Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Paul Anduin

Paul Anduin

Weight150 lbs
Force SensitiveLight Side of the Force


Paul has long curly and braided black hair, Gray Blue Eyes, Ruddy Skin that burns in the sun easily.


White and Gilded Jedi Robes for Desert Dwelling
Staff Lightsaber that can detach into two sabers, Citrine Crystal
Utility Belt
Broken Comlink
Tuskan Tusk Necklace on Leather.


Paul is a very quiet in tone, reticent, and gentle. His aim is to resolve conflict with words rather than laser swords.


Paul is skilled in keeping the peace and de-escalating tensions, this is why he has become a go between The Moisture Farmers and The Tuskan.

Fluent in Tuskan:
Paul has mastered The Tuskan language.

Despite his more diplomatic disposition, Paul is a lethal duelist, who has mastered how to preform Cho Mai, cutting hands and arms off with his twin blades.

Repair Man:
Being a Sentinel, Paul has honed skills outside traditional Jedi studies; he has knack for fixing tech and makes an income at a Repair Shop, some of which he feeds some poor families.



Labeled a Gray Jedi in that he does not agree with the Hierarchy of the Jedi, Paul thinks for himself and often disobeys orders. It was decided rather than expell him from The Order, that he be posted as a Jedi Sentinel on Tatooine, where having a less orthodox mind would be beneficial. The problem however, is his surety that he is right can alienate other Jedi and make some worry he is vulnerable to the dark side’s deceptive power.

Extreme Attachment:
While the Jedi have eons ago abandoned the requirement to be detached, seeing its folly as aspect of the success of Order 66, Paul does get very emotionally attached and does not process the lose of those he loves well. It can debilitate him into a coma like state.


Paul was born on Coruscant and was quickly recognized as a potential candidate to join The Jedi Order. He was put through Trials and passed, being selected by Kel Dor Jedi Master named Kelvar Narr. As a Padawan Paul showed great s in diplomacy and using the Force to deescalate, however, when those on a mission To Malastare were intending to break the tyranny of a Dug Gang, Master Narr ordered Paul to not get involved, he disobeyed, and the result was many deaths. Brought back before The Council, the decision to expell him from Order was on the docket. Ever his Padawan’s advocate, Master Narr suggested Paul be instated as a Jedi Sentinel, that upon completion of some trials and training in non-Jedi skills, he be assigned a planet. The Council agreed, and after six months of trianing in repair work which he excelled, and passing most trials, he was decided he would be assigned Tatooine. The assigning was rather dubious, a form of penance but truthfully The Jedi held no authority over the planet, it belonging to The Hutt Cartel. Some Masters objected, believing Paul may cause trouble like he did on Malastare. Ultimately, the Council concluded the risk outweighed defrocking him and possibility turning him into a potential acolyte of The Sith in the middle of a war.

Paul was quickly knighted without fan fair, and a transport was prepared. His Master Narr stood there to bid him goodbye. The parting was tearful on Paul’s end, and he was taken to the desplate world of scum and villainy. Within five months of arriving, Paul had mastered Tuskan and was hwlping with disputes between The Raiders and Moisture Farmers. His day job was under a Jawa named Tuwa at a repair shop in Mos Eisley.

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