Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Paper Moon

Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Iris Arani Iris Arani

The Kiyomi MK.II was an impressive ship in more ways then some could see. It gleamed red and gold yes and some thought it looked like a warship... which wasn't entirely false it looked more intimidating then it actually was... the lack of weapons was a big one and no fighters aside from shuttler sna medical ships... it was the best for being assumed with its size to be dangerous and that kept raiders away from patients. THe jedi master remained there as she was allowing the force to let her heal.. differently. Hands out and she had them over the patient as she focused on the force itself. Slowly looking at the wound and going deeper.. her sight following it down further and further until she was looking at the molecules and building blocks. SLowly rearranging the ones in the air around it as she replicated and formed... shaped and poured force energy to build cell by cell. She had spent more time training to not tire herself out and the other healers there with her who were learning provided more to her... the teaching centers of the ship.

"That will have to be enough for today." She stopped slowly but was looking at the mound of flesh as it was slowly taking shape... looking smooth and just barely formed. "IT will take time but we can work on it more after I rest." She said it and the person laying there nodded as they were looking at the small half formed limb before the nurses were covering it with cloth to protect it. She would continue to work on it and form it for the next few days. THe Kiyomi was docking with one of the medical stations to pick up more healers and give them a chance to tour the facilities or practice. She moved through the halls and they were transferrring some patients, getting new ones who needed the better care and facilities and restocking the hospital as their cargo bays were loaded with supplies. THey had more work to do and she was able to go to one of the mess halls on the ship. The massive size required them to have a few dozen for all of the crew while she sat there.


The ship was excessive.

Iris had just stared at it as she first arrived, inwardly trying to remind herself that it was a different time when this ship was surely made. It looked like the intimidating battleships of the Maw. Hell, she just about panicked when she dropped out before it registered as friendly. She cleared her throat before she guided her x-wing to it's dock so she could land and.. Explore. It might be handy to know how a ship like this ran for Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el 's own relief group.

She slipped from her ship, took a glance around, let out a sigh of relief. Yeah, certainly not a Maw ship. That was good. Now she just needed to find someone to talk to about all this.

Matsu Ike Matsu Ike
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Iris Arani Iris Arani

THe jedi master continued through the ship, letting some of the crew come to her with information. THey were unloading and nearly done with cargo supplies. Medical treatments and implants that would be able to help them. There was more being brought on and she checked out some of the things. "Good, we'll see about it and be underway when we can be." THere were nods and a few single crafts joined them going itno the hanger bays while she went to go and greet them in the hanger. "Welcome to the Mark two Kiyomi medical vessel. We work it to teach healers, doctors and field medics." She said it with a bow to all of them. "We are nearly done exchanging patients for supplies and then will be underway. IF you came for training we have areas and teams, if you are here for being crew on the ship itself we have another team and there are tours and chances for the healers and doctors here." She smiled more clasping hands in front of herself. "Now, are there any questions?"


Questions, huh?

Iris stood near the back, listening for the most part. But, well. There was one burning question in her mind. She raised a hand, much as she would in the lecture hall, though she didn't wait to be called on or such to even ask the question to begin with. Also much like college.

"Why a vessel so intimidating? I don't see anyone seeing this ship and thinking we're here to help rather than invade."

Matsu Ike Matsu Ike
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Iris Arani Iris Arani

A good question... one of the best actually. "When we first made the vessel it was in a time of war. It helped in some ways to have the ship look like it could defend itself and at times still does. Hospital ships are usually not attacked because they are more neutral but there have been ships and stations harmed. We developed stronger shields but sometimes seeing a vessel outside your viewports can be just as much of an aid." That and it was one of the main shells they had left over from the jedi vessels. Hyperion and Bifrost were great but had prototypes. "We have been working on the advances in this model and its internal systems are more automated by biot research so it can adjust as needed. Even keep the ship and people safe in the event of outbreak or dangerous situations."


"That doesn't change the fact that it looks like a war ship. And not just any kind, it looks like a Maw ship. In this day and age these kinds of ships are only going to bring terror to people, not hope or relief. And possibly even violence as people are looking for the Maw remnants even now. Why did you design this ship so intimidatingly from the get go?"

Matsu Ike Matsu Ike
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Iris Arani Iris Arani

"I didn't design it, we took one of the shells originally from the Silver Jedi's SSD's experiments. Trials and error saw a few discarded and we were able to turn them into various projects. Though this model can alter its shape." SHe said it and walked around but looked at them as she touched the floor with her hand and the materia shifted. "It might take a little while to feel it but the ship at least this model is alive in a way... its heart is a tree at the center and it is organic in its nature so when it shifted it chose what to look like. If you wanted to meditate it might be possible to convince it to change its outer looks." She said it but clasped her hands behind her back while indicating with her eyes for some of them to look at the materia showed the agena fluid going through it... small veins and flowing back towards the center of the ship. "Wait until you see how it can shift rooms on you or make new ones depending on the needs."


"If it can be freely changed then it certainly should look like something else. People need hope, not fear." A living ship though, that was a good idea. Something to utilize the Force. It made sense, given the nature of the people who made it. Iris let out a sigh, rubbed at the back of her head.

"Why delay?"

Matsu Ike Matsu Ike
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Iris Arani Iris Arani

She looked at the girl and offered a smile. "Perhaps it will take a liking to your idea young jedi." THe smile was there and it was nice as she motioned with her hands and was walking through the ship. Various rooms set up for patients that were being brought in and one of the rooms with large ceilings as Arukirī moved around handling care of various patients. "We have battlefield healers, able to deploy from space if needed or our hospital pods and retrieve patients with zero gravity bubbles and inertial dampeners. THey can carry someone without jostling them under ideal conditions of not being attacked back for medical treatment." SHe said it and came to a hall lined with Advanced Medical Suites as patients were being transferred itno them. "These are for more critical cases, nanites repair the bodies to preserve and keep patients alive so a doctor or healer can get to them."



Iris blinked slowly before walking along after them. Frowned in thought. There was.. A lot here. It seemed like too much, and yet, it certainly would help keep casualties to a minimum. In a way it was perfect.

But perfect was never real.

"What's the downsides?"

Matsu Ike Matsu Ike
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
"Dawnsides?" She asked it and raised an eyebrow but didn't reject it or make it sound snide.. she was curious... and a curious mind was important. "Well numbers is always one... there are a lot of doctors in the galaxy but only so many want to work on a vessel traveling around with not large salary. Most doctors get a stipend only slightly higher then the jedi for missions. JEdi healers can be rare as well at times. Many can heal but dedicated ones like Feena or Beth or even Rihanna and Leori are difficult. Boolon as well though he was one of the rare doctors and healers who was cross trained which is another more rare group."

She said it and continued to walk finding one of the larger chambers and going into it the wall shifted with the materia to expand and make it so they would be able to all stand there comfortably. "I can say there are others, for awhile funding was a big thing but we have been working to try and handle that.. developing new engineering and manufacturing technologies to make medical supplies that can be traded. Research into other theoretical aspects have given us improved capabilities.... and we are always looking to develop new healing methods or equipment. Our bioengineered implants aid in many things but nothing is perfect."

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