007 hours earlier...
Wearing: Chaplain's Raiment (Armorweave catsuit)
Armed with:
Synthetic Crystal Lightsaber (Forest Green)
"Hello, Ted." Talisa said softly and with a warm voice as the Citizen Soldier sat in the Rock Garden within the converted Palace of the late Darth Mammon, the Sith who ruled Khemost before Xiphos. "How are you feeling today?"
Ted Forrest rested in the lounge sofa that had been brought in. He rested comfortably, although he seemed numb to the beauty around him, eyes straight ahead. Talisa wore an Iron Gray Kimono, her blonde hair in a tight bun. She too sat in a lounge seat.
"I'm fine. I managed to get a full night's sleep."
Talisa smiled. "That's good to know, but I wanted to ask how you were feeling up
here..." she said, pointing to her temple.
Ted was taken aback by the question.
"Haven't had nightmares for a few days. That's an improvement, I guess."
"Have you experienced moments of panic? Mental fog?"
"A...a few. I hear... certain sounds. Smell things, sometimes."
Ted looked down at his new hand, fitted with a Cybernetic brace. It had been attached via Sith Magic. Taken from someone who had come through one of the reality tears on Tython. A woman.
"I want to make certain that you understand that anything you say to me will be kept in complete confidence." Talisa explained. "Tython was a very traumatic ordeal for this whole House. The mind is just as important as the body to heal. From what my Brothers told me, you in particular experienced an event that was especially difficult to come to terms with."
She leaned forward.
"You are in no rush. We progress at your pace."
Ted was as unfeeling as stone.
"I've always had the nightmares. The Flashbacks. Since Nar Kreeta. I was used to those. They haven't faded in strength, but I was used to them."
He blinked. "When Darth Solipsis opened those tears in reality on the planet they brought two individuals from... somewhere else. Another life. Another version of this one."
He stared a bit at the hand the Parliament had attached to him.
"One of them was a Jedi version of my wife who was killed at Nar Kreeta years ago. We...we fought. She cut off my hand. Then as she was about to kill me, another version of Darth Xiphos who was a Brain Demon Cultist called The Parliament saved my life by snapping her neck. Then she severed my dead Not-Wife's hand and attached it to me. Since she was technically still my boss, I ended up running interference for her and watched her die from loads of shrapnel to the back, and this hand, which is seemingly from another reality,
is still attached to my arm." he said stoically, the amount of feths he had left to give in a deep negative. Probably minus a hundred.
Talisa processed all of this. To her surprise, all her databases for consultation kept giving back answers that amounted to 'Welp, that's a new one'.
"That's... pretty bad actually.
Wow. Why don't you lie back a little bit Ted, let's start by breaking your experience down into it's...components."
Ted mightily struggled not to roll his eyes and heroically succeeded. She
would put it in those terms.
"Sure, doc..." He replied, laying back.
"Now...what crossed your mind, seeing that other version of your Wife?"
"That's my business..." he said quietly.
"Fine...fine, we'll skip that question for now. Did...she say anything to you?"
"No." Ted lied.
"Yet you fought her. Did you attempt to say anything to her?" Talisa asked.
"She was a Jedi. For all I knew it was one of their mind tricks." Ted answered, lying immediately after. "I didn't say anything to her. I struck first."
"I see. That must have been very painful for you emotionally." Talisa empathized. "I...lost most of my close brothers and sisters at Tython. Only a handful survived--"
"I was too busy
not dying to feel anything like that."
"You're not too busy dying
now." Talisa pointed out. "How does it make you feel
Ted was greatful he had gotten one of the newer ones assigned to him. Chaplains like
Percival Io
were difficult to lie to after several months of being active.
"She was a Jedi, and an enemy of this House. Wherever she was from, she sided with the very people who enabled the Bryn'adul to get so far. As far as I am concerned, she can
rot." he said.
Talisa processed the answer.
"Very well then, Ted. Let's turn to the subject of your hand..."
"It itches." he answered dryly.
"Losing a limb and then getting it replaced so quickly is traumatic. How have you been dealing with the loss?" Talisa asked.
"I still feel the blade of the Lightsaber going through my arm most days. Doesn't last long...maybe several seconds..." He asked.
"I remember slipping the ring onto her finger with that hand..."
"Ted..." Talisa spoke suddenly. "Given the...
nature by which you came to possess your hand...have you not considered the possibility of replacing it outright, rather than just fitting it with a Cybernetic brace to match the strength of your other limb?"
"Thought about it. No. It's mine now."
"Owning your experience?"
"Sorta." he answered, stone like. Thank God for The Green Stripes. If they hadn't taught him Stoicism he'd be a blubbering wreck right now.
Ted had become some sort of Veteran in the Faction. He had fought the Bryn'adul. Then the Mandalorians at Panatha, scoring some of the very first kills on the infamous Warriors by House Citizens in that battle. Then Tython, site of the House's possibly single greatest victory as well as some of the most terrible losses it had ever suffered. If anyone qualified as Battle Hardened by this point, it was Ted.
"Accepting what happened is healthy attitude. Keep that up."
"Acceptance is healthy?"
"Of course."
Ted blinked.
"So this House, accepting the Cult of The Brain Demon..." He asked blankly. "That healthy too?"
"The Cult has been our House's ally since before there was a House."
"If Xiphos made the Cult's religion a National Religion... would you preach it?"
Talisa stared at Ted very pointedly.
"No data available." she said very quietly. (Does this Unit have a soul?: 700 XP)
Then, a question from her.
"Would you stay, if she did?" Talisa asked as quietly as she had answered.
Ted stood up, straightened his uniform.
"No data available..." he replied
very quietly and walked out of the garden, leaving Talisa to her lonesome.
Three hours from present.
Talisa, walked calmly back aboard her "Parrish", an old Hammerhead Corvette fitted with the Angel Navis Operating system, as part of some tentative agreement with someone, a Chiss by the name of
Grand Shepherd Burtch
from the Elysium Empire.
She was still processing her conversation with Ted. There was a lot he was carrying. Though she had not yet learned to recognize when he was lying--just as he had predicted--she was not entirely blind to the fact he was in a great deal of pain. But it was something her Organic database was still learning to process.--just because she had a psychology database didn't mean she could use cookie cutter approaches. Every Citizen needed help in a different way. Next time he was in session---The Model 1's had made examination of every Organic Citizens mental health a priority for the Military as well as the mental health of every sapient Droid. Talisa had passed her assessment...fights like Tython had been what Nuetralizers such as herself had been designed for, to lead the faithful into battle, ripping and tearing until it was done, inflicting it on whatever passed for Barons of Hell (Bryn'adul) or Cacodemons (The Maw) or Hell Knights (Mandalorians) or those Angel-lookin motherfethers from Doom Eternal (probably the Jedi Order) in this roleplay setting.
Most Nuetralizers (Barring
Galahad Io so far)
loved killing their enemies in horrendously painful, often over the top ways if they could get away with it. This went double for the Mechanicals. Holy
chit, did this go double for The Mechanicals. But the Chaplains gave the mechanicals a run for their money in this department.
Talisa had come back to a divided Parrish. There were those who thought Xiphos should stay in charge, and others who thought she should step down. They were recent converts to the Navis Sacra Faith, and it was a religion starting to find
very easy purchase in a culture practically attached to their ships. It also helped that the Battalion had quietly ordered no Brain Demon churches be allowed on any ship with an Angel OS installed as a quiet diplomatic gesture. It was also useful as a safety valve, letting House Citizens not wanting to be within ten feet of a Cultist to serve on a ship that had a high chance of making them very religious, disciplined naval officers. For those who didn't fear the Dark Side or the Serpents of Ashla, quietly starting to become more public, Xiphos achieved a closer relationship between the Cultists and Citizens, and possibly new Cultists. For those who did, Xiphos got disciplined naval officers who religiously cared for and protected their ship, and would be sure to spread out a good portion of that discipline to the other half anyway. Either way, the Populace became stronger more able. Talisa wondered if her Mother was fascinated by the Red Queen Hypothesis, because the way it was set up now almost seemed to hint at it.
Talisa came across two House Citizens arguing down another corridor, she stood there, at a fair distance, realizing neither had noticed her.
"Tython wasn't a victory! It was a disaster!" one of them, a human man in his thirties said. "I lost my best friends there! All the new ones I made!"
"So did I, but we helped deal one of the worst defeats the Brotherhood has ever suffered. They've lost all their momentum! All of it! They're struggling now." a slightly younger man replied.
"But at what cost to us?"
"You want to turn on Xiphos, after
all she did?" the second man asked.
"I'm not talking about arresting or killing her. She's taken us far, very far, and we shouldn't forget that. She saved my life at Sev Tok. My son too. At least I still have him. But her health is declining. And maybe her mind is too. And what the hell is it with her having the Silver Rest blown up? What did that get us?"
"I think she was trying to distract them from something she was doing elsewhere. I ain't shedding tears. Feth the Jedi. Bastards let us all burn 'cause they like their dramatic duels too much. Chit's played out, man. It was played out in the Gulag Era."
"But antagonizing them like this...if they found Khemost
now? It'd be a disaster." the first man argued, almost exasperated.
"I don't want peace with the Jedi Order. Their Ashlan buddies killed my brother at Ziost. Now they got the nerve to act indignant, when the death and destruction finally reached
their doorstep? I'll see 'em burn. I'll see 'em
all burn."
"But there were younglings there!"
"Bryn'adul had younglings too. Didn't stop me from cuttin' 'em."
"Its self destructive. Don't you see it? This hatred... it...it's poisoning us
both..." the first man said.
"They didn't want me poisoned, then they shouldn't have poisoned me." the second guy replied. "Peace man. Catch you later."
"Alright...I guess..." the other man said, walking away. Neither of them spotted her, each taking separate directions.
Talisa sighed. Such pain. All of it she would only ever be able to treat but a fraction of.
She finally reached her quarters and stopped, finding
Maple Harte
waiting for her, in fresh black armorweave biker leathers. But the rumors were true. The pale skin, the Sulphur eyes.
Maple had gone fully dark.
"Aunt Harte..." Talisa said formally, but was deeply rattled by the Assassin being in her quarters.
Darth Strelok didn't move.
"Apologies for not notifying you beforehand." Strelok spoke a second later, very slightly lower in pitch than her old self.
"Oh, uh, it's...it's okay!" Talisa exclaimed nervously, backing off an inch.
There was a reason Maple Harte was the only pure mortal in House Leadership.
"I'm afraid I have an assignment. Covert operation deep in enemy territory. This assignment is a...personal one." The Sith Assassin explained. "The Siren
Esmeralda Io
requires someone to see to her safety while she completes the task the Brain Demon requested."
"What world?"
"Ession. She is to go to some old ruins in the Nightingale Plains. It was an old Castle. It contains information very personal to the Matriarch."
"How personal?"
Strelok started to explain and Talisa's eyes widened.
Talisa was wearing an iron gray armorweave catsuit with a metallic sheen at the Library when Esmeralda finally showed, and explained her presence.
"I know well why you are here, Esmeralda. I wish we were meeting under more pleasant circumstances..." The blonde Android replied, shifting to face the short statured Siren. The doors closed and special Force fields to keep their voices from carrying beyond it's boundary they were now inside of. Talisa had requested them installed for the meeting.
"This task you have been provided...the place we are going to on Ession is the remains of a shattered castle containing lost information. But...it's not just any old death trap filled ruin..."
Talisa leaned forward, not trusting even the Force Fields.
"Those ruins are where the biological father of the Matriarch was born."