Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Pashne hymz

Pashné hymz

Age:19| Gender:Female| Species:Human| Height:5'| Weight:160 lbs| Homeworld:Naboo| languages:Galactic basic, Naboo, Gungan, Droidspeak|
Force sensitive:slightly

~Physical appearance~
Short, soft woman with pale white skin and soft brown hair. All but two chunks of hair are shoulder length and usually pinned in a bun. The two longer sections are braided and about chest length.

Pale blue eyes, freckled complexion, and a larger nose. Lips are always painted with the scar of remembrance in either light red or black. Longer torso, shorter legs, pear shaped. Soft and round, not very toned or slim. Usually wearing green or cream white flowing clothing, and one dangling green earring on her right ear. Casual yet distinguished.

The first daughter of 6, born a merchants daughter on Naboo. The Hymz have always supported the galactic alliance, but also Naboo residents. It's very rare for someone in the family to leave Naboo. Her parents Jorgin and Vilveb were quick to teach her the art of weaving and the importance of the force and peace.

Growing up she loved going to the hidden ponds along their nature trail, and used to meet with a Gungan her age named Ji-Ji. She was always very tame and mild mannered, perhaps too much so.

As a teenager she spent much of her time around the elderly, learning old weaves and listening to the stories of the Jedi of old. She learned to be quiet and patient, but being so made her naive in some ways. She also spent lots of time taking care of her siblings, and teaching them about the force along side her parents.

At age 14 she joined the daughters of the scar, having had a deep appreciation for the history of Naboo.

~Personality and beliefs~
Mild, polite, and quiet. She's not necessarily shy, but isn't usually the first to start a conversation. She's very loving and empathetic, very nurturing, but tends to almost baby everyone because of this. She believes strongly in peaceful freedom. While entertained by the Jedi, and certainly having respect for them, she doesn't believe they should be "fighting" for peace as she detests violence and is a strong willed pacifist. She's a homebody, and loves nature, But feels threatened when someone invades a space she feels is hers.

Empath- knowing how others feel/will react to things

Patience- has no problem waiting for things

Homemaking- can cook, clean, take care of people

Resolve for peace- never will be swayed by the dark side

Combat- never learned how to fight

Caring too much- quite often anxious of how things will affect everyone except herself

Self loathing- taught as a quiet woman she couldn't do much

Afraid of the unknown- raised in a bubble, new things are intimidating and push her out of her comfort zone

A braided water weed bag, basic clothes, small data pad and comlink, and a BD-X series droid nicknamed Bitz.
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