Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Iris Arani
The Kiyomi MK.II was an impressive ship in more ways then some could see. It gleamed red and gold yes and some thought it looked like a warship... which wasn't entirely false it looked more intimidating then it actually was... the lack of weapons was a big one and no fighters aside from shuttler sna medical ships... it was the best for being assumed with its size to be dangerous and that kept raiders away from patients. THe jedi master remained there as she was allowing the force to let her heal.. differently. Hands out and she had them over the patient as she focused on the force itself. Slowly looking at the wound and going deeper.. her sight following it down further and further until she was looking at the molecules and building blocks. SLowly rearranging the ones in the air around it as she replicated and formed... shaped and poured force energy to build cell by cell. She had spent more time training to not tire herself out and the other healers there with her who were learning provided more to her... the teaching centers of the ship.
"That will have to be enough for today." She stopped slowly but was looking at the mound of flesh as it was slowly taking shape... looking smooth and just barely formed. "IT will take time but we can work on it more after I rest." She said it and the person laying there nodded as they were looking at the small half formed limb before the nurses were covering it with cloth to protect it. She would continue to work on it and form it for the next few days. THe Kiyomi was docking with one of the medical stations to pick up more healers and give them a chance to tour the facilities or practice. She moved through the halls and they were transferrring some patients, getting new ones who needed the better care and facilities and restocking the hospital as their cargo bays were loaded with supplies. THey had more work to do and she was able to go to one of the mess halls on the ship. The massive size required them to have a few dozen for all of the crew while she sat there.
The Kiyomi MK.II was an impressive ship in more ways then some could see. It gleamed red and gold yes and some thought it looked like a warship... which wasn't entirely false it looked more intimidating then it actually was... the lack of weapons was a big one and no fighters aside from shuttler sna medical ships... it was the best for being assumed with its size to be dangerous and that kept raiders away from patients. THe jedi master remained there as she was allowing the force to let her heal.. differently. Hands out and she had them over the patient as she focused on the force itself. Slowly looking at the wound and going deeper.. her sight following it down further and further until she was looking at the molecules and building blocks. SLowly rearranging the ones in the air around it as she replicated and formed... shaped and poured force energy to build cell by cell. She had spent more time training to not tire herself out and the other healers there with her who were learning provided more to her... the teaching centers of the ship.
"That will have to be enough for today." She stopped slowly but was looking at the mound of flesh as it was slowly taking shape... looking smooth and just barely formed. "IT will take time but we can work on it more after I rest." She said it and the person laying there nodded as they were looking at the small half formed limb before the nurses were covering it with cloth to protect it. She would continue to work on it and form it for the next few days. THe Kiyomi was docking with one of the medical stations to pick up more healers and give them a chance to tour the facilities or practice. She moved through the halls and they were transferrring some patients, getting new ones who needed the better care and facilities and restocking the hospital as their cargo bays were loaded with supplies. THey had more work to do and she was able to go to one of the mess halls on the ship. The massive size required them to have a few dozen for all of the crew while she sat there.