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Approved Tech Parasideus Stone

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Manufacturer: Darth Parasideus, Kaila "Irons" Solus
Type: Basic
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Unique
Weight: Average
Size: Tiny
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  • Houses the ghost of the ancient sith lord Darth Parasideus
  • Probes the mind of it's user, adapting properties and coloration over time according their nature
    • Currently produces a dark and piercing violet light
  • May speak in the voices of every being to have ever been possessed by it's creator
  • Capable of masking it's presence within the force from most beings, appearing as little more a standard Kyber crystal
  • Absorbed properties:
    • Capable of briefly lending it's own power to increase the efficacy of Pyrokinesis
    • Bonds with the user over time, increasing the agility of any lightsaber it installed within
  • Adaptive symbiotic - Adapts to it's user over time, manifesting new traits according to the user's characteristics while feeding on dark side energies.
  • Feeding Flame - Having bonded to Kaila, the crystal may temporarily increase the potency of Pyrokinesis by lending some of it's own dark side energy.
  • Agile Swordsman - Having bonded to Kaila, the crystal and any saber housing begin to feel lighter and more maneuverable over time.
  • Stone's Haunted - This dark crystal has been possessed by the ancient sith lord Darth Parasideus, who may attempt possession of any of use the crystal. Parasideus feeds off the dark side energies of the wielder, even preying on their mind and insecurities, bargaining power for control and witling their will hopes of possessing their body.
  • Crystalline Coffin - Being a crystal, the stone can be shattered with enough force and persistence, weakening it's power and that of the ghost within, perhaps even destroying the connection between the stone, the ghost, and the user.
  • Dark Beacon - To those with the power and insight to see it, The stone's influence may appear as shadowy tendrils around the stone and user, with those experienced enough able to see past the mask and feel a powerful darkside presence.
Darth Parasideus is a name known best during the 400 years darkness or perhaps even before, what few records exist being rare and conflicting. All that is truly known of Parasideus is that they were powerful, and had a knack for winning the hearts and minds of others. Little do they know that guile had nothing to do with it.

When Parasideus died, their body was entombed and forgotten about by the world by all but the most astute scholars of the sith, until one day an apprentice was sent to discover more than they were prepared for. The enraged ghost of Parasideus saw it's way out through her, wrestling control away until only it remained. Together they committed to darkness ritual that would see the ghost bound to a crystal that had been by it's side for longer than the apprentice had yet lived, spending years poured over tomes amidst the coffins and shambling bodies that became their servants until at last they had learned the secrets of transference.

Even after she was freed, the apprentice struggled to remember the exact nature of her time in that tomb. But the stone remembers, and bides it's time.

Image credit: (in case of bug)

Out Of Character Info

Intent: Create a haunted lightsaber crystal for upcoming projects
Image Source(s):
Permissions: N\A

Technical Information

Affiliation: Darth Parasideus(Formerly) \ Kaila "Irons" Solus
Model: N\A
Modular: Yes
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