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She Left Behind A Legacy


"This discipline demands more than strength—it requires adaptability, precision, and an unwavering focus. Master it, and you'll move like the wind, unseen and unstoppable. Moreover, the skills you develop here will form the bedrock of your acrobatic abilities, making other techniques easier to master."
― Romi Jade​


  • Media Name: Pathrunning
  • Format: Pages (Book)
  • Distribution: Rare (also backed up to a memory crystal in her possession which only a select people know exist)
  • Length: Medium
  • Description: A page of notes detailing Jade's path to forming Pathrunning, and how to go about learning it.

  • Author: Jedi Master Romi Jade Romi Jade
  • Publisher: Self
  • Reception: These are thoughts, observations, experiences, and lessons that Romi has learned over time. She decided to muse and document in her private time with the intention of it helping those who wanted to learn more about Pathrunning. It's not widely known or available anywhere else for there to be tons of reception. Beyond the pages she authored and spare memory crystal she keeps, this is flying under the radar.


To be included in a larger book Romi is authoring, this reads from left to right on two pages. Handwritten notes and marks that outline her experiences and her reflections on them, along with pointers, and tips for the studier. The information contained in the crystal could only be accessed when placed in a holocron which, in turn, could only be opened with the Force. Once opened, the three-dimensional appearance and cognitive networks of Master Jade, that could sense the ability and level of a Jedi, would appear to begin explaining Pathrunning.


Pathrunning is an advanced athletic training discipline developed by Jedi Master Romi Jade at the Jakku Jedi Enclave. This discipline, an evolution of the traditional Art of Movement, focuses on enhancing a Jedi's natural acrobatic abilities, allowing them to traverse various terrains with minimal energy expenditure and limited use of the Force. It includes a combination of flipping, running, climbing, swinging, vaulting, jumping, plyometrics, rolling, and quadrupedal movement, tailored to each situation. Pathrunning emphasizes physical and mental agility, strength, dynamism, body control, speed, and flexibility, pushing practitioners beyond the limits of a peak athlete relying solely on muscle power. Additionally, this discipline helps train other acrobatic skills, providing a strong foundation and making them easier to master.

Step-by-Step Guide
  1. Warm-Up and Stretching: Begin with a comprehensive warm-up to increase heart rate and prepare muscles, followed by stretching exercises focusing on flexibility and
  2. Basic Movements: Practice fundamental movements such as running, jumping, and climbing. Focus on maintaining fluidity and control.
  3. Acrobatic Techniques: Introduce acrobatic elements like flips, vaults, and rolls. Start with basic forms and gradually progress to more complex maneuvers.
  4. Quadrupedal Movement: Incorporate movements on all fours to enhance body awareness and control. Practice traversing different terrains in this manner.
  5. Plyometrics: Engage in plyometric exercises to develop explosive power and agility. Include box jumps, bounding, and quick directional changes.
  6. Flow Drills: Combine various movements into continuous flow drills. Focus on seamless transitions and maintaining momentum.
  7. Obstacle Courses: Set up obstacle courses mimicking real-world scenarios. Practice navigating these courses with speed and efficiency.
  8. Mental Focus: Incorporate meditation and visualization techniques to enhance mental agility and focus. Visualize successful execution of movements.
  9. Cool Down and Recovery: End each session with a cool-down phase, including light stretching and relaxation exercises to aid recovery.


Pathrunning is a rigorous and dynamic training discipline designed to boost a Jedi's physical capabilities beyond natural limits. Created by Jedi Master Romi Jade, this training incorporates a variety of acrobatic and athletic movements aimed at efficient and rapid traversal of any terrain. While minimizing the use of the Force, Pathrunning demands extraordinary physical and mental prowess, making it an essential skill for any Jedi seeking to enhance their agility and athleticism. It also provides a foundational training in acrobatics, facilitating the mastery of other complex skills.

Romi Jade has always been somewhat of an anomaly when it comes to the Jedi Path. Between 830-840s ABY, In her youth, padawanship to Knighthood, Romi chose the unorthodox in every approach to her training, and highly emphasized overall preparedness for any situation. These traits stuck with her well into her Mastership when she began to take on apprentices of her own. With the structure listed above in mind, she was a hardy and tough Master who ran an intense program that often proved extremely difficult for her students to withstand in the beginning stages.

She went on to open her own Enclave on Jakku that adopted similar practices and used a harsh environment to instruct students in the ways of the Jedi. These practices were still in place when she moved to be Headmaster of the Ossus Jedi Praxeum, and when she reopened the Jakku Enclave. Her methodology has always been to provide students with what she believed they needed to start and maintain a Jedi career with longevity in a Galaxy engulfed in constant war.

It wasn't until recently that she decided to document and record her personal history, experiences, and new discoveries. Becoming Headmaster of an Enclave and then a Praxeum, and a bunch of near-death experiences made her want to author some sort of tome and record data for her Holocron one day. The tome once complete will be used to teach the next generations.

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