Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Pay Train

After her meeting with [member="Lady Kay"] and [member="Darben Skirae"], she had been informed to contact [member="Darlyn Excron"]. This was about training C.S.A. troops, and possibly renting out her own military, to help them out in times of war. She had a thirty thousand man task force, that could help out with enough notice. Apparently he was the one to talk too, so as her people set up meeting. She stayed in a hotel suit, and had a few enjoyable meals out. She actually been enjoying herself, no doubt C.S.A. security have had an eye on her. Though she did not mind, it meant she was even less likely someone would be fool enough to try and steal her purse.

She did have debt of gratitude to [member="Viktor Alexander"], as he did help make this happen. At the rate things where going, her company was going to expand. She was going to get him a gift before she left the planet as a thank you, though she had been shopping, she had not quite found the right gift. She hoped to meet up with him, before she departs to her home world. Though he was had been very busy, so it was not guaranteed. Though she hoped to see him before she leaves, but force only knew if she would.

After a few days of waiting the meeting had been arranged in his office, she turned up by local chauffeur company she had hired for duration of her stay. She then got out, and in her to meeting with him. The notes had already been forward to him, about the training she offered. As well as her list of armaments, if he had any questions, he would already got them ready. She was then lead to office, and then one her people knocked on, before she got their so she not be left waiting outside a door.
"Door's unlocked you know." Darlyn didn't even look up from his bottle of Commenori brandy as he waited for whoever was at the door, or soon to be at the door, to enter. He had the forwarded notes in one hand as he drank from the bottle, wearing his old sith robes as he waited for her entry. Well, former sith robes at the least, as they'd had the Commenor insignia sewn in recently, a far cry from the usual wear of other politicians. The same could be said of his office, feeling less like a politician's office and more like a slice of his life, a window to his past.

While there were no particularly fancy pictures or ornate furnishings, several well crafted weapons racks were along the left and right walls, with many of his pistols hung up on display, ready to be drawn at a moment's notice. Behind him was a mannequin adorned in his beskar desperado armor, complete with the hat and helmet, and on his desk was his DL-18 with its engraved handle. He was seated in such a way that both his lightsaber hilts were easily visible as you approached the desk. A glass was resting on the desk opposite him, and a bottle of wine was laying unopened beside it. It was only polite to offer [member="Elaine Thul"] a drink, right?

Whenever the door opened, he motioned with his head to the seat. "Come, have a drink with me. I can only assume given your punctual nature today you're the business owner who's wares I'm perusing?"
[member="Darlyn Excron"]

As she entered the room it was not quite what she expected, it was nothing like that she expected. She did not expect to see people drinking alcohol at this time of day, but he was the customer. So she was going to be polite, she was trying to work out the fact he had his lightsabers on show, as well as so many weapons. As well as blasters and armour, did he think he was going to be attacked, was the drink just away of dealing with that stress. He then offered her a drink, It is too early for me yet, may be later though. She hoped she did not sound nervous when she spoke, it not like she never seen so many weapons before. She just not seen an individual so well armed, in just one room. She took a seat, and handed hi a data pad, this was list of her armaments, as well as training options. She then waited for his question on it, she was worried about not taking his drink, had she offended him. Has she done so and called him an alcoholic, by saying it was too early for her. She was second guessing herself, though then again should he have some many guns lying around drink. She was wondering about asking [member="Lady Kay"] about this after, but then again would that jeopardize her other sales. This situation was something she was very new to, and was starting to second guess herself too much.
He shrugged a little bit and waved his hand, the bottle and glass lifting up and moving to the side of the room so as to be out of the way. "Suit yourself, it's quite a fine drink." He chuckled to himself as he put the notes down and took the datapad offered, calmly perusing everything listed. He didn't really say anything between taking drinks from his bottle of brandy, and quietly looking over everything. Eventually he finally spoke to [member="Elaine Thul"], though he didn't look at her as he did, as he was still reading a few of the products listed. "Quite the quaint little supply, honestly not that bad of an offer. I'm curious how well the offered training is, however.... I've always had a very strict vetting process and trained with most of the palace guard currently in service myself. Perhaps you would be so kind as to answer a few questions regarding specifics. First of all, I assume they're well trained enough to use weapons besides those of your own make? We have a contract with another large company that produces a number of weapons, I would hate to be limiting any force we happen to request for training. Second, what is your training regarding encounters with force sensitives, be they sith, jedi, or otherwise?"
She was quite relieved that he was not going to, try and persuade her to drink. She then listened to [member="Darlyn Excron"] concerns about the training, they would good ones. Though she did not like her list of goods being classed as quaint, it was quite a good list, only missing some vehicles. She wished [member="Lady Kay"] was here with a pot tea, that tea was divine. Then as he finished speaking, she paused so it looked like she was giving a proper information on what he said. Well they are trained in Thul armament to begin with, but they can be easily retrained to use other equipment. As for vetting procedure yes, we are also strict when comes to Close Protection Units, as hire the wrong person they become a liability, rather than an asset. Now as for force sensitives, that is why we train them in the use of blaster rifle. As that comes with an AGL as standard, and as we both know, firing a blaster head on at us, is fairly pointless. So the AGL can launch grenades at them, do it right they can not force push them all out of the way, so some are bound to make their mark. Then the aoe will do the rest, though to be honest, they will have troops firing back. Hence the range of blaster is also good, so you can help keep them at bay. She smiled and hoped that answered his questions.
He hummed a bit, taking another large sip of brandy too fill the silence following her explanations, she'd been through the pitch several times. That was good, she worked hard to sell him on the idea. Alas, it wasn't so simple. He had to trust them, and all the training in the world could mean nothing if they didn't have some experience. Even his own guardsmen had limited training dealing with force sensitives, from dealing with Darlyn directly during practice. He sighed once, taking a big drink, before putting the bottle down and sitting up straight. "This does sound, quite promising Miss [member="Elaine Thul"]. However there is one thing I need before I can give my final decision. I don't suppose you have any here that could offer a demonstration, or would we need to head back somewhere else?" Pretty words and sales pitches meant little, after all, if the actual end result wasn't sufficient.
[member="Darlyn Excron"] asked to see them, she did have some troops with her, but they where own. She had a fair few, as it helped show her products. Also a lot volunteered, as they get paid more when away from home. Though their will be the odd mission here no doubt, but she could demonstrate them. I can but it would not be fair, as I do have some of my personal forces here. They are veterans, but it is same training, apart form they get trained in heavy weapons as well. The other option, is take some raw recruits and put some through your training and some through mine. See where they are at, at the end of training. Possible by having them do, a head to head simulation. She was proud of training regime, and if she lost she would want to learn lessons, and they would be even if she won. Though you could always come and see the training, on Elysian.
"I didn't have anything better to do with the weekend, though I'm more than a little afraid watching isn't my forte." He chuckled a bit as he stood up, reaching towards the racks of guns. Several pistols drifted into his hands, which he promptly began to holster in a surprising number of hidden slots within his robes, before picking up his DL-18 and strapping it to his leg. "I hope you have no reservations about me taking a more, direct examination of the end results your training provides? I find it's far more reliable than merely observing from afar."

[member="Elaine Thul"]
None at all, though it would be a trip to Elysian. That would mean a bit more than a weekend trip, but yes you are more than welcome. She did not want him to think it was a quick trip, as it was on the edge of galaxy. Though if he wanted to she had no issue with it, as it would be nice to show him, her training grounds. She then drink of water, and wonder why a drunk was permitted so many guns in his office.

[member="Darlyn Excron"]
"I see..." He turned and picked out the suit of Beskar Desperado armor, packing it away. "Then I'll be needing this. And these..." He moved over to a cabinet, and packed a bit of tea leaves, along with three more bottles of brandy. Never knew when you'd need a drink after all. After returning to his desk, he picked out his flask and put it in his robes, giving her a nod. "Well then, I'll leave a note on my way out for [member="Lady Kay"]. Shall we get going, the sooner we leave the sooner we're back after all." Naturally his own, personal fighter would be what he'd intend to leave on, at least following behind them. It would be foolish for him to take her method of travel without ensuring he had a way back.

He didn't trust people easily after all.

[member="Elaine Thul"]
She simply nodded at [member="Darlyn Excron"], and wonder how long the three bottles of brandy would last him. She followed him and began leading the way to her chauffeur, she did some small talk with him on the way. She found out he was flying his own fighter to planet, which she was a bit disturbed by, as he would be drunk flying in her opinion. She need to make sure his ship was tractored in, as it would be embarrassing if he should die trying to land. ​That's fine, but we use tractor beams to aid landing so you know. This was not standard procedure, but she made it sound like it was, as she did not want to embarrass him by telling him, you're too drunk to fly.

Soon she was on way to home, as her ship exited the atmosphere she watched it make lines, then relaxed in her quarters for rest of the trip.
Darlyn didn't take offense to what [member="Elaine Thul"] claimed to be standard procedure for her company or people or whatever. It was obvious BS, but he didn't really care. It wasn't like he gave a damn what she thought of him beyond his capability to do his job effectively, and that was hardly questionable. In fact, despite the bottle he'd already drained, when he went through take off in his MS-10 fighter, he was doing a surprisingly decent job for the level of consumption he'd partaken in. He was, wavering, of course. And he wasn't particularly good at piloting to begin with, but he also wasn't likely to get himself killed unless something unexpected happened.

He was rather quick to follow Elaine, exiting hyperspace shortly after her. He began the landing procedures, thankful the tractor beams didn't particularly hamper his part of the landing. Upon touching down, he pulled the flask and bag out, taking a swig of the brandy inside as he jumped out onto the landing pad. "Getting better every day..." He mumbled to himself. regarding his piloting, as he waited to be lead either to where he could already visit the training program, or take a rest.
As senator [member="Darlyn Excron"] arrived, Elaine shuttle was also tractored in so not embarrass him. She then moved to greet him, and heard his comment about getting better everyday. May be he was getting better at withstanding the alcohol, the swig did not go unnoticed. She decide it was best not to comment, after all he was customer, as long as deal was signed, that was all that mattered.She then asked him, Would you prefer to see the training ground first, or would you like something to eat. Though we could arrange a meal at grounds, if you wish senator. She decided it was best to give him the choice, as she did not know how he was feeling. As he may like nap or just to freshen up, or he might want to just get down to business. She was never sure how best to approach this, with someone who may not be sober. The fact he made not be, did worry her a bit, as while he was here he was her responsibility, and she had look after him.
"Minister, not Senator. Biiiig difference." He chuckled a bit and lifted his bag up onto his shoulder. "Senators are politicians who sit on their arses doing very little governing. I am a sort of politician who sits on his arse and gets things done. Ah but whatever we do I'll need to change, I don't suppose you'd be willing to show me the way?" He chuckled a bit, the fact he wasn't a politician becoming more and more evident, and with very little doubt showing how strange his fit with his role in the Commenor government was overall. He'd lived quite a bit of his life as a bounty hunter, or hunter at least, and so very little of it with any expected responsibilities as grand as he was forced to take up now. Even if you asked him it was something of a miracle the criminal justice system didn't fall apart at the seams with him leading it.

At least off the record, he'd say that. [member="Elaine Thul"] however would likely get his usual responses, typical of someone in his position, to shut down the question quickly. For now though, his concern was with the quality of their training. And to test that, he had to change. He hadn't brought his Desperado armor for show and tell after all!
She was little embarrassed by getting his title wrong, I am sorry Minister Excron, she then listen to his speal, about the difference. Well he was very frank about the differences, but he did not slur his speech, so he was not too drunk. Well maybe he sobered up the trip over here, she thought to herself. Then he decide he would like to freshen up, she gave a polite reply Yes Minister, I will happily lead the way. She made sure as she lead him to the speeder, she was not to far in front, as she did not want him glancing at her posterior, after he was still drunk and did not want to give him ideas. The training ground where near her home, so he be able to freshen up and have bite eat. Then it would only be a short trip, to the grounds after.

She sat in the back opposite him, but directly in front of him. There was one housecarl in the back with them, she then gave him a menu, so he could have look what food he could have. Though she suspected Rum and Elysian Steak, it was a local dish that used an alcohol to make source with, though the alcohol was more less gone by time the cooking had ended. You can have what ever is on their, for something to eat, I will have cheif make it, as you get washed and changed. She said politely, and then peruse the menu at his leisure, or ask her further questions as they took short trip to her palace.


[member="Darlyn Excron"]
"Something simple suits me just fine. I'm going to be active enough soon so I may as well not over stuff myself." He smiled as if thinking of a great joke. Perhaps she didn't expect what he had in mind.. after all he was very particular in how he gauged efficiency. Things like demonstrations were all fine and good, and he intended fully to sit through whatever she had in mind. However true tests were those that were not able to be planned and counted on, and he was well known, among the Queen and her staff anyways, to be highly unorthodox in his methods. Things like tests had a whole new meaning for him, who spent hours upon hours bored out of his mind and only able to entertain himself in the ocassional interview.

He hated wasting opportunities.

[member="Elaine Thul"]
She did not realise it was joke, she thought he was stating an intent, and she simply replied ​Yes Minister. She wanted to make sure not to call him Senator again, he seemed to taken offence to that. She smiled back at him politely, as he smiled. Soon they reached her palace, as they got out she was met by her servants, she asked a young lady Please escort the Minister to his room, and then she turned to two others male servants, Would you two please take his bags, as well. She then turned to him, and said Once you are ready Jenifer will escort you to assult course, and I shall meet you there. She said politely to him, she then turned and head off, to make sure everything was available.

As their was lot to show him, the assult course as he would want to do the whole lot with new trainees, he may want to inspect her troops. As well some recent recruits, he may want to fire artillery, as well some small arms. She was also going to get a table set up, so she could watch and see how he did.

She then waited with a glass of orange juice for his arrival, she was hoping he would be sober for this. As if he was not it could be embarrassing for them both, as no way she was going to let him, do anything if he was.

[member="Darlyn Excron"]

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