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| D | R | E | A | D | R | O | O | T |
Syngia; Planet of Monstrosity
In shaking hands, Darth Vesper gripped the lightsaber. Grimacing, he tried to will himself to still the tremor. He could not. He was not threatened, not at all, not here in his place of highest power, and yet he could not still a sense of existential dread within him. This was - well - it was eerie. Because the man he just killed, if he saw true, peering through the Force, had his face. His features, his form, his voice, and it let out a horrible shriek while decapitated. No, no, that was illogic. Illusion. And yet his own mind was proof against illusion. What was that vision?
"Nothing... nothing at all." And yet, the panic, absent reason, stayed regardless. That vision in the Force was perhaps a reflection of the past, or a possible future, or a twist of the present yet unknown. It was not without meaning, but it was without teeth. Focusing on the cold, thrumming rage that now suffused every cell of his being, Vesper slowed his mind in the gradual approach towards the stillness of a Sith meditation. But stillness would not come, for even his own Force now moved without his consent.
No, it never was his power. It was presumptuous of him to think so. And straining, he could see it -barely - the form it was taking shape without him, the life it was casting itself as - yes, life, that was what it was becoming. A form... humanoid, beneath the crimson waters of the lit pools that surrounded him. The cadaver of his suicidal victim was dissolving, reforming, the spirit whose memories he had dissolved away to prevent from reforming - an infantile spirit, of all things, absent even identity - was asserting form!
Stepping two times backwards, he watched intently as shapes shifted beneath the surface. It was mystery... and it was danger. He reached with his mind for the power to scatter it, examine it, assert control of it, yet it defied him. Sweat streaked his forehead as the meditation turned into a hurricane of confusion, propping himself up against the wall.
"Enough!" And yet, it went on.
[member="Kzaevas Vi'ze"]