Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Name: Parvos​
Faction: The One Sith
Rank Sith Acolyte​
Species: Yoda's Species
Age: 147​
Skin: Green​
Hair: N/A​
Eyes: Hazel/Orange​
Force Sensitive: Yes​
There are many attributes that Parvos possess that could very well be considered "strengths" in one way or another, his strengths seem to run right down to his personality and much deeper, considering that every single person in the galaxy is probably relatable to this, but yet his strengths are different than everyone else's, as if the galaxy came and tailor made a specific skill set just for Parvos, the strengths I list below are just some of the things that make Parvos who he is.

First, Parvos contains a type of extreme tenacity when it comes to completing any task, he will refuse to give in to the temptation of giving up and he will pull through until the very end of whatever challenge he is given.

Another strength Parvos has is his extreme courage, he is able to show even basic courage in many situations, courage to him is nothing but second natur.

Parvos seems to be gifted when it comes to defending himself and he uses a different range of martial arts, he is very good at picking up more styles all the time.

Like everyone, as well as his strengths Parvos contains traits and attributes that many people would consider to be weaknesses, without his weaknesses he wouldn't have a balanced soul, his life would be uneven and so would his personality.

Parvos is a great believer in the Dark Side, it is very hard to turn him away from it and as usual this comes with the usual headstrong like arrogance that most Sith seem to possess.

For some reason that he never discusses, Parvos is very untrusting of most people, as though he has been betrayed by someone within his past.

Parvos is often underestimated because of his small stature, this gets him left out of certain things like big groups and random playground sporting events, although as the great Jedi Yoda once said "Size maters not".



*Standard Vibroblade, Unmodified
*Standard Blaster Pistol, Unmodified

A long time ago, in human years on an unknown planet some place beyond even the Outer Rim, on the home planet of the Yoda's Species people, a Sith was born, but at the time nobody would of guessed his fate, even though his life did begin with death, the death of his biological mother, almost directly after she gave birth to him, she went in a peaceful way just closing her eyes and falling asleep, and as soon as his mother was dead Parvos was sent away on his journey, his journey across the stars, the elders of his species could somehow sense that he was destined for more than just the normal life and he soon made his way to Taris, were he was found by an owner of a orphanage.

That orphanage would become the home of Parvos until he could fend for himself, then he was given access to the streets, Parvos wasn't liked very much by the other kids and he was often given a beating and called names by other children, it wasn't very pleasant for himself and even now he flinches at any mention of it, and as soon as he was old enough by his species standards, he left the orphanage, stowing away aboard a ship.

Parvos was eventually caught on the ship and made to work as crew, it was a good job he was fed and he got water and if he was lucky booze but this unambitious life was becoming a bore for him so one day he snuck away from the ship to Tatooine, That is were this story begins...

On Tatooine Parvos discovered his force sensitivity and came *this* close to being arrested by @[member="Krest"] although the Zarbrak did let him go, sending him on a ship towards Republic space. But during this time the ship was captured by Sith and Parvos was recruited into the One Sith.

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