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Approved Species Panakadon

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  • Name: Panakadon
  • Designation: Non-Sentient
  • Homeworld: Tyra'Weilen
  • Language: N/A
  • Average Lifespan: 66 Years
  • Estimated Population: Planetary
  • Description: The Panakadon is a large herbivorous lizard that is identifiable by it's boney head with a shield plate covered in brightly colored feathers.
  • Breathes: Type 1
  • Average height of adults: 1.9 Meters
  • Average length of adults: 3.8 Meters
  • Skin color: Light brown or Orange with yellow or blue stripes and coloration.
  • Hair color: Feather color tends to be blue, purple, or cyan and tends to be brighter rather than darker.
  • Distinctions: The Panakadon is a member of the Sheilodon family on Tyra'Weilen. It is quite different from it's cousins as it is far smaller, doesn't have horns coping for large bony protrusions, and groups up in vast herds rather than smaller groups.
  • Races: N/A
  • Strengths:
-Effectively has a shield for a head with thick bony bumps it can use to clobber someone with or do serious damage to larger predators like broken bones, bruises, etc.
-Several stomachs that are capable of feeding undigested material back to the first stomach to repeat the cycle allows the Panakadon to digest most vegetation.

  • Weaknesses:
-Poor vision prohibits the Panakadon from seeing very far and makes it difficult for it to distinguish camouflaged predators from their surroundings.
-It's large size and heavy frame means it can tire quite easily, thus it tends to try to stay it's ground with the herd rather than run off. Which means if it is grabbed alone by a large predator or even just by someone with a gun it's effectively dead.

  • Diet: Most vegetation that its stiff neck can reach, so mostly grasses and low shrubbery.
  • Communication: Primarily sub-sonic rumblings with the occasionally audible alarm groan.
  • Technology level: N/A
  • Religion/Beliefs: N/A
  • General behavior:
Panakadons group up in the thousands as they drift across the great seas of yellow grass that makes up Tyra'Weilen. They rely on their numbers to scare off any smaller predator, and fend off the larger ones by forming small defensive rings around the sick, young, or injured. Their massive migratory routes originally caused some conflict with colonizers, yet the nature-loving Naboo quickly found a compromise. It is theorized that these Panakadons have followed the same migratory routes for thousands of years.

Panakdons have limited control over the feathers on their shielded heads, able to 'poof' them out to draw more attention to them. These feathery displays are often used by the males to attract a mate, and for the female to signal it's acceptance. It can also be used as a warning sign to both predator or ally.


Panakadons are not the most numerous creature on Tyra'Weilen yet they often come across as it. Tourists, viewing the great herds that can go on for kilometers at a time often ask how such creatures haven't eaten the entire planet into a barren wasteland. They are a key component to the life cycle on Tyra'Weilen, where the Panakadon goes there is nothing but manuer and wasteland, yet their constant treading of heavy feet and manuer tills up the earth to create a perfect environment for plants to flourish. Thus, when the Panakadon herd comes back to that same place a year later it is as if the herd had never been there.

The Naboo settlers of Tyra'Weilen exploit this migratory route to take some of the maneur to help fuel farms, or hunt the herds to supply top quality meat to be sold off by the tons. Yet strict restrictions are placed on the hunting of these animals, especially near their nesting sights. Every herd has a specific area they'll bunker down at for three months. It is at this time they'll lay eggs, care for them, and hatch. Yet as soon as a Panakadon hatches they can walk, thus the great trek begins a week or so after the last egg hatches.

Panakadons have several natural predators, and combat all of them with the same tactic that has kept them alive for a millenium, stand their ground, encircle the weak, and bash anything that gets too close. These chubby lizards can pack quite the punch with their skulls, and have even been known to cripple rancors that got loose into the wilderness of Tyra'Weilen. Yet they are usually passive, letting humans pet, touch, and occasionally ride them. This fact has led to many city-states on Tyra'Weilen to domesticate these animals and use them as beasts of burden. To see a Panakadon in the streets of Tyra'Theed is as common of a sight as to see a Kaduu mount back in Theed on Naboo.

Looks good to me as well. Watch out for panakadon rustlers, hoss.

Pending Secondary Approval

[member="Allyson Locke"] | [member="Zeradias Mant"] | [member="Irajah Ven"] | [member="Samka Derith"]
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