Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Under any other circumstance, Oeana Janin was meant to make this meeting all by herself. As things stood, she was the second-ranking member of the Red Lady staff, immediately after Lady deWinter herself. One could argue a young age in the business world but within a company like the Red Lady, their careers began early, too early based on some outside concepts.

Circumstances were everything though and when the Red Lady was about to meet with the head of House Verd, Incorporated, a known Mandalorian, lady deWinter couldn’t allow herself not to be completely and momentarily aware of all aspects of the negotiation. A deWinter never quite wanted to be in the same room with a Mandalorian, not when it could be helped, not after all the bad blood that had occurred between them in what was now ancient unknown past, of which even Oeana knew next to nothing. That didn’t change the fact that business was business from what the executive assistant understand but it would not go on without her present.

There seemed to be other aspects of this, some elements which escaped the woman seemed to make this meeting more possible than it should have been. Perhaps it would have been wiser to send her alone yet lady deWinter didn’t fully clear the way she did when any other Mandalorian was mentioned as if there was a sort of benefit of the doubt. Oeana didn’t ask though, if it was relevant to the Red Lady, she would have been privy to it.

The Ice Princess had made its descent on the planet Geonosis, one where the Near-Human had never been to. As per the previous appointment made by Oeana, they had been instructed to arrive here, within the Confederacy space, a faction they had yet to make business with. Upon landing, they made their way out through planet transportation to the building documented to be a House Verd, Incorporated building. Oeana moved first, pausing at the front to make their presence known. Lady deWinter never spoke to the employees when they arrived at meetings such as this. A quick check of identities, checking information and they were escorted to what seemed to be a conference room and instructed to wait there. ”I’m sure they won’t keep us waiting for long,” Oeana told her Lady as she’d walked over to one end of the table, moving a chair for her though she herself would remain standing until their company arrived.

[member="Asteria deWinter"] [member="Darth Metus"]
Asteria had known for quite some time now about the connection between herself and the Mandalorian Vicelord of the Confederacy. While it was not odd, as the Cavataio in no way shared their beliefs or grievances with the faction, it wasn’t too grand of a thing to consider. And it was bits such as this one that made her notice the doubts in her daughter’s eyes about the deWinter beliefs and understanding of the entirety of the mercenary culture. Where the deWinter saw bad blood and centuries-old feud, Angelo had very much succeeded in their daughter being centered on the subject. She could neither hate nor love them because of the two teachings she had been given.

Though lady deWinter had shared none of this with Oeana, once the meeting had been agreed upon with House Verd, Incorporated, she informed her that she would be coming along. Not because she did not think her assistant was ready, she was sure she was. Her training was in some regards even better than Asteria’s. The blond had been in some ways been deprived of many of the lessons Red Ladies were given very early on. Asteria did not miss this, not in the least bit but it was why she handpicked her assistant, to find the very best that would work side by side with her so their skills would be combined for the betterment of the company.

It was a curiosity at best that had led her on this journey into Confederacy space, using her given knowledge of piloting to lead them to Geonosis. Simon had been curious along the way after Oeana had made the mistake of mentioning the CEO’s Mandalorian status. Why are we seeing a Mandalorian? I thought you hated Mandalorians? Why do you hate Mandalorians?” Each question had been given though with very little information. Her droid companion had been privy to plenty of family conversations to be aware of their thoughts on the culture yet Asteria didn’t allow for him to drag information out of her at his whim.

Asteria brought the ship down, instructing Simon on securing the ship once they were out, though he knew most of that. She and Oeana proceeded out of the ship then and made their way to the House Verd, Incorporated building. Lady deWinter would wait for Oeana to deal with the front desk before they were led into a conference room, notting Oeana’s word with a tiny nod before she’d sat down on the offered chair. ”Thank you,” she’d only said, wondering about the man she’d meet soon.

[member="Darth Metus"].
Time away was a rarity.

As the Great Galactic War continued to ravage the stars, the mantle of Vicelord became a crown upon Darth Metus’ head. It was not a symbol of supreme lordship over his nation, but rather a weight that demanded the whole of his strength to maintain. With every day, a new threat made itself known to the Confederacy. New plans had to be enacted. New technologies and vessels of warfare commissioned in order to stave off their enemies. And in light of this reality, many things slipped through the cracks. One such thing was the Vicelord’s own corporation - House Verd, Incorporated.

Named in honor of his own heritage, the corporation thankfully was capable of handling itself. A competent board of directors ensured that day-to-day operations flowed without the personal attention of their CEO. They knew full well the weight of their leader’s responsibilities; and therefore stepped in to fill the void of Darth Metus. So effective were they in their efforts that Darth Metus scarcely had to worry about House Verd, Inc. In fact, all he had to do was receive his daily briefings via datapad before running off to put out the next fire.

But today, Darth Metus was taking some much needed time away from the Crown. Seven days were plotted and set aside for him to attend to matters of home and commerce. Seven days to see House Verd, Incorporated transition into a new era...and his family elevated as well.

On the first day, there was [member="Asteria deWinter"].

It was not the reputation of the Red Lady establishment that caught the Vicelord’s attention, but rather the surname carried by their owner. deWinter was the very same family which had brought one Pebble into the Galaxy. One very, knife-happy Pebble. But. As amends were made and bridges built before the Vicelord and the young woman, Darth Metus looked upon the Red Lady with a friendly gaze. He would personally meet them and make them his first appointment of the day. Thus, when the pair of women arrived, they would not have waited long until a tall, imposing figure entered the room. Garbed in a finely tailored suit, Darth Metus offered a warm smile.

”Welcome to Geonosis. I hope your journey was well!” he began, striding to his place at the head of the table. ”I am Darth Metus, CEO of House Verd, Incorporated. Please, let us begin.”
Her assistant had been correct, they were not kept waiting for long before the CEO himself arrived, welcoming them to the planet and sharing pleasantries before introducing himself as Darth Metus. Asteria remained seated, watching him for the briefest of moments. "This is Lady deWinter, CEO of the Red Lady. I'm Oeana Janin, her personal assistant," her assistant gave introductions on their end as the noblewoman waited, appraising the man in person that she had only heard of. She wondered if he knew the connection that shared them. Though it was not of blood, she was well aware of custom adoptions were to the planet where her daughter now was. It didn't matter if he didn't, Asteria was here to strike a business deal with the other CEO.

"Thank you, our journey was fine," she returned the pleasantries, "I do appreciate you taking the time for this meeting." Asteria was aware of the power House Verd, Incorporate held on the market and its products. The business each of them dealt in were complete opposites but that was why she was here. She needed a connection with a company such as his, and one who wasn't meaningless in the grand scheme of things.

In fact, Asteria had a thought already, based on her research. "I won't take much of your time, we are both busy people." Lady deWinter never wasted words or time, especially not in business meetings. She wasn't one for small talk in such moments though it could be argued, she had forgotten what small talk was with the years passing by her. No one had time for those, as far as she was concerned even in a family such as the deWinters where knowledge brought an understanding that humanity was only as feeble as one allowed it to be. "The Red Lady has interest in your Quill-Class Shuttles. Their small size but comfortability makes them useful transportation and a way for the company to further provided services for our clients." The explanation was simple and clear. Asteria hardly used too many words to explain what those services were. If one didn't know, they didn't have to. If they had interest, they would. What the company provided were services. The shuttle Verd House, Incorporated had on their roster would allow for a more interesting way of providing services.

She, however, offered nothing in return immediately. While these shuttles could be afforded, a simple message of intent could have been sufficient for that. No, Asteria had in the space on which the company operated on. So she would wait for Darth Metus to speak before she would again.

[member="Darth Metus"]
Well this was quite the oddity.

As far as Galactic reputation was concerned, Darth Metus was typically known first for his political station. A close second was his alchemical prowess. However, despite what came to mind first when his name was uttered, the Sith had quite a bit of experience in the corporate sector as well. House Verd, Incorporated had more than a few high profile dealings over the years - thereby affording him the opportunity to learn from, and to observe, the best of numerous industries. Suffice it to say, when [member="Asteria deWinter"] made her request, experience dictated that he simply raised his eyebrow.

There were online storefronts for a reason. Two taps of the datapad and the Red Lady could have procured as many of the Quill-class Shuttles as her heart desired. It was for this reason that Darth Metus simply leaned forward in his seat ever so slightly, folding his hands neatly upon the table. His gaze never left her face - sulfuric eyes attempting to get a read on the woman. But, after a simple moment, he responded in the positive.

"The Quill-class Shuttles are certainly available for purchase, and we would be more than happy to fulfill your order."

She didn't mention method of payment, and neither did he. He was of the opinion that she had more to this particular meeting than picking up a shuttle design. One didn't meet the CEO of CEC to pick up a common freighter, after all.

[member="Asteria deWinter"]

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