Knight of Naboo

The hilt looks like the first image, the blade like the second

- Intent: To make a lightsaber to link Tasia to her heritage
- Image Source: Here | Here - Edited by Avelion. Template headers by Briana Sal-Soren.
- Additional Credit: Thank you Avelion for helping me build this submission.
- Canon Link: Lightsaber, Darth Sidious Lightsaber
- Permissions: NA
- Primary Source: NA

- Manufacturer:
Tasia Palpatine / Originally Sheev Palpatine in 35BBY
- Affiliation:
Tasia Palpatine
- Market Status: Closed-Market
- Model: N/A
- Modularity: No
- Production: Unique
- Material: Phrik, Aurodium, Kyber Crystal, miscellaneous components.

- Classification: Lightsaber
- Size: Average
- Weight: Heavy

- Orange purified crystal
- Well crafted and durable hilt
- Works underwater
- Resistant to shorting out by cortosis and similar materials
- Genetic recognition on activation button

- Buzz: It has all the benefits of being a lightsaber and as it was originally constructed by a powerful Sith lord it is a good version of all of these things.
- Power: It was once owned by a Sith Lord and the crystal inside is designed to work smoothly with a passionate warrior, making it well suited to form VII. The darkened crystal can also absorb significant amounts of Darkness without damage so can protect its owner from offensive powers.
- Resistance: Specifically designed in such a way, this lightsaber is resistant to shorting out with Cortosis or similar materials.

- Still Dark: Not entirely purified. The blade has been so seeped in Darkness it will never be totally purified and will forever have a connection to Darkness that can be sensed by Force users and forces its owner to be mindful of their own Darkness.
- Still a buzz: A lightsaber is a very destructive weapon and is very impractical as a non-lethal or utility option.
- Indiana Jones go brrrrr: It is a sword, it can be thrown like other sabers but will always be outranged by guns - especially if they are made to counter lightsaber blocks like scatter-guns or disruptors.

This blade was one of several made by Sheev Palpatine. It is well known in the right circles that he kept a blade hidden inside a nuetronium statue In the office of the supreme chancellor for use in emergencies, but less known is the sister blade that was kept in a similar statue In his private office in Theed, Naboo.
After the death of Sheev Palpatine a lot of stuff was passed to his estate including artworks like the statue. At some point in the following centuries one of his descendants discovered the hilt and realised what it was. It was held in trust and passed down from Palpatine to Palpatine, hidden away safely from those that might seek it. Several force sensitive Palpatines have considered using it but Tasia is the first to deem herself strong enough to resist its corrupting influence and so far she has been right. She is now it's custodian and wields it as an heirloom of her family. It's blade is no longer crimson as it has spent several years in Tasia's possession and is changing slowly to align with her force presence more closely.
Out Of Character Info
To make a lightsaber to link Tasia to her heritage
Technical Information
Tasia Palpatine
Phrik, Aurodium, Electrum
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