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Approved NPC Parasideus of a Thousand Voices

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ᴅᴀʀᴛʜ ᴀɴᴀᴛʜᴇᴍᴏᴜꜱ


"Who are we...?"
  • Age: Thought to be Hundreds of years old
  • Force Sensitivity: Master
  • Species: Force Ghost
  • Appearance: Typically appears as a hooded figure with no discernable face, though may choose to appear as anyone they previously possessed
  • Name: Darth Parasideus
    • "Parasideus of a thousand voices"
    • "Lord of many faces"
    • "Voice of the mountain"
    • "Queen of the mire"
    • "The mountain king"
    • "Legion"
  • Loyalties: Themselves
  • Wealth: N\A
  • Notable Possessions: Parasideus Stone
  • Skills:
  • Languages: Basic, ur-Kittât\Sith
  • Personality: Parasideus is best described as having less of a personality and more so as an amalgamation of the many personalities once belonging to those possessed by Parasideus. For many lifetimes they have haunted countless victims, preying on their insecurities and fears to bargain a fraction of their power in exchange for control over their victim little by little until they had merged as one. Having absorbed countless memories in this way, the spectral mind of Parasideus has been overwhelmed and replaced over time, coming see itself as someone or something new, referring themselves as "We" when not disguised as another. Parasideus considers themselves beyond the traditional concept of human identity, being neither man or woman, human nor alien, but rather a dark side entity whose purpose is to endure and survive. Having completed their passionate studies and life work however, they feel as though they are without passion or purpose and now search for both.
  • Lord of the Sith - In life, Parasideus was a powerful Sith and cunning manipulator. In death, the ghost has retained much of that knowledge, using it to manipulate and control others with promises of power.
  • Incorporeal - Parasideus now exists as a force ghost, enduring through the rage of betrayal. Despite all their knowledge and power in life, Parasideus is unable to interact with the physical world or even use physical force powers without first stealing control of a living body, which has proven quite difficult.

Darth Parasideus is a little known figure of galactic history, knowledge of their existence only surviving through salvaged works of a cult called the "Brotherhood of Many Faces". The brotherhood was responsible for a handful of literary works that have since been fragmented, with most pieces lost to history over hundreds of years. The few surviving scraps appear the collections of only the most astute scholars of Dark Side and Sith lore.

These surviving fragments often present conflicting information, with many being retellings of third party encounters rather than legitimate brotherhood literature. Some describe Darth Parasideus as a beautiful woman, others as a powerful man and a few even suggest that Parasideus was a name passed down from a cult leader to their successor upon death.

The only agreed upon information is this:

A cult leader called Darth Parasideus was active at some time during the four hundred year darkness after the Gulag Virus had destroyed most life in the galaxy, and the Brotherhood of Many Faces thought themselves to be the last surviving Sith at the time. Darth Parasideus invested a great deal of the cult's resources into investigating the work of Darth Sideous and\or Darth Plagueis, believing immortality to be the ultimate goal of any true Sith Lord. However, the virus made this research incredibly difficult, and at some point in the cult's history, a schism resulted in the death of Darth Parasideus who was then entombed in a location that has since been lost to history.

What even fewer individuals know is that in recent history, Darth Carnifex would later send one of his Apprentices on a hunt for new information about Parasideus and the Brotherhood, eventually leading her to the Darth's tomb on Dathomir that was built to honor the sith lord's fondness for the Zeffonian sage Kujet, who had also been entombed on Dathomir long before Parasideus or the Cult even existed.

That apprentice was Kaila Irons, who Parasideus sought to possess upon entering the tomb. This proved uniquely difficult for the spectral sith lord however, as Kaila had previously undergone a memory wiping treatment which had inadvertently reduced the number of insecurities and fears for the ghost to prey on. In the end, Parasideus was able to partially possess Kaila's body but not her mind, remaining in a constant struggle for power of the course of a few years while attempting to complete their research.

Parasideus was able to learn the secrets of Transfer Essence, binding their spirit to a their own unique lightsaber crystal rather than Kaila's body, which they planned to carry while possessing Kaila until such a time that they could fully possess a different body, however they were soon exorcised from Kaila by Darth Xyrah before completing this goal.

Now the spirit of Parasideus is bound to the crystal, which Kaila took as a replacement to her own broken saber crystal, unknowing of the spirit's bond.

Without a body with which to interact with the world around them, the ghost now seeks to manipulate and bargain with Kaila by other means, hoping one day to be separate from the crystal's new owner and free touch, taste and feel on their own again.

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