Pamnis Hosk
The Doctor
Pamnis Hosk

"Doctors are great, as long as you don't need them"
Basic InformationFull Name: Pamnis Treia Hosk
Age: 23 years old
Birthday: September 7th
Sex: Female
Species: Human-Hapan hybrid
Homeworld: None. Pamnis was born aboard a spaceship.
Profession: Doctor.
Faction: None.
Physical Profile
Constitution: Pamnis has a thin, feminine build. Not built for strength, she has a more agile and energetic body.
Height: 1,61m
Weight: 48kg
Skin: Light and smooth complexion, slightly leaning on the paler side.
Somatotype: Mesomorph
Facial Description: Taking after her mother's heritage, Pamnis displays symmetrical and harmonious facial features.
Eyes: Light green
Hair: Light brown to ash blonde. Wavy and reaching her mid-back.
Dominant hand: Mostly ambidextrous, with a slight preference for her left hand.
Marks: Small scar under her chin from a childhood accident.
Force-sensitivity: Positive.
Force alignment: Undetermined.
"Most people will get over most things if they put their mind to it, you just have to give them an interest"
Being born aboard a medical frigate does not seem like the most fun of experiences, but to Pamnis it was. Her parents had been Schieben Hosk, an ex-Jedi Consular, and Elarys Kal a Hapan woman who had abandoned her home-world to live with her husband as soon as she found out she was with child.
Schieben and Elarys were travelling to Corellia, not expecting their baby to come to the world as soon as it did. Pamnis was born a month and a half before her due date, and the closest place to get Elarys the medical attention she needed was a Hospital spaceship they encountered when jumping out of hyperspace. The delivering of the baby presented too many complications and in the end, Elarys birthed her daughter but with the cost of her life. Schieben was left heartbroken and with a newborn child in his care.
He was offered a job aboard the spaceship as a Doctor and medical-assistant given his abilities and his affinity to the Force. He did not have much to offer his little girl besides that so he accepted, and remained aboard the frigate. As she grew up, Pamnis did not have many friends her age, but she was a charming little creature and was content enough to interact with every single being in the spaceship's staff, even the grumpiest of them.
The first years of her life represented an uncommon but simple and happy existence.
As was bound to happen, fueled by her curiosity, Pamnis grew more and more interested in the subjects that had surrounded her all her life. Her father educated her and, knowing his daughter had also been gifted with a strong connection to the Force, had taught her to use her abilities for the good but had always refused to teach her the more belic aspects of her powers. He had focused his lessons on meditation, sensing and healing and his daughter was happy to learn all he had to teach.
She would pester every doctor aboard the spaceship with her presence, every hour of the day. Even the patients, at least the more frequent ones, came to know her. It was soon noticed that the girl had a talent for medicine and healing, she had an observant eye, a quick mind and a stable hand without mentioning her utter love for the profession. By the age of seventeen, upon the request of a group of Doctors to let Pamnis, her father agreed to allow her to begin her studies at the Medical School aboard the spaceship, to become a part of the Medical Staff herself.
She poured every conscious second of the day into her studies, devouring books, following doctors like a lost pup, even treating the patients who were confident enough to allow her as long as she was under supervision. She matured quite quickly because of this, and she would not have chosen any other way.
During the last years of her study, between the ages of twenty and twenty-two, Pamnis was already a working member of the Staff, as a medical assistant to the other Doctors. At twenty-two she graduated and became a Doctor herself. She chose not to follow further specialization because she preferred being an all-around good Doctor, and studying by herself the subjects she felt like knowing more specifically.
Her father was very proud of her, and couldn't help but feel saddened when she told him she wanted to leave and start knowing the planets she knew only though stories she heard. She had never left the spaceship, and she felt like it was time to do so. They said their goodbyes, and Pamnis boarded a shuttle, leaving the place that had watched her grow up.
She started traveling from planet to planet, anywhere where she could get short-term jobs or internships at different hospitals thus achieving her two goals: knowing places and practicing her profession.