Smug Slug
Loyalties: Pauul Farrlo's best friend and sidekick
Role: Sidekick and unarmed combat specialist, Pawnchee handles physical altercations that Pauul Farrlo wan
ts to avoid.
Development Threads:
Age: 32, the age of power
Species: Gran
Force-Sensitive: Attuned-ish
Appearance: Three-eyes, antennas, big ears, gruff mouth.
Personality: Taciturn might be the most politically correct way to describe Pawnchee. But if you don't care about the Tolerance Police you might just call him dumb as a bag of bricks, or just a plain ignoramus. He tends to blink a lot. When he's nervous he stares at his hands or plays with the activation switch of a thermal detonator.
Weapon of Choice: Class-A Thermal Detonator
Wealth: Enough to keep up his Gunjack habit and stay supplied with thermal detonators, but not much else besides.
Combat Function: Pawnchee's go to move is to chuck all his thermal detonators at a problem until it goes away. If the problem is still around he'll try to solve it with his fists. Due to his Gunjack habit, he has a surprising amount of physical strength and is known to land frequent one-punch knockouts. That said, his fine motor skills aren't the best and he's fairly inaccurate in a shootout. His reasoning skills have also been impaired from years of drinking Gunjack.
Skills: Heightened physical strength, decreased motor skills and reasoning.
Notable Possessions: A nice speeder-bike.
Other Notes: He likes cheese.