Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Commander of Fear

NAME: No one knows exactly what his name is, but he goes by "Payback"
RANK: None
SPECIES: Weequay
AGE: 31

SEX: Male
WEIGHT: 240 lbs
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Black (None at the moment)
SKIN: Brown


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+ Strong. He is very strong, being muscular and agile.

+ Quick. He is very fast, more so than most people.
+/- Stereotype. People commonly see him as stupid. He can use this to an advantage
- Obvious. He is a large weequay that wears shiny armor and is fairly well known. Not much of a spy.
- Emotions. He has been processed and the parts of his brain that allow him to feel joy, love, fear, etc. were stripped away. He was only left with 3 emotions. Anger, Loneliness, and Pain.


He is a tall muscular Weequay that wears armor almost all the time



He flies a MLE-90. It carries 4 large landspeeders and each one has a mounted heavy machine gun. Instead of carrying construction equipment, it carries 200 M-1 Battle Droids and additional ammo in the cargo hold.

Post the names of the PC characters (characters role-played by real people) that your character has killed. If possible, include a link to the thread in which your character killed him/her.

Post the names of any bounties you have delivered and the amount of money you gained for it. If possible, include a link to the thread in which it happened.


Commander of Fear

Most of his past is shrouded in mystery, few knowing about it. He was born on Sriluur and grew up as a warrior. He was selected by a mysterious group for a super soldier program. He was drugged and woke up with foggy vision in an operating room. The parts of his brain which contain many of his emotions were cut out and replaced with circuitry for his enhanced vision and hearing. He was left with three emotions, Anger, Pain, and Loneliness. His body was modified and was made to be faster and stronger than naturally possible. One effect of these procedures was that he suffers from hallucinations. He sometimes will think that someone is one of the people who captured him and took away his emotions, beating them relentlessly. After said surgery, he broke out of the base where he was being held and went on to become a pirate.
He has pulled together a group of pirates to make the new Pirate Confederation, making himself the Pirate King. He has a crew of Weequay from his village whom he can communicate with through pheromones.

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