[member="Darth Ferus"]
Well... this was interesting...
Kerri was confused for a moment, how come he suddenly grew a lot more... powerful? Well, yes, there had been "weaklings" known out there, such as Ezra Bridger and even the famed Anakin Skywalker, that steadily grew. At first, Kerri's wide eyes gave away the fact that this guy must of simply had a massive potential. She was about to rebuke her fellow student on respecting other people's property, but his cry on behalf of the One Sith silenced her. This is weird.
As Fraxin lazily replied back to "Carlin," Kerri smirked smugly as she stood questioningly at the rubble once considered a doorway. "I'm still here, 'Carlin'..."
Fraxin's eyes widened as he stood up; clearly in shock. He questioned Carlin's reasons for being here. Kerri's amused grin turned into an unamused frown. She realized this guy was dangerous... and he was in her Order's Citadel! The anti-social terrelian had no time to facepalm or question the two any further, Fraxin released a massive bolt of force lightning...
She was caught right in it.
It stung. A lot. While Kerri had dealt with various forms of torture before joining the Obsidians, it was still a refresher on how painful it really was. More painful than she could remember, obviously. She indeed let out some scratchy screams before the lightning died down. For a moment, Aislinn just laid there; then she lifted her head, shaking her crackling hair (she didn't want to know what it looked like.) She appeared just as casual as before, even if she heavily panted as she drew to her feet, starting to feel a bit numb. She never let this kind of stuff bring her down. "... I guess I deserved that, huh? At least I'm warm now." she mumbled in an amused tone. She looked up to face the two, just to realize they were gone - as the wind blowing through the window suggested.
The aching girl scoffed, rolling her eyes, then took her terrelian traits to literally hop to it.
She leaped out of the window with ease, her biological traits allowing her to easily jump down the Citadel's sides to look for the two trouble makers she'd encounted. She was a bit cold, her cloak having fallen off in the room. She did eventually find them, caught in the middle of another lightning fit. Kerri smirked and jumped down to them, from behind Carlin again.
Her hand slipped towards her Obisidian lightsaber hilt, she had to do something for maintain her order's order! "Um, hello! Excuse me?" She called out, catching their attention, "Insignificant but still official member of the Obsidian Order here! Now, before I get bored or something, won't you two explain your childish behavior? Some of us do not enjoy having our doors knocked down or being lied to..." She gave a particular glare to Carlin, who obviously wasn't named Carlin; but was eyeing Fraxin as well. It was obvious that she knew neither of them were even here as an Obsidian. While her crossed arms portrayed that perfectly well, her face still seemed a bit casual, stern but casual, and even a bit bored.
That was Kerri Aislinn for you.