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Approved Tech Particle Accelerator Factory Module

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  • Intent: To create a factory module capable of either replicating existing elements, creating new ones, or creating isotopes of elements for manufacture.
  • Image Source: Gallery
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Manufacturer: The Dire Wolves Mercenary Company
  • Affiliation: The Dire Wolves Mercenary Company, Closed-Market (You need a really, really, REALLY, good reason to get one of these)
  • Model: N/A
  • Modularity: Do you want it to explode? There's your answer.
  • Production: Semi-Unique
  • Material: Thousands of high power magnets, repulsors, amplification lenses, mirrors, and a ridiculous amount of power components and shielding.
  • Is able to monitor elements/isotopes created and once done, can produce said elements in larger quantities to allow for the replication of scarce materials for use in research and development of various technologies.
  • Said products are then deposited in secure canisters that keep them sealed for safe transport to other laboratories.
  • Allows the creation of materials or development of even more advanced new materials: This is a particle accelerator. Unlike a molecular furnace which while it can generate mass quantities of many elemental components of whatever gets fed into it, this can take the atoms or molecules of whatever element is fed into it, and can either be used to create isotopes of said element through smashing multiple atoms/sub-atomic particles/molecules together until said isotope is achieved, or on higher power settings, can even create new elements. This is mainly to be used however to create new sources of already existing elements/isotopes to make them even more available for research and development of new technology.
  • Allows for conversions across same/similar elements with ease: So let's say you have the base element of Illerium, or an even more common element that has a relative atomic structure. This will allow you to convert said elements into the specific isotope of Illerium of Isotope - 5, giving you access to an element that was previously hard to find, but now, is much easier to work with because of one simple fact. You have more of it.
  • Massive Power Draw and Size: So this thing is huge, like bigger than you could possibly mount on any capital ship or vehicle. Absolutely requires you to put this into a Station (and that better be a large station at that) or on a planet (which, would not recommend the planetary option).
  • This isn't a weapon: This is meant to produce quantities of rare materials from more abundant materials to further research and development into various fields of science. And it's self contained, which means you can't aim it at anything outside of itself. So this is NOT, I repeat NOT, a weapon.
  • There is no such thing a slight malfunction: So when this thing fails, and we're talking something as small a slight glitch in all the computerized components, to the shielding on the accelerator columns, or worst of all one of the magnets/repulsors failing to contain the particle beam of whatever it is you're trying to make, you need to shut this down absolutely immediately or risk what happens when this thing catastrophically fails. Which is to say a sudden release of energy from the entirety of the machine that is large enough to crack a planetary crust. So yeah, probably don't want this next to anything important. At all.
This development is the brainchild of Dr. Ryan Alphonse and it has one purpose. He wants to use this machine to help develop more technologies and materials, and essentially be able to access any types of elements of isotopes that he might possibly need to come up with various gadgets, power sources, materials, weapons, or essentially anything he could dream of, to help everyone in the galaxy by giving them access to things that normally wouldn't be possible. For example a power source that is the size of a human's fist, but able to power ten homes, or a new type of physical shielding that allows for ship reactors to be miniaturized because less mass and shielding is required to protect the crew members, or even perform testing on various physical substances that already exist to see if their isotopes provide uses that people don't naturally see, because you don't naturally find them. And while some might say that a Molecular Furnace would achieve the same results, to them Dr. Alphonse would respond that with a Molecular Furnace you have to harvest mass quantities of material to get grams of what you are looking for as they don't actually create new elements and isotopes from what it creates, instead using the material provided to create the necessary metals, alloys, and other materials to produce what it wants. With this, Dr. Alphonse will be able to revolutionize technologies all throughout the galaxy as now, instead of looking for the rare and scarce materials and using up only what he can find, he can now create them from more abundant and less desirable materials. However all of this is said with a caveat, as the good doctor knows that some might use this technology as a way to wage new unforeseen wars, or create super weapons with unimaginable power, which is why he has decided that only a very trusted select few will have access to this technology, with the plans to make more solely residing with himself. He knows the safety risks with this technology, and this is why he will not build any of these powerful machines on any planet, knowing full well what destruction they are capable should an accident occur. That being said, he cannot wait to see what new technologies or advancements await now, as the old saying goes "The sky, is the limit,".
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