The Ascendency
The Coub was not a large ship, nor was it a comfortable one. The "Captain's Quarters" was smaller than most other freighters' standard crew room and the double bunk crew quarters was honestly little more than a closet with slats for beds. Currently the combined cargo and "common area" was filled with trinkets, doodads, and salvage from battlefields of Dantooine and other battes along the Braxant Run making it look less like a cargo hold and more like a scrap chop shop. There was a distinctly fishy smell that hung in the air, mixing with the oil and coolant and no, it was not her. She had once again taken the foolish job of transporting seafood to Mon Calamari rebels who needed some grub that wasn't contaminated from the Sith's poisoning and she was paying for it...Five months later.
The Coub was not a comfortable ship, but it was hers.
She yawned and stretched in the cramped refresher, that had been a much-needed modification that she'd replaced the closet with, and pinched at her cheeks in the mirror. She was so tired. She hated passenger flights. They stressed her out, especially when they didn't have papers for where they were going like this one, and of COURSE, they wanted to get into the heart of the Galactic Alliance. That's right, she was headed "home", back to Coruscant. She let out a muffled groan into her washcloth and stepped out, her bare, wet feet slapping against the durasteel. She was still in her sleepwear, a black crop tank and matching athletic compression shorts popular with spacers and athletes alike. She shivered as she walked into the galley, catching a glimpse of hyperspace from the open door to the cockpit.
"What'll it be today...?" she said sleepily, raising a tentacle to rub her eye. They were a mix of Galactic Alliance, Sith, New Imperial, and traditional spacer rations. The first three were basically the same, though she felt like the NIO rations had a bit more seasoning to them. All of them though were too much work for how early it felt and instead she settled on Kathol Defense Force standard issue caf.
"The best in the business," she mumbled before nursing the mug gingerly, keeping her arms close to her still shivering body. Her brow contorted into a grimace and her tentacles flapped furiously as the bitter taste stung her mouth. It seemed no matter what she told herself before drinking it, military caf was military caf and there was nothing that could change it.
"The refresher's open," she shouted back towards the sleeping corner of the ship.
The Coub was not a comfortable ship, but it was hers.
She yawned and stretched in the cramped refresher, that had been a much-needed modification that she'd replaced the closet with, and pinched at her cheeks in the mirror. She was so tired. She hated passenger flights. They stressed her out, especially when they didn't have papers for where they were going like this one, and of COURSE, they wanted to get into the heart of the Galactic Alliance. That's right, she was headed "home", back to Coruscant. She let out a muffled groan into her washcloth and stepped out, her bare, wet feet slapping against the durasteel. She was still in her sleepwear, a black crop tank and matching athletic compression shorts popular with spacers and athletes alike. She shivered as she walked into the galley, catching a glimpse of hyperspace from the open door to the cockpit.
"What'll it be today...?" she said sleepily, raising a tentacle to rub her eye. They were a mix of Galactic Alliance, Sith, New Imperial, and traditional spacer rations. The first three were basically the same, though she felt like the NIO rations had a bit more seasoning to them. All of them though were too much work for how early it felt and instead she settled on Kathol Defense Force standard issue caf.
"The best in the business," she mumbled before nursing the mug gingerly, keeping her arms close to her still shivering body. Her brow contorted into a grimace and her tentacles flapped furiously as the bitter taste stung her mouth. It seemed no matter what she told herself before drinking it, military caf was military caf and there was nothing that could change it.
"The refresher's open," she shouted back towards the sleeping corner of the ship.