The music bounced off of the fabric-lined walls of the club, the waves of neon light washing over the dancing bodies that crowded the floor between the extended bar and the pazaak tables that surrounded it. Dressed to her best, hair tied up for a long night out, Sable couldn't help but move to the beat that added to the pounding in her chest. Her cards were held tight to her chest in one hand, away from the prying eyes of the other players that sat or stood around the table with her, while her other held a short glass filled with alcohol of various colors and a large ball of ice, the sloshing of drowned out by the loud music. It was near the end of the third round of card drawing and she was feeling especially lucky - a couple of the others, a Twi'lek and a rather cranky Gand, had already busted. A quick look at her hand, nearly spilling her drink down her front in the process, and she smiled confidently.
"And that's game." Sable said before taking a quick sip of her drink while throwing her cards onto the tabletop in showy fashion. Twenty points was a winning hand, and with it being the third round that meant the whole thing was over - or, rather, it being the third round that she'd drawn the closest to twenty meant the whole thing was over. There were a few groans, and a wistful whistle from the Twi'lek as the credit chits were slid over to her, and with a swipe of the reader on the bracelet she was wearing withdrew the winnings from the physical coins that were pushed towards her, something frequent players and high rollers tended to invest in to avoid getting mugged and other unpleasantries. Just as she was about to stand up, though, a firm hand, a familiar roughness at that, rest itself on her bare shoulder.
She grumbled. "I'm not even drunk yet." Sable complained. "Can't we just enjoy one night?"
Model by trade, the swivel of her chair brought her to face the one and only

Interrupting her like this was something he did for one of two reasons; either he needed something from her, maybe credits or some of her spice, or there was a job he wanted her in on.
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