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Approved NPC PD-141

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Rustbuckets will never go out of style.

  • Age: 30
  • Model: Pilot Droid
  • Appearance: PD-141 has q white base coat on his body, with a light blue optical "eye" in the center of his head. He has a few scrapes and dents that Leenic never bothered to get fixed, but nothing major.
  • Name: PD-141, "PD" for short
  • Loyalties: Leenic Ellsil
  • Notable Equipment: E-11 Blaster Carbine
  • Skills: PD-141 is programmed with an array of flight capabilities, from long cargo hauls to combat operations he is plenty capable enough to participate as the pilot.
  • Languages: Basic, Droidspeak, Mando'a
  • Personality: PD-141 has a very sarcastic personality, providing plenty of comic r elief in scenarios which it is needed.
  • Weapon of Choice: E-11 Blaster Carbine
  • Combat Function: PD-141's primary combat capabilities come in the form of both close air support on ground missions, as well as excellent combat capabilities for ship to ship combat. If he is caught away from his ship, he will fight with the intention of escape, typically using distractions to mask his getaway.
  • Excellent Pilot: Due to his programming and years of experience PD is a very good pilot by nature, and has even been see to outperform professional military pilots in the field of battle.
  • Adaptive: PD, due to his AI, is quite adaptable to all situations, giving him plenty of ability to shift combat strategies mid fight in order to best engage the enemy.
  • Humorous: PD is good at keeping morale up through his jokes, and can get the people he is talking to through even the toughest conditions through sheer laughter and good stories.
  • Fragile: PD is not at all designed for ground deployments, as even just tripping is enough to critically damage his systems. Because of this, he will not willingly deploy himself outside of the ship, meaning that his presence is only felt through close air support and radio chatter.
  • Avoids Combat: Due to his fragile nature, PD will avoid ground combat at all costs, meaning that if he is caught in the crossfire he will be more effective as a shield than as a combatant.
  • EMP Weakness: If hit by an EMP, PD will be shut off for an abnormally long period of time. This leaves whatever ship he is piloting unattended for a few minutes after even its own systems come online, making it vulnerable to attack.

PD-141 was originally designed and programmed to be the next step in Pilot Droid technology, implemented with some of the best combat training in the galaxy as well as an ever adapting AI, he was supposed to be the droid to replace all pilots. However, after 10 short years of service he was phased out for another model of pilot droid by his old owners, being left to drift aimlessly through the galaxy.

After 20 years of this drifting in a U-Wing he had acquired, PD picked up a Mandalorian bounty hunter named Leenic and the two hit it off pretty well. He acted as a bit of a hired chauffeur for a while, giving Leenic air support and transport when he needed it, before Leenic hired him as a full time pilot. The two have stuck together for the past few months, with each filling a specific role in their little combat group.
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