Balaya Praelior Zambrano
Balaya Zambrano, Emperor's Bust
Darkside District: Coruscant
[member="Anara Valnor"]
The sounds of music of the world were the first things that hit her, Coruscant had changed much since they had come. No longer were the senators sitting in their penthouses and lording over the people of the galaxy, no longer was the galaxy itself bowing to the jedi. The One Sith had made it better or at least they had worked from the ground up, from the lowest3 levels of the city planet to create and uplift the people so they had somewhere to stand. That was why she stood here now.
Why she chose to walk amongst them and while she towered over most they didn't mind, some met the One Sith with open arms and having gone from being oppressed to free, from living in squalor to living with enough food to eat every night. They were happy, they were giddy even. The soldiers were for their benefit and they welcomed the chance to participate with their people one at a time while on duty. She enjoyed listening to the singers and watching the dancers within the bars here.
Or at least there was plenty more to do, Balaya did have a job to do and while the bar was wonderful she also used the places to find those with potential, find Sith agents who could go and look for discontent or problems. They could stop them before they started. "One glass of whiskey please." She looked down at the bartender and got a nod of her head to that as the man accepted her credits getting her the large glass and pouring into it.
[member="Anara Valnor"]
The sounds of music of the world were the first things that hit her, Coruscant had changed much since they had come. No longer were the senators sitting in their penthouses and lording over the people of the galaxy, no longer was the galaxy itself bowing to the jedi. The One Sith had made it better or at least they had worked from the ground up, from the lowest3 levels of the city planet to create and uplift the people so they had somewhere to stand. That was why she stood here now.
Why she chose to walk amongst them and while she towered over most they didn't mind, some met the One Sith with open arms and having gone from being oppressed to free, from living in squalor to living with enough food to eat every night. They were happy, they were giddy even. The soldiers were for their benefit and they welcomed the chance to participate with their people one at a time while on duty. She enjoyed listening to the singers and watching the dancers within the bars here.
Or at least there was plenty more to do, Balaya did have a job to do and while the bar was wonderful she also used the places to find those with potential, find Sith agents who could go and look for discontent or problems. They could stop them before they started. "One glass of whiskey please." She looked down at the bartender and got a nod of her head to that as the man accepted her credits getting her the large glass and pouring into it.