Setzi Lunelle
Searching for Eleos's Altar
Feeling it from dark to bright
When a wrong becomes a right
When a mountain fills with light
It's a volcano
So much present, inside my present
- Feist
Two a.m. on Ord Trasi, Setzi woke in a cold sweat. This was more than a crisis of confidence. She had the stifling, suffocating feeling that she was going to die if she didn’t get the feth off of the burning planet, and right that minute. Her Sith companions sleeping in adjacent rooms, the Darksider, lost, confused, regretful and terrifed fled in the dark of night to her ship the Pirate’s Foe and lifted off without notice.She’d murdered a slew of guards and almost pledged her allegiance to the Dark Lord, but this instinct - some would say fight or flight - caused her to reconsider. It was time for another one of her monastic sojourns the kind she had before she was captured by pirates and put into stasis for a year. The kind she had before Connor Harrison had found her, but the friend she’d known was gone. His husk called itself Sith. No, he was still human - barely - but she could not convince him otherwise.
Time away on some primitive planet where civilized life has not evolved, where I can study and-
The Pirate’s Foe had other plans, however, according to the woeful thruster noises.
Setzi careened out of the atmosphere to make a pit stop on Toprawa for repairs, but even the heavily forested planet was not immune to spillover from the recent Sith attacks on Ord Trasi and Kol Huro and she found herself landing in the middle of a huge riot or rebellion - it was difficult among the thick black smoke and flaming buildings, the spaceport so heavily damaged that it was barely operable. On her comms she caught the tail end of a distress call and response from the Silver Jedi.
Strapping on a light armor vest in case of combat, hooking her saber to her hip, the Dark Jedi realized her past and her present were about to collide in that Force-fateful way which surged through her body and thrummed through each and every nerve like faint and faraway thunder.
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