have to keep coming after me, but uh. What'r the chances you won't? I can't really pay you anything, cause I don't have money. But I can offer a job in behalf of the Alliance to get you paid if that works..?"

Tae'l Vizsla Tae'l Vizsla
ᴛʜᴇ ɢɪʀʟ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴛʜᴇ ɢᴏʟᴅᴇɴ ɢᴜɴ

"Mm." She clenches her jaw, looking off to the side somewhere. "If I planned to make good on that contract, I would have made a move already"
Then she carefully picked up her knife between her fingers, twirling it closed and into a little leathery sheath on her belt.

It looked easy. Like she'd been training with that knife for a lifetime. Every movement leading up to this moment had been precise, calculated even if unrefined. Trained by the best men and women that money and blood ties could buy,
So how the hell was she beaten by a Force Witch?!

It shook the artificial pride her chip had spent so many years building. Pride in her own ability, the only pride she had left after everything that had happened.
Even if she looked calm in her chemically induced state, To say that she disliked this situation would be an understatement of cosmic proportions.

And yet...

"What's the job...?" She said, forcing herself to her feet, flicking paint off her suit. "How's it pay? I had a lot riding on this job. The money isn't for pleasantries, And I'm not the only one depending on it either"



"Aha, right."

The nervous laugh did little to hide how uncomfortable Iris was with the idea of being hunted. She really, really, didn't want to fight the Mandalorian. Surprise was the only advantage she had just before. A real fight? It'd just be another case of her running away and trying to escape. Ahh no, that'd be something she didn't want in the slightest. And, thankfully, Tayl didn't want that.

Hopefully. There was no deceit in the colors at least.

"I'm.. Not sure how much can be paid. I can call, though. The one who'd pay you. Actually-" She raised her arm, popping up the holowatch on her wrist as she scrolled through. And contacted Alicio Organa Alicio Organa . On a private line, of course. Zoar Zoar level encryptions. "What you need the money for, the person who needs it, maybe I can help? I'm not sure if I'm worth like, how much I'm going to be asking of you, but extra hands never hurt, did they?"

Tae'l Vizsla Tae'l Vizsla

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