Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Discussion Party On Balmorra

Chancellor Emerita / Advisor of State
Okay, now that I've got your attention: I play the Senator of Balmorra for the Galactic Alliance and I am hoping to start to develop a richer tapestry for Balmorra on Chaos. So, developing some locations and lore in the codex basically to beef up the story and give some RP opportunities.

So, I am hoping to connect with anyone who has characters from or companies headquartered on Balmorra that would be interested in helping set the scene for what Balmorra looks like in the Alliance. Also, people who just think world-building stuff is good fun! Obviously, probably one of the best-known aspects of Balmorra on the site is it being the HQ for Balmorran Arms which is run by another member. I was hoping to look into putting in some lore about Balmorra's current planetary government, an Alliance base in the foundations of Base 11A maybe, and Bin Prime the capital city. All of these places have been through hell and back with the canon/legends being a colony world, then changing hands so many times, then as a hub of industry for the Republic, then a fortress world for the Sith. Plus all the shifting allegiances on the site.

Also, given that so many companies have been relocating IC with the CIS First storyline, maybe there are people with factories or companies that may be interested in relocating to Balmorra since it is currently probably the biggest hub of industry in the Alliance influence cloud at the moment. Just a fun side-thing I wanted to try to do with anyone who might be interested.


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