Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Past to Present

Onyx sat quietly in the room he rented. Tatooine was a good place to stop and rest, his past history here also made it a good place to meditate. He sat in the middle of his small room, eyes closed. He was slightly paranoid, as one could tell with his mask being close by, within arms reach. He had some sweat rolling down his forehead and dripping down onto the sandy floor before him.

It wasn't anything he hadn't done before, selling secrets was something he always did. However the One Sith weren't the Old Empire. It wasn't headed by corrupt Sith Lords who were, inevitably, leading the powerful force into the ground. The One Sith was smarter than that. They were better led and even achieved things the Old Empire didn't, such as the historical takeover of Coruscant.

Selling One Sith secrets to the Jedi was only one thing that had him paranoid. He had the mask of Revan. This wasn't a big deal when he was one of them, when he was still a Sith Lord among their ranks. He left them and now they would want it back, with it having "historical" value even though Revan was a Jedi in his final days. It didn't matter what the facts were. They would want it back and it meant them sending assassins. He didn't need an assassin sent to find his mask finding out that he was selling secrets to the Jedi. It wouldn't be long before they sent more after him in that case.

But for now he meditated, honing himself with the force. He was, in his mind, preparing for such an encounter. Though he wouldn't fight at first, he'd talk first. If talking failed, he'd arm his blades and fight.

[member="Darth Ferus"]

Tatooine. Oh, the one very planet Ferus actually enjoyed spending his time on. For many, many years the Zabrak had lived on this planet, and even once resided as the worlds protector, working with officials under the Templar reign to find and end threats to the C.I.S. as a whole. His suit of armor, if you could call it that, was built for the desert planet, keeping him cool and protecting him from the harsh sandstorms.

Now once more the Red Man came to the planet, in search of the one called [member="The Onyx"] . He did not know this man that well, only that he had chosen to leave the One Sith. The Sith was a binding contract, one till death, and those who left were all treated the same. As a target in which his own organization would deal with. One might think the leader of such a group would send minions to do their bidding, but that was never the way of Ferus. Asides, as one of the few master rank, he was the only one qualified.

Sources spoken to, money exchanging hands, and the Zabrak knew that Onyx was at least on the planet, but it meant nothing once he got there. As such a large planet with only a handful of cities and many, many places to hide there was quite a bit of leg work to be done to find the target. Stepping off his Phasma class ship, his blue eyes would survey none other than Mos Eisley. If he was going to start his hunt, he may as well begin with the largest city. A light smirk formed over his face as he wrapped the cloth around his red face.

Here I come.
Onyx's eyes shot open. He felt the presence of another dark being enter the city. Without flinching, he grabbed his mask and put it on. Standing from where he sat he walked over to the desk in the room. He opened it and grabbed the holopad, which contained some Sith intelligence on it, as well as his two lightsabers. He put them in their proper places on his belt and slowly moved towards the door.

He opened it and peaked outside. The night air was cool and helped calm him down a bit. He knew that this would be the time to leave. If he stayed any longer all he could do is try and cloud the other force-users mind, though he knew that this wouldn't be a Knight. Whoever they sent was a assassin, a master, a Sith Lord. Onyx knew that every Sith Lord, regardless of reputation, was a skilled fighter and killer. He knew that trying to cloud their mind, although effective at first, would ultimately draw them to him. Even if he ran into them upon this escape, he knew it would be better than being pinned in the small hut.

The sandy streets were mostly empty, save for a few individuals selling late night goods, as well as the noisy bars that were open. He moved out into the night and started to make his way to the hangers, where a small single man fighter was waiting. He moved as swiftly as he could, though he tried to not draw attention to himself. He was either, by some miracle, pull this escape off or he'd encounter the Sith assassin. He knew the latter was less likely.

[member="Darth Ferus"]
Perhaps it was luck, or perhaps it was fate, but these empty streets allowed a better view of most of the cities population, if they were walking about that is. Ferus, scanning through all he could, would not have found [member="The Onyx"] had the streets been any more crowded. It was only a glimpse, but he saw the man he was hunting, saw his form slip out of view into a nearby ally way.

Quickly the red assassin went to work, leaping up onto a nearby rooftop in an effort to chase down his intended target. From his vantage point he could see much more clearly now, the man in dark robes fitting the exact height he was aiming for. And so, without waiting, the red man leaped down from above, landing on his target and shoving them to the ground. The hiss of metal against metal would fill the air for but a moment as the hidden blade came free, and the dagger was thrust into the side of the beings neck.

And that's where things went wrong. Red blood spilled out, but when the Zabrak pulled down the hood he found not a human, but another Zabrak. A peaceful passerby mistaken for a traitorous Sith Lord. Ferus cursed under his breath as he slipped away from the now dead man. He had missed his target, and most likely missed his shot at tracking the man down on this planet. Now golden eyes would scan ever still, but deep down he knew he messed up.
Onyx walked at a swift pace when he heard the sound of metal impacting metal. He stopped and looked in the direction it came from, several buildings down. He smirked. He was right, someone had tracked him down. But he couldn't help but chuckle silently to himself. The fool assassin gave his element of surprise away; even if the assassin caught up to him, Onyx knew he wasn't alone. His nerves died a bit but his adrenaline didn't.

He again started moving towards the hangers at a steady pace. Now knowing he wasn't alone, he had both lightsabers in his hands, ready to fight if he was attacked. He also started to give small glances back and to the rooftops around him. He was still a decent way from the hangers, and that meant he could still be pinned. For now, he felt a bit safer, though, knowing the assassin made a mistake.

That meant he could make more.

[member="Darth Ferus"]
A sigh escaped red lips as he stood straight up, looking towards the sky. For now, Ferus had no way of knowing where [member="The Onyx"] was, and he was most likely on his way off the planet. His blade slid back into it's wrist holder, once more hidden to the world as he went off back towards his own ship. It seemed that the meeting between the two would have to wait another day.

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