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Approved Starship Pantera-class Stealth Frigate

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  • Intent: To create an effective stealth frigate.

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  • Restricted Missions:

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  • Manufacturer: Kiribian Systems Armory

  • Model: Pantera-class

  • Affiliation: Private Market

  • Production: Limited

  • Material: Common Materials

Defenses: High

Ajax Tier 3 Laminate Spaced Armor

Delphus 2 Shield System


Tudradium Blast Doors w/ Magnetic Seals

Cyber Security

Electronic Protection


Hangar: 1 Squadron (Default: Yutan Stealth Fighter/Bomber)

Maneuverability Rating: Average

Speed Rating: Average

Hyperdrive Class: 0.8






  • Tractor Beams

  • Other standard ship things not explicitly mentioned.


  • A combination of its electronic protection suite, reactionless sublight engines, and passive stealth features make the Pantera difficult to detect, especially at long range.

  • A Powerful sensor suite that allows it to track other objects through heavy interference and/or at long range.

  • A class 0.8 Hyperdrive w/ HIMS.

  • Highly automated, requiring minimal crew for operation.

  • Built as a stealth vehicle, the Pantera aren't well suited for direct extended fights against enemy vessels, especially at close range.

  • Its main guns – Angons – are spinal mounted and require the whole vessel to turn to aim them.

  • The use of its weapons can increase its chances of detection.

  • Automation leaves the ship easy to seize by a small number of boarders.

The Pantera (Panther) are a class of multi-role stealth frigates designed to operate in denied areas. During naval operations, Pantera are meant to work independently from large friendly formations targeting enemy vessels and installations for destruction and boarding/infiltration. Outside of large scale combat, Pantera are used for raiding, ISR, and supporting special operation units.

Taking some design cues from the Sowa, the Pantera uses its ECM suite to distort its signature during transit through hyperspace, and upon reversion to spoof hyperwave signal interceptors and similar sensors. However, this does nothing to mask its cronau radiation or tachyon emissions like the more advanced stealth hyperdrives fitted onto the Sowa. So Pantera crews are trained to revert within a system’s heliosphere to have their emissions dispersed by the high speed charged particle streams of solar winds. From there, they rely on Dimensional drives to arrive at their final destination, movements hidden by their onboard GAM modules.The crude Dimensional drives fitted onto the Pantera are incredibly slow in comparison to its hyperdrive, with a max speed of only 60 AU per hour. (By comparison, the size of the Solar System is about 120 AU.)

Interestingly, the Pantera has found another niche among some users as a command vessel. As boarding and ship ramming has become common practice, the Panteras' stealthiness and relative nimbleness have made them an attractive alternative to typical flagships for defeating such tactics.
Arisa Yune said:
Built as a stealth vehicle, the Pantera aren't well suited for direct extended fights against enemy vessels, especially at close range.

Arisa Yune said:
During naval operations, Pantera are meant to work independently from large friendly formations targeting enemy vessels and installations for destruction and boarding/infiltration.
If the vessel isn't suitable for extended fights against enemy vessels, especially at close range, how are they meant to work independently to target vessels for boarding and destruction?
[member="Irina Volkov"] Like a sub, it uses its stealth features for hit and fade tactics. Sneaking into an optimal position for attack, then peeling out to lose attention and to reposition for the next one.
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