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Character Pazarro Krinemon III | CEO of Krinemonen Hydraworks




Name: Pazarro Krinemon III, Paz to his friends
Age: 218
Species: Mon Calamari
Gender: Male
Height: 6'4"
Weight: 110 lbs
Force Sensitive: No
Faction:Tingel Arm Coalition, Krinemonen Hydraworks
Rank: CEO
Vessels: TBD


A ghastly old Mon Calamari hooked up to cybernetics that have extended his life to an unnatural degree. He remains stationary, representing himself through a hologram to those he meets with.


  • TBD...

Pazarro Krinemon III prides himself on a story of rags to riches. He believes in hard work and dedication, committing his life to honoring the legacy of his species as renounced engineers. He's cunning and business savvy, with over a hundred years of experience in the art of the deal, and has a strong patriotic love for his home planet of Krinemonen III, an often forgotten Mon Calamari colony world. He has a strong hatred for anything Sith or Imperial, having grown up seeing the scars they had inflicted upon his people.


  • Super genius.
  • Cybernetic enhancement to extend lifespan.
  • Brain hooked up to a supercomputer.
  • Business savvy.
  • Expert engineer.
  • Stationary.
  • Physically frail.
  • Old lmao.

Pazarro Krinemon III prides himself on a story of rags to riches. His ancestors were integral to the founding of Krinemonen III as a civilization, back when the conquest of Mon Calamari and other aquatic worlds forced them to flee and settle away from their ancestral home. Krinemonen III was, however, anything but prosperous. Even with advanced shipyards of Mon Cala design, they struggled to maintain relevance in their small pocket of the Galaxy in the Tingel Arm region. Pazarro would be born to a dockworker, one with aspirations of becoming an engineer. He passed his love onto his son, sending him to Dac to study at Mon Calamari Shipyards. What wound up occurring was the lighting of a passionate fire in Paz's heart, one which could only be quenched with intergalactic success for Krinemonen III.

When he returned home, Paz founded Krinemonen Hydraworks, uniting the shipyards of the planet under his banner. He ramped up industrialization, focusing development on city stations and generation ships. Through this he brought new commerce to Krinemonen III, helped his people weather the storm of the Bryn'adul in the depths of the planet's seas, and committed his factories to the Tingel Arm Coalition in a renewed opposition of Imperial forces. Pazarro would utilize cybernetics to enhance his lifespan tenfold, believing himself to be the only visionary suited to lead Krinemonen Hydraworks into the future.

Now he looks to expand. Barren planets in the galaxy need settling, and Paz looks to create new opportunity.

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