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Public Palpable Palpatine Pillage (Exegol)

Cei Kyros



"I got a bad feeling about this."

It had started out so innocent. Just a few Judges and captains sitting at a bar bragging about ways to piss off the Sith. That was until Kyros let slip that he was pretty sure he knew where they could get their hands on a functioning wayfinder. A few wagers were made and it was the last the smuggler thought of it until about a week later when a pair of Judges tracked him down with said evil artifact in hand. That's when things really spun out of control.

"Maintain formation," he gripped the comlink transceiver like a vice, "It's gonna be a bumpy ride to planetfall."

There were maybe ten or fifteen ships in total. Cei hadn't really bothered to count. Some were outlaws like him looking to make their mark by defacing a little Sith property. But there were others who'd somehow got word of their little expedition to the Unknown Regions. Jedi from some temple or enclave or other and agents too. They were far more interested in what Palpatine's followers had left behind. Dark science, cloning, secrets only they knew. Perhaps secrets that could be used against their descendants.

And then there were the tomb raiders. An ancient emperor's final resting place, one who was known for his lavish and eccentric tastes. Who could resist that kind of temptation? The journey here had almost killed them a few times over but now they were here and even though Captain Kyros wanted to turn back he knew it was far too late to try. After a tumultuous plummet through Exegol's upper atmosphere he spotted their destination. The Sith Citadel seemed abandoned enough...but then again he wasn't sure he could tell the difference.

They circled around to land.

"Shut down all main systems. The last thing we need is to get struck by lightning."

  • Trash Palpatine's Grave​
  • Look for Dark Science​
  • Steal Everything​
  • Protect the Sith Holy Site (u won't)​
  • Please Don't Base Delta Zero​

Official Sith business; that's why the Nautolan Sith had come to Exegol with this merry band of pirates, smugglers and mercenaries. She was undercover; posing as a Nautolan bounty hunter from the Core, eager to explore and irritate the Sith who had subjugated Glee Anselm many years ago as the One Sith plagued the Core. The role came easy to her; having operated with the Hutt crime syndicates in her youth. Her Force signature concealed, just in case, Lu dressed in a protective garment consisting of simple armour and a concealing cloak, her lightsaber hidden closely to her person, and piloted her shuttle down towards the planet's surface. "Just stick together and stay tight. We don't want to lose any of you now." her voice buzzed across the comm to the other ships, following Kyros' lead and evading the lightning that seemed to shake the planet to its very core.

The Dark Side here was almost overwhelming, but that made hiding her own allegiance a menial task for her physical body served as a conduit for the Dark Side; she bent it to her will and her will was deception. Naturally, her intentions here were to recover ancient Sith artefacts before they were otherwise defaced by those also present, the very fought of such blasphemy enough to ignite a spark of anger within her, but whether she would find anything on this forsaken world would be another story. Perhaps it was folly to come alone; no legion of Sith-Imperial soldiers or other Sith to accompany her on this seemingly perilous mission.Was she the first Sith to come here for night on a millennium? The very thought both rattled and empowered her, leather-bound hands squeaking as her grip on the controls tightened. Nevertheless, it was difficult to keep secrets from the Sith, and should a lowly Sith Overseer have heard tell of this trip to Exegol, it was almost certain that those higher in the Empire would be on their way soon.

And she had just forged the path to Exegol.

Circling around in formation, her ship lowered itself to the ground with a resolute thud as she touched down, the hiss of hydraulics almost drowned out by the booming of thunder and unnatural sound of lightning. She had never felt such power; not even on Korriban or other Sithworlds dotted about the Empire. She could feel the death, the Dark Side, the primordial power of the Sith as she tightened her cloak around her, ready to open up the door to Exegol and explore the Sith Temple.
"Are we ready?" her voice spoke into her wrist, projecting it to the other comm-links in the group. From a cloud of steam issuing from the ship, her shroud pulled tightly around her as her facade held up through the Force, as long as she willed it so.

Cei Kyros
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To boldly alchemize what no one alchemized before
After the fourteen-day quarantine she was under, during which time she made attempts to sell the stolen production data to other pharmaceuticals in Wild Space, Janick had a new idea, based on the mass panic spell she cast on Javin, which was temporary, but here it was to be some means to lock people's minds into a permanent state of panic (to the extent Force Light isn't used on them) and cause them to fall into a deep depression that is virtually anti-depressant-proof. Might be mostly non-lethal... at first, and then people affected would become at higher risk of becoming suicidal over time. And under some poison form for more controlled uses: said poison will fuck up one's brain chemistry. Sure her craft was equipped with cap drains but in the hazards of Exegol's upper atmosphere, but all she ever heard about Exegol were legends for which she had no way of knowing how much truth there was to it, so she simply trusted Cei Kyros' course for the time being. Yet, as a preventive measure, Cei seemed to power down as many systems as was safely feasible, and Janick did so later.

Caedyn Arenais

Apparel: Tunic.
Inventory: Lightsaber & Bo Staff.
Objective: Dark Side Lore.


The assignment was too important to be overlooked, and naturally the Coalition sought to be involved alongside other agents of the Outer Planets Alliance in the assessment and acquisition of any potentially harmful Sith Paraphernalia.

Today's venture would see him journeying alongside others, many of whom he wasn't familiar with. Such things were common with the Outer Planets Alliance. Mercenaries, rogues and those looking to earn a quick cred...-Truth be told these were the kind of people that got things done in the Outer Rim. It wasn't made up of a strong military presence like other governments, but instead a mix-matched band of criminals that skirted the moral line when it suited them. As a Jedi, Caedyn sought to keep the law, but the code also encouraged equality and non-judgement of others, making it easy to justify working with potentially questionable types for the greater good.

This seemed to be one of those times...

When they landed upon Exegol, Caedyn was one of the first to step out into the open air, an immediate sense of caution hitting him with surprising strength causing him to grimace as he looked out across the lay of the land. There was a darkness here, strong and menacing. If ever there had been a reason for a Jedi to be joining a mercenary band, this was it....-There was clearly something out there that awaited them. Something with a great and harmful potential if held in the wrong hands...

The Progredior Research Institute had given him another contract, despite the...unusual completion of his previous task on Javin. He usually had a dogma not to do two contracts for the same employer one after the other but dogmas, like everything in the Outer Rim, ended up squashed. It was a jungle out here, always had been and don't let the OPA tell you otherwise. Roman, himself, had fought against that status quo; lost everything in the process. Except his life, if you can call this a life - day by day existence.

Presently, Roman Hayato, a professional problem solver, hitched a ride with none other than Cei Kyros and his crew. Unlike the train heist, they didn't really have the same...purpose this time. He just needed the man's eccentric piloting to get him down in an abandoned Sith temple on one of the shittiest no-go planets in the galaxy. Exegol. The name sounded as bad as it was. He pitted the astrographers paid a dime a throw to make up this shit but never blamed them. You produce what you get paid for and astrographing ain't making the top of the list anytime soon; not when you can be twenty five years old and a general of a ten thousand men legion. Big dreams, big dreams.

Someone shut the systems down, as per Cei's orders, and Roman headed towards the descending ramp. He had a job to do and a paycheck to cash out after it. Better get this over with fast. He turned his head back at Cei and, "Thanks for the ride.", then produced a credit chit he reluctantly bid farewell to at the captain's direction.

What a fucking graveyard, he thought, fitting for the Sith. Flashes of lightning and the rumbling of thunder in the distance heralded he had to get into the Sith temple as soon as possible. How the hell did the Institute believe there would be anything of value in this tomb was beyond him but hey - tibanna gas prices were on a hike, he needed the cash.

Cei Kyros Lu Ziez Lu Ziez Caedyn Arenais Janick Beauchamp Janick Beauchamp
Apparel: Cloths I slept in last night, maybe some armor, not sure
KIT: Guns mostly, check the BIO
Objective: Dude, where's my space ship

"Where the Feth am I?.." Last thing I remember I with drinking with Cei Kyros at some dive bar. After the poodoo we saw on the bulk freighter in Dasoor I needed a little bit of liquid happiness to wash out the nasty I saw there. Shots, yeah... there were shots SOOOO many shots, beers, wine? Guess so, anyway I must have had a lot to get me this blackout drunk, I am a Zelton after all."

Ok what by the force is all that racket he asked as he went to the window of the ship he arrived on. As he looked out the view port he saw row after row of large thick armored giants. As they moved forwarded row after row of gault sith follow fell to their guns that seemed to shoot exploding bullets.

"Need to get me one of those.." He thought as he watched all the fun.

Realizing the situation was well in hand he looked around the ship for that galley. Boy needed some re-caf...
Location: Surface of Exegol
Objectives: Recover whatever possible, and avoid being caught.

Enemies: Everyone

When the keepers had learned a wayfinder had left the hands of the empire he had come here. The thieves had finally made their appearance. Exegol was once again under attack by the Jedi. Not even in fact. Exegol was under attack by the Outer Planets Alliance. Today was a disgrace. Derleth's lightsaber was gripped firmly in his right hand. It was rare for him to even consider using such a weapon. So uncivilized, but had he brought his sword it would have been a death sentence. The dark energy radiated by it's blade would have certainly given away his presence.

He climbed a hunk of twisted, ancient metal that stuck up from the sand. He pulled his binoculars from their pack on his belt and switched their vision to heat. It was far too dark and dusty to see his enemies without it. In the distance he could make out the two parties who sought to desecrate the temple. The temple were he had crafted his sith sword and spent months meditating on the teachings of Darth Sidious and Sorzus Syn. While he had his reasons to be against the Sith Empire, he knew that even they would not stand for this.

Derleth watched as the Cathar soldiers gunned down the defenders of the Sith Eternal cult. He wondered if any monks he knew from his time at the temple lay among the dead. He thought not to dwell on it for too long. They were now one with the force. He put the binoculars away and hopped down from his perch. He turned around to check the stretch of desert behind. His TIE fighter was nestled in the ruins of a once great battle fleet, that now served as a range of metal mountains dominating the desert.

With the approach behind him clear, he began to trek towards the temple. He knew he couldn't stand against the attacking force, but if he could recover anything from the temple it would suffice. Regardless of whether his allegiances laid with the emperor or the apostates in the war, right now he was simply a Sith, preparing to fight for the past instead of the future...

Cei Kyros

"What a karking wasteland."

Captain Kyros took another drag of his cigarra and pulled his coat tighter. It was insufficient to keep out the bone chilling desert winds. The smuggler heard gunfire, a mix of slugthrowers and more conventional varieties. So this place wasn't as abandoned as it seemed. He chambered a round with his carbine's lever action. If it was too late before there was certainly no going back now.

"Sounds like an opportunity," he nodded to the others, "Time for a little breaking and entering."

He took off towards the towering monolith trusting that at least some would see the sense in following. Before long Cei was underneath a superstructure that looked like it might be either floating or suspended by some distant foundation. There was a circular pad in here, a lift of some sort. Whether it no longer functioned or they didn't have the right security access the device showed no signs of life.

"I hope no one has a problem with heights," Kyros leaned over the edge and tied a coil of rope to his grappling spike launcher before firing it below into the gloom.

Objective: Recover and defend lost Sith artefacts from the pirates, quietly
Enemies: Everyone except the Sith Eternal, apparently

Allegiance: The Sith Empire

It took a moment for the Nautolan Sith to register that there was in fact a battle, with hoards of Sith Eternal spirits and red-armour clad Sith Troopers laid out across the Holy Land, a while away from where their ships had touched down. A moment of disgust swept across her, deep crimson orbs of fury alighting as her gaze found the perpetrators. She could do it. She knew the secret art of Deadly Sight; command the Force to burn their bones and boil their blood with the sheer ferocity of her hatred, but she turned away, instead willing her increasingly cold legs to move towards the rest of the group and to Cei Kyros. They trekked across the wasteland, increasingly bent against the storm of wind and lightning, which seemed to have no end. She remained silent, as did the group around her as they journeyed with purpose towards the Citadel and the false hope of shelter.

The Jedi had to be dealt with for her operation to go smoothly; his very presence threatened her facade. She made sure to be walking as close to him as possible for the trip to the Citadel. "So you're a Jedi, huh? Well, shotgun on sticking with you when we get inside." she spoke, flashing a trademark Nautolan smile as she did so, appearing friendly and genuinely inquisitive as she spoke. Silently, she was plotting how best to murder him.

The circular pad was indeed a lift; imbued with the Dark Side of the Force and a simple expression of her sensitivity was all it needed to be kicked into life. Without even a movement, the Sith Knight channelled the Dark Side of the Force through her veins, feeling the familiar tingling sensation of power as the Force took over her mortal flesh; filling it with power seemingly above the realms of possibility. The lift spurred into life, descending into the foggy gloom below. The affair was over in a second, and once again her dark influence was masked by her own doing and the immense power of the Dark Side around them. "That was lucky." she mused aloud, particularly to the Jedi Knight. "I don't have much of a head for heights."

Darth Vinaze Darth Vinaze | Maokai Bantam Maokai Bantam | Lord Commander Relian Dorn | The Fool The Fool | Caedyn Arenais
To boldly alchemize what no one alchemized before
The Sith Eternal was a problem that became apparent when planetfall happened. Even Lu Ziez Lu Ziez knew that they could not be ignored, to say nothing of Cei Kyros, Caedyn Arenais, The Fool The Fool or even Lord Commander Relian Dorn, Darth Vinaze Darth Vinaze or Maokai Bantam Maokai Bantam . They were not to be assumed to act like the CNO, so it's likely that they would not have the same approach to cybersecurity, and the Dark side was everywhere. Holocron were the key here, but again, they may be in some vault that uses two-factor authentication. Once again, she expected that the Sith Eternal had backup plans, but first, she will need to locate the data she sought, or determine whether it was even there: a somewhat trained dark-sider would register as a small blip. This means that she would be a bigger blip, but was that enough to Caedyn to locate her in an emergency, depended on other factors. Especially when faced with a non-functioning pad-sized lift: she attempted to use the emergency override, but it was too damaged to work.

"We will have to get down there the painful way"

Caedyn Arenais

Apparel: Tunic.
Inventory: Lightsaber & Bo Staff.
Objective: Dark Side Lore.
Allies: Cei Kyros, The Fool The Fool , Maokai Bantam Maokai Bantam , Janick Beauchamp Janick Beauchamp .
Others: Lu Ziez Lu Ziez , Darth Vinaze Darth Vinaze , Lord Commander Relian Dorn.​


The Dark Side clouded everything on Exegol, including the questionable presence of Lu Ziez Lu Ziez and Darth Vinaze Darth Vinaze whom would have otherwise left Caedyn feeling wary in their clear affiliation. The Outer Planets Alliance however wasn't a necessarily aligned to any one side, there were often moral grey area's in between and their people weren't exactly the do-gooder's you'd expect from the Order of the Silver Jedi, thus it wasn't uncommon to find oneself working with those of questionable nature (and yes, even of the Dark Side). It was also Caedyn's prerogative not to judge unless their actions proved the need.

"So you're a Jedi, huh? Well, shotgun on sticking with you when we get inside".
The Nautolan spoke up, causing Caedyn to glance to Lu Ziez with a wary smile; "To be honest, my presence here may be more of a hindrance to the rest of you..." he replied honestly as they moved closer towards the Temple of Darkness; "This place may likely perceive my presence as a threat. Darkness is everywhere and it's clouding my ability to sense anything..." Caedyn frowned, his smile all but faded as he elaborated to her.

Thus far, Caedyn had been happen to allow Cei Kyros to lead them as the Jedi Knights role was more of a precaution for the group, as well as insurance should they stumble upon any dangerous artifacts of the Sith. Nearing the circular lift, Caedyn watched as something triggered it's activation, however could not sense where the sudden power had flared up from. It was as though his senses were being distorted. He could pick up a sense of danger in one direction, and yet it could be replaced from an entirely new direction with an eerie sense of caution. It was quite frankly a little confusing and had left him feeling very on edge. Something seemed to be interested in his presence among the group, though who or what, he couldn't tell.
"Everything can be modified, improved."
OBJECTIVE: Archeology Time!
SIDE OBJECTIVE: Don’t die, get all possible knowledge!
INVENTORY: (See character sheet: Link)
Cei Kyros
The Fool The Fool Maokai Bantam Maokai Bantam
Janick Beauchamp Janick Beauchamp
Lu Ziez Lu Ziez
Darth Vinaze Darth Vinaze
Lord Commander Relian Dorn
Caedyn Arenais

Other people that were force users? Interesting, Ancient lost world, Very Interesting, Ancient SITH lost world? Yes!

Alaria isn’t going to miss out on an opportunity for archeology on a long lost Sith world, even though there were numerous others on the trip. As she approaches the surface, she feels quite excited at the prospect of more archeology. She knew that she was one of the people that the Sith could kind of trust as all she wants is to record the knowledge down for... ‘experimental use’. She doesn’t want to deface or destroy and would much rather keep everything the way she finds it than destroy anything.

She is late to the party. Seeing a group of people she suspects to be the party she was to meet with. Quickly landing, she slides out her TIE Phantom, luckily being close enough for the things hyperdrive to reach the destination.

“Sorry for my... Untimely arrival. I am Alaria, The best Sith Archeologist in the galaxy... I Think... I am really excited for this, so I hope you don’t mind if I tag along. I don’t want to break anything, just want to learn as much as possible, I won’t be taking anything as well, so I shouldn’t be a problem, just recording the data here!” She shows a little cheeky grin on her face, excited to get to work.

“Give me a shout if you want anything from me! This should be exciting!”

She turns around to see the lift in working order. The place looked amazing. The lightning and clouds adding a mystic feel to the structure, she could sense the Dark Side energies around the place.

She was excited to get to work.
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These OPA fellas were a weird bunch. Always had been. He kept silent and to himself, but continued with the pack of space trash into the Sith citadel. The presence of a Jedi soured the taste of his mouth, unconsciously recalling the memories of the betrayal of his ex-wife. Something in this place intensified the sensation of betrayal and spurred him to murderous, but vindictive, thoughts. Who would mourn the death of a Jedi in a Sith tomb world? Besides, the jedi just admitted his presence here would be more of a hindrance.

Roman's fingers itched for the trigger of his pistol.

Captain Kyros suspended himself down into the darkness of the lower levels of the citadel rather impatiently; the lift he so surely indicated as not working had magically worked and the rest of the party used it to follow the eccentric Duros smuggler down into the depths. The ride's eeriness would've been more appealing if it wasn't for a young girl's enthusiasm in excavating the place and proclaiming herself the 'best Sith archaeologist in the galaxy'.

"Shouldn't you be in school, kid?" Roman grumbled at the archaeologist girl as he produced his revolver. The sooner he found what he was looking for, the sooner he'd leave this rag tag band of space rats to their fates.

Inaudible to most, including Roman, the labyrinth of corridors ahead of the group were stirring to life. Whatever it was - it wasn't welcoming to guests.

The Force, to those touched by it, hissed insidiously in the back of their minds.

T̡̛͚̼̘̟͍͚̈́̅̉̀͋Ư͉̬̳̇̃̌ͣ͟R̻̖̜͈̩̠̘͍ͤ̐͑͊͋͟͜ͅN̨̨̯̙͚̮ͧ͠ ̵̺͕̰͆ͦͪ̇͑͋̎̓́B̭̤̹̒̄̄ͪͫ̅ͩ́A̲̼̭ͬC̤̲ͧͫ̀́͞͞K̶̶̖̠̭̤̥̂ͣ̾̽̆ͬͥ̆̀ͅ ̨̨̰̪̲̳̙̭̲̃̑̎̈̃̑Ǫ͓̱͇͈̳ͤ̉́̍ͥ̆̃̀R̼̟̞͍̠͑͘ ̵̴̴̟̺̭͑͂ͫD̴̉ͤ̅͗̂̇ͭ͏̥͚̮͕͖͘I̛̦̖ͯ̿̑̊͂Ė̩͙͛ͭ͡

Alaria Telwith Alaria Telwith Cei Kyros Maokai Bantam Maokai Bantam Janick Beauchamp Janick Beauchamp Lu Ziez Lu Ziez Darth Vinaze Darth Vinaze Lord Commander Relian Dorn Caedyn Arenais
Gluk, Stock, and Two Smoking Lasers
Alaria Telwith Alaria Telwith Cei Kyros Maokai Bantam Maokai Bantam Janick Beauchamp Janick Beauchamp Lu Ziez Lu Ziez Darth Vinaze Darth Vinaze Lord Commander Relian Dorn Caedyn Arenais

" I figured why bother? My Force crap's not that much of an asset."

Jerec snugged the straps of his ysalamir nutrient frame. Everything within about three meters was pretty much zeroed out as far as Force-users were concerned. No senses, no pushes or pulls or lighting or ominous voices.

"Anyways, I'm just here for this wild bit of Sith tech called an Ommin Harness-"

Cultists! Black robes! Lightning snap-crackle-popping against the edge of the ysalamir field!



"-and for moral support."

He wiggled his eyebrows at the Nautolan, who looked like trouble in a good way.
Location: Approaching the Temple. Carefully.
Objectives: Recover whatever possible, and avoid being caught.
Wearing: This
Enemies: Everyone

Derleth gave the Cathar a wide berth. It meant that he would lose time to the Alliance and Jedi, but also that he wouldn't end up as a red splotch on the ground under the boot of brutal imperialists. He had enough of the Zambranos and the New Imperials, but now an empire from the void of the Unknown Regions had dared to lay a claim to Exegol. Sadly he knew he could not do anything alone. This fight was already being fought around the galaxy by his fellow Sith.

He snapped from the thought. Focusing on the task at hand was crucial. It was hard enough without his mind wandering to the war.

Derleth slowed his breath and began to concentrate on hiding his presence in the force. His pace slowed accordingly. once again it was time lost, but safety gained. He could soon see the shapes of the trespassers filing into the temple.

He didn't want to use the front entrance as they had, as he would certainly get caught. He knew of a few other passages from his pilgrimage, but finding them would take time.

He sighed. This entire quest so far was shaping up to be set back after set back...

Ashin Cardé Varanin

Couple bodies in the garden where the grass grows

"Constructed centuries ago, the Sith Citadel broods over the barren plains of Exegol, its gloomy battlements lashed by lightning. Built above abyssal fissures reaching deep into the planet’s crust, the citadel is a locus of Sith power and the heart of Exegol’s sanctuary district."

If you visited the Sith Citadel on Exegol, you wore a black robe as a matter of common courtesy. Ashin hated to disappoint, so she'd gone with matte black deflex that draped well and kept her warm against Exegol's gloom. A pair of similarly-clad old Sith devotees bowed creakily as she entered the ancient citadel grounds. This area smelled clean, storm-scoured and tinged by lightning ozone. Cold rainwater sluiced through cracks in the stonework. Ashin paused at one statue, unremarkable to the layman's eye, and took it in as dripping rain soaked her hair.

The statue was one among many, fifty meters tall, austere in style and worn down at the stone seams. Ashin stood at its base and stared up at it, lost in thought she couldn't pin down. Her eyes tracked half-eroded details. The statue had been a coherent whole, overseen by a master craftsman of the Sith millennia ago.

"Lovely," she said to nobody. "Absolutely."

Somewhere away and below, a blaster went off. Her head snapped around. She'd known the Catharian Hegemony was attacking the local Sith devotees elsewhere, but if the violence was here, perhaps blind chance or the Force meant her to get involved.

Alaria Telwith Alaria Telwith Cei Kyros Maokai Bantam Maokai Bantam Janick Beauchamp Janick Beauchamp Lu Ziez Lu Ziez Darth Vinaze Darth Vinaze Lord Commander Relian Dorn Caedyn Arenais

Caedyn Arenais

Apparel: Tunic.
Objective: Dark Side Lore.
Allies: Cei Kyros, The Fool The Fool , Maokai Bantam Maokai Bantam , Janick Beauchamp Janick Beauchamp .
Others: Lu Ziez Lu Ziez , Darth Vinaze Darth Vinaze , Lord Commander Relian Dorn, Ashin Cardé Varanin Ashin Cardé Varanin .


As he had suggested, Caedyn eased up a bit in pace in order to trail back behind the group some ways, avoiding the proximity effects of the ysalamir brace that at-least one of theirs was carrying. The poor creatures were badly sought after and hunted for the Force nullifying effects that could bring Jedi and Sith to an equal playing field as any typical soldier or Mandalorian. In a place such as this, that sort of equipment could very well be the death of him in the worst case scenario.

T̡̛͚̼̘̟͍͚̈́̅̉̀͋Ư͉̬̳̇̃̌ͣ͟R̻̖̜͈̩̠̘͍ͤ̐͑͊͋͟͜ͅN̨̨̯̙͚̮ͧ͠ ̵̺͕̰͆ͦͪ̇͑͋̎̓́B̭̤̹̒̄̄ͪͫ̅ͩ́A̲̼̭ͬC̤̲ͧͫ̀́͞͞K̶̶̖̠̭̤̥̂ͣ̾̽̆ͬͥ̆̀ͅ ̨̨̰̪̲̳̙̭̲̃̑̎̈̃̑Ǫ͓̱͇͈̳ͤ̉́̍ͥ̆̃̀R̼̟̞͍̠͑͘ ̵̴̴̟̺̭͑͂ͫD̴̉ͤ̅͗̂̇ͭ͏̥͚̮͕͖͘I̛̦̖ͯ̿̑̊͂Ė̩͙͛ͭ͡

The words echoed in the around him, though only those who were sensitive and practiced in the Force seemed to pick up on it. Caedyn's pace slowed even further as he reached out to try and get a better reading of the area. To no avail, the Dark Side was much too strong here and he was but a lone Jedi Knight and a young one at that. There was just too much negative energy within the Sith ruins, too much history...-And Force only knew the kinds of horrific practices that had gone on in such a place.

"There's a presence here, a consciousness that knows we're here..." Caedyn spoke up, letting the others know in fair warning; although he had his suspicions that they might not take his words seriously enough. Jedi were often looked upon in no shortage of skepticism.
"Everything can be modified, improved."
OBJECTIVE: Archeology Time!
SIDE OBJECTIVE: Don’t die, get all possible knowledge!
INVENTORY: (See character sheet: Link)
Cei Kyros
The Fool The Fool Maokai Bantam Maokai Bantam
Janick Beauchamp Janick Beauchamp
Lu Ziez Lu Ziez
Darth Vinaze Darth Vinaze
Lord Commander Relian Dorn
Caedyn Arenais
Ashin Cardé Varanin Ashin Cardé Varanin

"Shouldn't you be in school, kid?"

“Shouldn’t I be in school? Look, I know what you mean, I am 19 I get it, but I know everything about this stuff and it’s kind of an obsession... They can probably tell... But I know about everything in these...”

Suddenly, she could hear a voice around her:

T̡̛͚̼̘̟͍͚̈́̅̉̀͋Ư͉̬̳̇̃̌ͣ͟R̻̖̜͈̩̠̘͍ͤ̐͑͊͋͟͜ͅN̨̨̯̙͚̮ͧ͠ ̵̺͕̰͆ͦͪ̇͑͋̎̓́B̭̤̹̒̄̄ͪͫ̅ͩ́A̲̼̭ͬC̤̲ͧͫ̀́͞͞K̶̶̖̠̭̤̥̂ͣ̾̽̆ͬͥ̆̀ͅ ̨̨̰̪̲̳̙̭̲̃̑̎̈̃̑Ǫ͓̱͇͈̳ͤ̉́̍ͥ̆̃̀R̼̟̞͍̠͑͘ ̵̴̴̟̺̭͑͂ͫD̴̉ͤ̅͗̂̇ͭ͏̥͚̮͕͖͘I̛̦̖ͯ̿̑̊͂Ė̩͙͛ͭ͡

“Really, that’s what the they can throw at us? TURN BACK OR DIEEEE? I have had worse. So this place should contain some small amount of new knowledge, but it’s always useful!”

She looked at the other force users, all with mixed expressions on there faces. She appears suicidal to brush this off.

There's a presence here, a consciousness that knows we're here..."

She looked over at Caedyn, interested at what he said.

“That’s an interesting assumption, because whenever I have heard these voices I have always assumed that it was the Dark Side of the force telling this to us. If it really is someone else projecting this to us then this could be more interesting than it seems.”

She was deathly cold and calculating when she said this, almost as if it was a completely different person. Whatever enigma it was, it was about to get fascinating.
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Gluk, Stock, and Two Smoking Lasers
Alaria Telwith Alaria Telwith Cei Kyros Maokai Bantam Maokai Bantam Janick Beauchamp Janick Beauchamp Lu Ziez Lu Ziez Darth Vinaze Darth Vinaze Lord Commander Relian Dorn Caedyn Arenais

"I don't know about that." Jerec holstered his gun and stepped over the bodies of the three spark-slinging cultists he'd just put down. "If the Dark Side had a voice, it'd be too easy to imagine it saying things like 'I need to take a dump,' and the Dark Side just begs to be taken seriously all the time, so that wouldn't jive. Plus I've been learning from a guy, and it turns out there's no light and dark side, just one Force and the people making their dent in it.

"But if I'm wrong and the Dark Side does turn out to have a voice and be a thing, someone get it on tape so I can autotune it. I can't hear it at all. Blame the lizard."

Their route opened into a gigantic chamber. Once upon a time it had been an arena of sorts with some kind of structure in the middle and more gigantic statues around the edge by the stadium seating. The statues were rubble, the ceiling was rubble, the central structure - a giant throne, maybe? - was also rubble, and the whole place looked blasted to feth. Jerec hopped over a crack in the floor.

A dusty, half-suspended contraption the size of a starfighter turned out to be exactly what he'd been told he would find: an Ommin Harness. Or maybe it was just a large piece of junk and his client wouldn't pay squat.

"Anyone know if this is what an Ommin Harness is supposed to look like? My client's kind of picky."

Ashin Cardé Varanin

Couple bodies in the garden where the grass grows
Sound moved strangely down in the ruins of the Sith Citadel. The fabric of audible violence could easily mislead someone whose skills at Force Sense weren't up to par. Luke Skywalker was reputed to have said that, sooner or later, every Forcer faced a choice between throwing stones and reading the ripples, between hearing and shouting. Ashin had made her choice early and often, and never looked back.

She took down her rain-soaked hood and stepped out from between eroded statues - into a battlefield.

Lightning slashed incessantly into the grim night sky on Exegol. A thunderclap illuminated the scene: Lord Commander Relian Dorn and five similarly huge men in power armour. At least a hundred bodies surrounded them: local Sith cultists and red troopers yanked from the history books. The cultists had, if not welcomed her, then at least respected her. More importantly, they were as intrinsic to Exegol as the lightning itself, and these particular offworlders had massacred them. That made their crime some combination of murder and high vandalism.

A burnt-orange blade sizzled to life in Ashin's hand.

"Turn back or die."

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